
Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]

This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters belong to their respective owners!! --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II, III)~-- Lily Potter sacrificed herself to protect her son but things didn't go as planned and find herself in a different situation than expected... How will Harry cope with someone guiding him in his steps in the Wizarding World? Find out about the young Wizard with a different take on destiny and the changes it brings... --~Synopsis (SEASON- IV)~-- Harry is no longer the weak little child that he was a few years ago. Now, he is no longer alone without any allies, but his enemies have also started to make their moves with new enemies starting to rear their heads... What will Harry do? Will he crumble under the pressure or will he thrive in the face of his enemies? ~~This is not a Canon Rewrite or anything similar~~ --~Support the Author~-- If you appreciate and love my work, then you are welcome to donate to support me and keep me motivated. Upto 25 Chapters advanced Chapters of this Fanfic are available on my P.a.t.r.e.o.n. P.A.T.R.E.O.N Link- p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/IngloriousMe --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · 电影同人
228 Chs

The-New-Chapter-Begins (IV)

"Harry Potter, is he really that Harry Potter?"

"But why would Harry Potter come here? I thought he would attend Hogwarts"

"That's not the Boy-Who-Lived, he doesn't have the scar"

"Though he does have messy black hair and green eyes… Yummy!"

"I wonder if he will teach us some awesome Magic…"

Harry could obviously hear various types of murmurs from the circular balcony. He was already expecting reactions like this, but this was much worse than his expectations. He was barely holding himself back from cringing… Harry took a deep breath and decided to somehow hold together until he was sorted.

Harry raised his head to stare at the four mascot statues representing each House, waiting to see which one was going to react to him…

The Horned Serpent House is represented by the Horned Serpent statue. Sometimes, Horned Serpent is considered to represent the mind of a Witch or Wizard. That is why Witches or Wizards who seek knowledge are sorted in Horned Serpent. For the same reason, knowledge is favored the most in Horned Serpent. Unsurprisingly, the House of Horned Serpent is represented by the emblem of a Horned Serpent on uniforms.

(Image Here)

The Wampus House is represented by the Wampus statue. Sometimes, Wampus is considered to represent the body of a Witch or Wizard. That is why the Witches and Wizards with traits of a warrior were sorted into the House of Wampus. For the same reason, combat ability is favored the most in the House of Wampus. Unsurprisingly, the House of Wampus is represented by the emblem of a Wampus on uniforms.

(Image Here)

The Thunderbird House is represented by the Thunderbird statue. Sometimes, Thunderbird is considered to represent the soul of a Witch or Wizard. Though, regardless of a Thunderbird's connection to a soul, Witches, and Wizards who seek adventures are sorted into the House of Thunderbird. Unsurprisingly, the House of Thunderbird is represented by the emblem of a Thunderbird on uniforms.

(Image Here)

And finally, the House of Pukwudgie is represented by the Pukwudgie statue. Sometimes, Pukwudgie is considered to represent the heart of a Witch or Wizard. That is why Healers were favored in the House of Pukwudgie as without a good heart, you could never become a successful Healer. For the same reason, Witches and Wizards with good hearts were sorted into the House of Pukwudgie. Unsurprisingly, the House of Pukwudgie was represented by the emblem of a Pukwudgie on uniforms.

(Image Here)

That is why Harry wasn't surprised when the statue of the Horned Serpent started to react to him… To be honest, it wasn't a surprise… At least, not to him. After all, he was quite aware of the fact that he loved reading. Not only that, he didn't have many traits of a warrior. True, he wanted to become the strongest, but that didn't mean he was a warrior, but a warrior can be co-related with the trust for power.

The House of Horned Serpent cheered loudly, while a few voices could be heard complaining and whining. Ignoring all that, Harry simply started to make his way toward the prefects of Horned Serpent, who were waiting with the rest of the first years who were sorted into Horned Serpent under the mascot of their House. Harry arrived where the prefects and the other first years were standing and he was immediately showered with congratulations.

"Hey, I am Jake Taylor and I am the seventh year prefect, if you need some help, then you can always ask me!" One of the seventh year prefects introduced himself with a cheerful grin on his face.

"Jake!" Jake's counterpart swatted him on the arm as she scowled at him. "You can have this conversation with him in the common room. Now, shut up. Professor Ridge is glaring at us" The female prefect whispered furiously while glaring at Jake, who could only scratch the back of his head sheepishly. When the female prefect was done chastising Jake, she turned around and smiled at Harry before turning back.

