
When She Died

This is a story of a lover separated by an unexpected event, a story that will break our hearts, as they face the challenge of being apart in each other, a story of isolation and suffering will they meet again? or does it end in hardship and failure.

5 Chs



After the doctor talked about that her condition, I know that she needed me, this IS the time where she needed me the most, when I entered the room I saw Lixen peacefully sleeping while having so many tube inserted in deferent part of her body, I saw many apparatus blinking as indication that she is alive and with me thank God but I hope for her recovery.

"Honey listen to me you will fight huh, y-you sh-shou-ld not leave me" I said between my cries, I tried to cheer her up even though she does not hear me.

"I love you, did you know that?" I was crying while talking to her hoping that she can hear it I tried to hold her hand and feel her warm skin how I miss this scent of your baby I was about to put her hand back to her bed when her finger suddenly moves.

"lixen! lixen!" I immediately check her at last you responded to me I immediately hug her I am very happy to those little improvements you have been showing off.

"I gu-ess yo-u al-re-ady know" I was shock to hear her voice which made lift my head to check if she is awake. I was right she is awake thank God, she flashes a wide and weak smile to me.

"it's okay you should rest don't talk to much just focus on your fast recovery" I pat her hair and hush her, I should have taken care of you lixen if only I could turn back time.

"lixen please don't leave me" I hold her and look at her intently.

"I cant pro-mise cl-yde b-ut al-wa-ys remem-ber even if I am n-ot with you I am al-wa-ys wath-ching y-ou" she said while pointing her finger in the ceiling and slowly dropping her tears.

"shhh that is not gonna" I gently wipe her tears and suddenly the door opened. And I saw a middle aged woman entered the room.

"Mom" oh that was her mother, she is the one that I saw on the park while sitting on the bench past months ago.

"hijo I was glad that you immediately bring her to the hospital" her mother told me while putting sown the fruits that she brought. She hurriedly goes to lixen's side and hug her.

"Sweetie? You should fight I know you can do this" her mother said while hugging her tightly. "I know you can survive this"

"Mom we sho-uld all ac-cept th-at thi-s is the en-d alw-ays re-mem-ber tha-t I lo-ve you" she said while caressing her mother's face and crying.

"Cly-de I am ho-ping tha-t you wi-ll re-memb-er the da-ys we spe-nd tho-se memories that we sha-red and ple-ase al-wa-ys v-is-it my to-mb and do re-mem-ber th-at so-me-one was lo-vi-ng you an-d con-ti-nue lov-ing you ev-en if thi-s is the la-st I love- you ho-ney I wi-ll al-wa-ys be you-r an-gel" My tears are continuously flowing as she tried to hug me while her voice was cracking.

"C-clyde sana wag mo kong kalimutan lagi mong alalahanin na may nagmahal sayo at ako yun clyde t-tandaan m-mo l-lagi a-akong I w-will a-al-ways be your angel" sabi nya pa with a crack in her voice.

"I love you too but please don't leave me lixen" I beg for her to fight.

"I am ha-pp-y th-at yo-u lo-ve me, if on-ly I c-oul-d st-ay to yo-u I wo-uld, bu-t thi-ngs are ge-tti-ng worst and he is calling me, I sho-uld-d go and ma-ke my re-po-rt" She is smiling to me and reach my hands.

"No don't say that you will recover soon, and I am waiting for that" I assure her t hat everything is alright, I know miracle do come true.

"C-clyde I'm tired I j-just wan-t to r-rest s-sorry if I di-dnt te-ll you ear-li-er" she said between her breath I cannot stand seeing her like this.

"No lixen you will fight okay?!" I hush her and hug her I miss my baby.

"I wa-nted t-oo Cl-yde b-ut my bo-dy s-ay-ing no I am sor-rry" she tried to speak but her voice was getting low, and her pale lips is starting to turn into pale violet.

"No! lixen!" I immediately press the buzzer to call the doctor or nurses. While I was holding to her she kept on smiling to me as if she is happy and free no we will get through this just hold on darling just hold on please.

"Please! No! lixen! Hold on lixen! Please! Don't leave me!" I shouted because of my emotion, her hand is slowly caressing my face and cheeks.

"I wi-ll no-t le-ave y-ou, I w-ill al-ways be he-re fo-r you c-cly-de re-mem-ber I al-ways love yo-u and I wi-ll con-ti-nue lov-ing yo-u" her voice was almost gone she and her squinty eyes was smiling at me. No! Lixen!!

"ahhhhh!!! Arrghhhh!" She shouted as she holds her head, I harshly press the buzzer button why they were taking so long to go here! Someone was in danger! I continued pressing the buzzer button because I don't know what to do even her mother was crying beside her daughter please! Save lixen!

"NURSE!!!" I shouted all with my lungs I can't bears this was very painfull and suddenly I heard a loud sound coming from one of the apparatus that is connected to her, this was the sound that I hated the most when I shifted my gaze in the monitor it was showing the straight line which made my whole world fall the tears slowly escape in my eyes.

"lixen!! No!!" I shouted while the nurses were kept pulling me away.

"lixen!!" her mother shouted all I can hear was cry as the doctor try to revive her.




That is the last thing a hear after all the doctor and nurses left the room, when I enter the room my tears continue to flow rapidly as I saw her covered with white blanket.