
Collision beyond Humanity

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

"... Bull’s eye?"

From above the river, Grant glanced at the surface of the water. However, it was not as he imagined. The light threads quickly disappeared into the water, and yet, no trace of blood was seen.

This meant that that blow was not fatal.

Immediately, the flowing river experienced a sudden change. Layers and layers of icicle spread outward like waves, freezing the entire river. The sudden drop in temperature caused the mountainous walls on both sides to be covered with white frost in a blink of an eye. The Norman River Valley seemed to have fallen into an ice age.

Grant couldn't help but narrow his eyes seriously.

It was the force that destroyed the barrier at the imperial capital...

He suddenly flew high up into the sky. The sunlight that was shining down was collected and concentrated at the tip of his finger. Wave after wave of magical oscillation made sounds like that of a chiming clock.