"Whoa! I have read the stories. Do you really have a flying castle?" A boy standing beside Harry asked with stars in his eyes, but before Harry could answer, a girl standing behind them decided to answer for him.

"Those are story books for a reason, all of them are made up. Do you really think a four year old could fight a Dragon?" The girl asked with a sneer and the boy's face turned red in embarrassment and anger.

"What do yo…" The boy was about to start arguing, but Harry decided to interfere as he didn't want to start an argument and ruin his first impression.

"She is right. I do not have a flying castle, nor have I ever fought a Dragon" Harry interrupted while looking at the boy, making him sputter. The boy simply huffed and looked away and Harry had no idea how to react to that or why the boy was reacting like that in the first place.

"I was half expecting you to go along with the stories… Anyone in your situation would have loved to boast" The girl pointed out and Harry simply gave her a look. The girl's blonde hair was tied into a ponytail and her brown eyes were covered by a pair of round glasses.

"You do not know me, miss and I do not like boasting" Harry pointed out with an indifferent look on his face. The girl simply pushed up her glass and extended her hand toward Harry.

"I am Brittany Lawrance from the House of Lawrance. It's nice to make your acquaintance, Mr. Potter" The girl introduced herself. Harry accepted the offered hand and brushed his lips over the back of her hand, making the girl light up like a christmas tree. Harry realized that Brittany probably wanted him to shake her hand, not kiss it.

"Um… Sorry" Harry quickly apologized, but Brittany quickly regained her bearings and shook it off. "I am Harry Potter, you can call me Harry" Harry quickly added.

"It's alright, Harry. I simply wasn't expecting you to kiss my hand and you can call me Brittany" Brittany explained and the boy standing beside them simply scowled at the two of them. Harry noticed the looks he was giving him and Brittany, and he could already guess that the boy was going to be a huge annoyance. Though Harry simply couldn't understand why the boy was acting like this.

At first, the boy was acting like a fanboy and now he was glaring at him… Was the boy angry at him for breaking his delusions? Maybe… Harry simply decided to ignore the boy for the time being and watch the sorting. After some time, the sorting was finally over as all the first years have been sorted. Now that the sorting was finally over, everyone on the circular balcony started to leave and the House Heads started to approach their respective prefects and first years.

"I am Professor Stuart Ridge, and I am the Head of Horned Serpent House. I am also going to be your History Professor. You can refer to me as Sir or Professor, I don't mind either. There are some House rules and the prefects will tell you about the rules after returning to the common room" The Head of the Horned Serpent House introduced himself and from the looks of it, the man was somewhere between his twenties and thirties.

"Now, all of you will be receiving your Wands. As Wands are extremely personal to a Witch or a Wizard, only the Wand Crafter, Violetta Beauvias will present with you. Now, please follow me…" Stuart said as he started to lead the whole group toward the dining hall. Jacklyn had told him where he will be getting his Wand, so he already knew where Stuart was leading them. The other House Heads were also doing the same.

"You will be called according to your names, so the rest of you must wait patiently. I will be most unhappy if any of you create a scene" Stuart warned as the whole group arrived in front of a classroom. The door was closed, so nobody knew what was going on inside the room. As soon as other House Heads arrived with their own first years, Thomas once again stepped forward and started calling out names. Harry simply decided to wait patiently as there was nothing better to do…

|I am quite impressed with their system, even though I don't like their system of having a Wand permit| Lily grumbled inside his mind.

|It won't matter if I have a permit or not when I become the strongest| Harry argued back and Lily started to giggle in agreement.

|True… true… Though you look quite good in that uniform| Lily agreed as she decided to add a comment about his uniform.

Harry looked down at his uniform and couldn't help but smile… He liked his uniform too. The robes were blue and cranberry, in honor of Isolt and James. The blue because Isolt loved the color and she also wanted to be a Ravenclaw as a child and cranberry was in honor of James for his love of cranberry pies. The robes were fastened by a golden Gordian Knot, to respect the brooch Isolt found at the ruins of the original Ilvermorny Cottage.

(Image Here)

"Potter Harry" Thomas finally called Harry's name and due to that, Harry was finally broken out of his musings. After taking a deep breath, Harry made his way toward the door. The door was still open as the last student walked out of the room and Harry could see stacks of small boxes inside the room. Harry entered the room and the door closed behind him.

"Welcome, Hadrian Potter. To be honest, I was extremely surprised when I heard you will be attending Ilvermorny" A frail-looking old woman came into view and Harry's eyes grew wide in surprise after hearing her words…