
Chapter 106

"So… when did this start? And why didn't you do this sooner?"

Loki gave Steve a withering look. "Honestly, Rogers. For someone who is supposed to be America's hero, you certainly are dim."

Steve just rolled his eyes. "Thanks for that. But really? Why be in so much pain for that long if you could heal it?"

I looked at Loki. "He really is dim, isn't he?"

I heard Nat snicker.

"Think America's Ass. Where was she?" Tony looked at Steve. "What do you think Francis would do to keep her if he knew she could heal anything he did? Remember, he gets his rocks off on torturing people. And to have one that can heal and not die? We would've never gotten her back."

"Oh. Yeah, I didn't think of that. I was just focused on her not hurting."

"That's why you're the face and I'm the brains." Tony looked at me. "You sure you're alright, Kid?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I didn't heal immediately because before when I've tried, I've always known what I was healing specifically. I don't know if I can just do a general healing. I guess I should mention I can heal others people too."

"Shit, Kid. Yeah, that would be good to know. Anything else you can do we should know?"

I looked at my guys. 'I think we should keep our personal talking to ourselves. Maybe explain we can feel each other cause they knew something was up while you were trying to find me.' I heard their agreement.

"Well, the boys can feel if I'm hurt. It's how they knew something was really wrong and were panicking trying to find me. They could feel what they were doing."

"Oh dear god…" I hear Wanda whisper in horror. 

"And I'm pretty sure, my pet, that you were the one that brought us there. I am not able to move so many at one time and to a location that is not known to me."

I looked startled, then thoughtful. "I could see that. I was wanting you all there to save me so badly. I did feel something in my head, but I thought it was just pain. Then you were all there. Well, holy shit." I looked at Loki, sad for some reason. "I'm sorry that all the powers we do share are so much stronger."

He stroked my cheek and smiled. "There is nothing to be sorry for, kitten. I am proud of you, not jealous. I am content with my powers. And I am in awe of what you can do."

I hugged him tight and sent him a thought. 'As long as you're sure."

'I'm sure.'

"Oh, by the way Bruce. I forgot to ask with all the wedding and Hydra stuff. Can you do tests on Buck? See if he's changing like me? DNA wise?"

"Already done, Dollface. You were kinda preoccupied so I asked. I'm just waiting on the results."

Bruce smiled. "I feel this'll be good news then. Yes, your DNA is changing to match theirs. You'll all have those thousands of years together." 

I gave a big whoop and jumped on Bucky where he was lying on the floor. He caught me and grinned.

"Careful there, Doll. Especially if you want any fun tonight."

"Ew… you guys seriously gotta stop that. I don't want to think of my daughter that way."

I looked at Tony and gave him a big smile. Then I jumped up and ran to him and flung my arms around his waist and hugged him tight, almost knocking him over. He looked down at me startled.

"That's the first time you've called me your daughter. You usually just call me Kid." I whispered happily.

"I'm sorry about that. I should do it more often. I'm just getting used to having a daughter now."

I looked at everyone as I stood there hugging Tony. 

"I love all of you. You're the family I always dreamed of." 

My heart being so full of happiness and love, I just had to share. I filled the air filled with flowers of all kinds, letting them drift down. One tucked itself behind Nat's ear and another behind Wanda's. I wanted something special for my guys. A green sunflower settled itself in Loki's hand, a blue sunflower into Bucky's, and a red sunflower in Thor's. 

"Why sunflowers, Doll?"

"They stand for longevity, adoration, and pure love. Thank you, my pet. I will treasure this always." Loki gave a wave and all three flowers shimmered briefly with a green light. "Now they will never fade, just like our love for you."

"I swear you four are the most sickeningly sweet sappy…couple-ish ever." I heard Sam behind me.

I shook my head and heard Sam yelp as a bucketful of syrup dumped on his head and dripped down his body. 

"Now you are the stickiest sweet one, dear Sam."

Bucky had read what I was doing just before it happened and had snuck behind Sam with a pillow. With a strong grip Bucky ripped the pillow in two and covered Sam in feathers. Everyone looked shocked and then huge peals of laughter filled the room.

"I'm sending you the cleaning bill, Sam." Tony could barely get the words out for laughing.

"Hey, I didn't ask for this! Why do I have to pay for it? And damn Bucky, why the feathers?"

I snickered. "You get the bill cause you opened your big mouth as always. And why not the feathers? You're the Falcon, right? Don't Falcons have feathers?"

"Oh god… oh god my ribs." I heard Nat giggling behind me. "Please no more. I can't breathe."

Smiling, I went to the couch. Loki sat down and pulled me into his lap, my back against his chest. He bent his head and rested it on my shoulder. Bucky came and laid down with his head in my lap and Thor settled in against my legs. Absently I started to stroke their hair.

I saw Wanda and Nat smile. "You guys make the perfect picture. I'm happy to see all four of you so happy. You've helped each other grow into the people you were always meant to be." Her eyes got distant. "But you will not always be four. Three more come into your family. Unexpected and in an unusual way, unlike anything ever seen."

She blinked and saw everyone staring at her. I looked worried. "Three more, Wanda? I don't think I can handle that many."