
Chapter 108

"I will hold you to that promise, my dear."

"I expected nothing less."

I smiled and looked over at Nat and Wanda. "So girls, Loki asked me dinner so it seems I have a date you need to dress me for."

"YES! I love using you like my personal Barbie Doll. Come on! We have clothes and makeup to figure out."

I giggled and wrinkled my nose at the word makeup. 

'It's not so bad my pet. I like your mouth with lipstick on. I like it better when it's smeared on my cock.'

I felt the heat build and was wet just imaging it. 'Deal'

I got up and Loki quickly grabbed a pillow and put it on his lap. There were quite a few knowing looks, but no one said anything. I stuck my tongue out at him while I was walking away. 

'See? I told you people would understand.'

'I will be biting that tongue later my dear.'

'Oh, I sincerely hope so,'

With a wink I walked out the door with my girls.


I laid on my bed and watched in amusement as Nat and Wanda tore through my closet. Well, Loki's closet and his bed. Tony was merging my and Bucky's bedrooms, so we were all displaced into Loki's room. He used magic to make room in his closet for my things. 

"You went shopping without us!" Wanda looked at me sternly. 

"Nope. I wouldn't dream of it. The boys bought me all the new stuff. It was here when I got back home."

My wardrobe now had a good mix of greens. blues, and reds. "Since it's Loki pick green things. Then tomorrow you can pick red things and the next day blue."

"I died and went to heaven. Three dates to dress you in a row. I knew I loved you for a reason girl! Not just your complete badassness!"

We had no idea where Loki was taking me, so they picked a deep green dress with a flowing skirt that went to mid-thigh. It had a strapless top that really accented my breasts. Gold heels completed the outfit. I twirled and the skirt flowed out around me.

"It's perfect guys. Not too dressy but not too casual either. Amazingly, Loki bought this one."

Nat came over with a box. "He bought this too. He said to have you wear it tonight."

She opened it and it was a sunflower pendant with emeralds for petals. It was amazing and I teared up. It was like the sunflower I gave him. Nat put it on for me.

"It's gorgeous Ari." Wanda sighed.

"Now make up, girl. Although you don't really need any honestly. You already look perfect."

"Lipstick. I need lipstick."

Nat laughed as she had guessed why. "Naughty girl."

"You know it. Besides it was a request."

"Ohh fun man. Best combo ever."

"Oh yeah."

Wanda came over with a deep red shade. Not bright enough to look like a hooker but not so dark that it clashed with the dress.

"Perfect Wanda!"

I put on the lipstick and even I had to admit it looked good. I made a very good Barbie Doll.

"Ok time to show off our creation. Come'on Wanda!"

Wanda and Nat led the way laughing. They blocked me from view as we got closer to the door where we agreed to meet Loki. Tony was with him, and they were talking quietly. I couldn't see them but I heard the jingle of keys, so I assumed Tony was letting him borrow a car.

"Alright boys. Ready to see how we did?!"

"Wait! We wanna see too!"

Steve, Bruce, Bucky and Thor all came in from the side. Nat and Wanda shifted to keep me hidden. I shook my head with a smile. You would think I looked like shit every day. 

"Ok, everyone ready?" At everyone's nod, Wanda and Nat stepped away. "TADA!"

I stood there in my emerald dress and gold heels with the new green sunflower pendant. I saw everyone's mouth drop open, but my eyes were only focused on Loki. His eyes widened and his lips parted. Even mentally I could tell he was speechless. It was a few moments before anyone said anything.

"Damn. I don't know whether to applaud or send you back to your room. You look stunning Kiddo."

"Thanks Dad!"

"Doll…" Bucky turned to Nat and Wanda. "I want you to dress her for my date too."

"I as well." Thor nodded.

Nat and Wanda grinned. "That was already the plan." She walked over and put her arm around me. "I never got to play dress up with dolls as a kid. So, I'm using Ari and I think we do a damn good job."

"You really do Nat!" Steve was eyeing me with envy. 

"Easy there Capsicle. Your tights won't fit you in certain areas if keep looking at me like that."

I heard him lose his breath as Bucky elbowed him in the stomach. "No mentally undressing my girl, Steve."

"Too late."

I laughed as Bucky turned and chased Steve out of the room. I looked over at Loki, who hadn't said anything yet. I walked over to him and looked up into his face. 

"Is everything ok, Kokoro no Yokubo?" I looked down. I knew it looked good but maybe it was the wrong look. "Do I need to go change?" I looked back up at him.

"No…" he breathed out softly. "You look sensational."

I had never heard that breathy voice from him before and it was a complete turn on. Especially when he was wearing that black-on-black suit that I loved. He didn't have a tie this time and the first couple of buttons on the shirt were undone so I knew tonight was more casual. I took his hand and threaded his fingers with mine. 

"Should we go, Lokes?"

He blinked and shook his head a little, like he had been entranced and was waking up. "Yes pet. Tony? Thank you for the use of your car and everything else." 

Tony nodded as I gave a questioning glance at Loki. Everything else? This was going to be interesting. You never knew what Loki was going to think of. 

Loki pulled me out the door and to the car. It was Tony's R8. He must have hidden the keys after Loki took it last time. Loki helped me in and went around to the driver's side and slid in behind the wheel. His eyes lingered on me for a minute before he started the car. He pulled away from the Tower then he grabbed my hand and held it while he drove. 

We had been driving a while when I asked "Lokes? Where are going?"