
Chapter 130

"Loki. My son. I always knew of your love and your confusion. It gave me sorrow to not be able to ease that confusion, but I am man enough to admit I didn't know how. But I am so pleased with your wife, Son. She has softened you and has brought our family together in a way only your Mother could have. I have watched as you were finally able to show your love for your brother and accept his love in return. I had not planned to come here as I knew I was unwanted, but I always watched over you. When I heard your words, I left immediately. I believe I gave Heimdall a bit of a shock."

Loki and Odin both chuckled. I filed away to ask who Heimdall was later. I was not about to interrupt this heartwarming moment. Loki had grown up felt lost once he knew what he was. This was healing for the both of them. I watched proudly as Loki walked to Odin and they hugged each other. My heart filled with joy and love to see them reunited. 

"Son, please present your wife so I may meet and thank her properly."

Loki came to me and took my hand. He gave me such a happy smile. He pulled me out onto the sand and over by Odin. 

"Father, may I present my wife, Ariane."

Odin did something that astounded me. He bowed to me. "I am honored, my Lady."

I glanced at Loki, and he looked shell-shocked.

As Odin straightened, he caught sight of Loki's face, and his laughter filled the air.

"Do not look so shocked, my son. I do bow on occasion when the person is worthy of it." He looked at me. "And my dear, you are more than worthy. I can never repay you for the gift you have given me. You gave me my son back. I wish you both long and happy years." He tilted his head. "Although I did not expect you to also become wife to my other son. I do wonder how this will work with you as Queen."

I panicked. I didn't want to be a queen. "Look Mr. ummm… shit. Loki never explained how to address you."

He laughed. "Odin is fine. Or Father if you would like." 

I grinned. "Ok. I'll stick with Odin for now until I know you better. It takes a bit before I claim a dad."

He smiled and nodded. "You have much wisdom yourself, my dear daughter."

"Thanks. But Odin, I don't want to be a queen. I gotta be fully honest. I do love all three of them, but my main love is Loki. I don't want to rule next to Thor."

Odin did something unexpected. He stepped forward and grabbed me in a hug. I froze for a minute not knowing what to do before hugging him back. I felt Loki watch in shock. As Odin released me, he patted me on the cheek.

"Dear one, I do appreciate your candor and honesty. But something my sons have never understood was that they were meant to rule together, not separately. So, you are Queen to them both. And Asgard will adore you. You will be good for the Realms. And your other man too. The one with the metal arm. He will help keep you all grounded and provide a different point of view."

Odin looked at Loki. "My son, bring her to Asgard when you have a chance so she can see her future home. I am in no hurry to step down and the Realms are at peace, so no hurry is needed. Word has already spread of your wedding and wife and the kingdom is rejoicing for you."

I don't think I have ever seen Loki speechless like this for so long. I giggled and even Odin looked amused. 

"I do not think I have ever seen you at loss for words, Son."

"Um, Odin?"

"Yes, dear one?"

"I owe you an apology. I may or may not have threatened to break your face for talking bad about Loki." I looked uncomfortable. 

Odin's laughter rang out.

"Oh, I was aware my dear and no apology necessary. It amused me and delighted me that you would defend him so, even to me. You are good for him as he is good for you. There are still trials to come ahead but you will survive through them. One day you will all rule Asgard together and the kingdom will flourish."

He looked at Loki and shocked Loki even more. He gave Loki a hug. "I love you, my son. I always have. And I am proud of you."

I saw the emotion cross Loki's face as he hugged his father tightly. "Thank you, Father. More than you know."

As Odin stepped back, he smiled at both of us. "I must go. But before I do, Heimdall wanted me to give you his congratulations and well wishes for you and your wife. He has kept his eye on you since you have been on Midgard as well and is also proud in how you have grown."

With a nod, the bright light shone down and when it died Odin was gone. I looked over at Loki and watched as he dropped to his knees. His tears ran down his face. He looked over at me. 

"Lokes? Are you ok?"

With a laugh he sprang to his feet and swept me up in his arms and kissed me hard. 

"Oh, my love, my wife. You have given me so much. My brother, my father, and an explanation that Father always cared. I am uncertain about the joint ruling, but I do not care as long as you are by my side."

I smiled and kissed him softly. While he was gazing at me, he didn't pay attention as I shifted my body. I shoved him backward and swept his legs out from underneath him. He fell back with a shout and ended up on his back in the sand. Before he could blink, I had straddled him and leaned down to kiss him hard, teasing his lips with my tongue until he opened his mouth to me. I devoured his mouth for a change, hungry for my new husband. His hands gripped my hips as I rocked against him. As I broke the kiss, I bit his lip sharply. He moaned and looked at me with eyes of blue fire.

"I want you, my husband. I want to pleasure you, ride you, make you scream here on this beach." I gave a quick wink. "But I don't really want to wear sand."

He shivered as I made a satin blanket spread wide around us, and it slid across his skin. His shirt and coat disappeared, and I ran my hands over the hard muscles of his chest.

"Then take me, my wife. Take all you want from me." He gestured and made the rest of his clothes disappear. I felt his arousal hard underneath me. I willed my clothes away. I wanted to give him some romance, so I had fireflies fill the air around us, giving us a magical glow. He looked up at them and back at me.

"Tonight, I want to romance you, my husband. Last time we were here you romanced me. It's my turn."