
Crowd Stuck in the Square

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chapter 212 Crowd Stuck in the Square

Perhaps the guards took the longer route so that they could rob Benjamin. So there weren’t any witnesses to his murder.

After getting rid of the bodies, Benjamin hid in the crack near the wall, and used a water sphere to wash the dirt off his body. Then he removed the beggar’s disguise and changed into the military outfit that he just stole.

After quickly checking the outfit for rips and tears, he emerged again.

Disguised as a patrol guard, he suddenly had an idea. Of course, he didn’t have any chance of blending in with the guards – he wasn’t even a real guard, he didn’t know the commands, it will not be long before the others discover him.

The thing was, the beggar’s disguise can’t be used anymore, and he could now only act as one of the patrol guards on duty. If they were to only pass them by, and not draw any special attention, he believed that he could get away with it.