
Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]

This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters belong to their respective owners!! --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II, III)~-- Lily Potter sacrificed herself to protect her son but things didn't go as planned and find herself in a different situation than expected... How will Harry cope with someone guiding him in his steps in the Wizarding World? Find out about the young Wizard with a different take on destiny and the changes it brings... --~Synopsis (SEASON- IV)~-- Harry is no longer the weak little child that he was a few years ago. Now, he is no longer alone without any allies, but his enemies have also started to make their moves with new enemies starting to rear their heads... What will Harry do? Will he crumble under the pressure or will he thrive in the face of his enemies? ~~This is not a Canon Rewrite or anything similar~~ --~Support the Author~-- If you appreciate and love my work, then you are welcome to donate to support me and keep me motivated. Upto 25 Chapters advanced Chapters of this Fanfic are available on my P.a.t.r.e.o.n. P.A.T.R.E.O.N Link- p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/IngloriousMe --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · 电影同人
228 Chs

The-Discoveries-They-Made (I)

"I hope you are not planning to turn my house into a prison or a dungeon" Jacklyn drawled dryly when she found that Harry was keeping four prisoners in her house.

"Well… No, not exactly. If my apartment was a bit bigger and not within any sort of civilization, then I would have used my own apartment to keep them" Harry answered unconvincingly, making Jacklyn roll her eyes at him.

"I might start charging you gold if you keep using my house as your personal dungeon" Jacklyn wondered aloud and Harry gasped in horror at her words.

"You can't do that!" He blurted out looking horrified. He wanted to keep using her house as his prison. It was a nice place to hold prisoners.

"Hmm… Who knows?" Jacklyn mused with an amused grin on her face. "Alright! So, what are you going to do with them?" Jacklyn asked as she pointed toward one of the prisoners.

"I am currently working on something which would keep her reined in… I will probably need a couple of days more to finish it and when I am finally sure that she won't be able to stab me in the back, I will send her on her merry way so that she could work for me" Harry answered dismissively while staring at Rita Skeeter.

"I wasn't able to get to the Death Eaters so I don't know who he belongs to, so I am going to keep him knocked out for the time being" Harry explained while looking at Dobby, the fanatical and crazy house elf.

"I found her quite intriguing so I offered her to work for me… She accepted" Harry explained while looking at the female version of Moody. He didn't know her name yet, so he decided to call her female Moody for the time being.

"Then why is she knocked out?" Jacklyn asked as she raised her eyebrows at him.

"Well, she might have decided to work for me, but that doesn't mean I trust and I couldn't have asked her to tag along… They would have asked me a lot of uncomfortable questions" Harry sighed while shaking his head. Jacklyn took another look at the Witch and nodded her head in agreement. Harry was right, they would have asked a lot of uncomfortable questions.

"So, what about him?" Jacklyn asked as she pointed toward the only Wizard among the captives. "Did he decide to join you too?" Jacklyn asked curiously.

"I never asked him" Harry shrugged dismissively. "He was the leader of the group so I decided to capture him as I want to know who hired them, if possible…" Harry raised his hand and stared at it before turning back toward Jacklyn, who was waiting for him to finish his sentence. "...and if not, then no skin off my shoulder as he is going to be my Legilimency practice subject" Harry finished with a feral grin on his face.

"Fuck! Have I ever told you that you can be fucking scary!" Jacklyn blurted out with a grimace.

"You might have mentioned it sometimes" Harry commented airily before a grin formed on his face.

"...By the way, there was something I was wondering after you told me about the fight…" Jacklyn started to speak with a conflicted look on her face and Harry simply urged her to continue speaking… "You told me that you used the Killing Curse to kill some of them… I mean… Did Voldemort use the Killing Curse to… you know, kill your parents?" Jacklyn finished nervously.

For a bit Harry simply stared at Jacklyn before he started to chuckle while shaking his head. "The Killing Curse is a weapon, Jacky… It's like hating the knife instead of hating the person who stabbed you" Harry said while chuckling and Jacklyn simply inclined her head with a thoughtful look on her face before finally nodding her head.

"That makes sense…" Jacklyn said while nodding her head. "So, when are you going to wake her up?" Jacklyn asked as she jerked her head toward the female Moody in an attempt to change the topic.

"As soon as I learn how to use sign language" Harry answered, making Jacklyn blink in confusion, but before she could voice her question, Harry decided to answer her unasked question… "She is mute" Harry added, making Jacklyn nod her head in understanding…

<Line Break>

~~Timeskip~~ (A few hours later)

Himera Kuznetsov blinked in confusion as she regained her consciousness… At first, she didn't know where she was or what was happening to her, but then all of a sudden, everything started to come to her… She finally remembered that they were on a mission to kill Harry Potter, but the boy turned the tables on them. She remembered how she had decided to bail after realizing that she couldn't beat the boy and she would probably die.

She remembered the boy catching up to her… She remembered accepting his offer and then nothing. No… That wasn't right. She remembered a golden glow surrounding Harry Potter's hands before she lost consciousness… Harry Potter had knocked her out. She almost growled out in anger, but that wasn't important right… She immediately reached out toward her spare Wand… She wasn't a fool. The boy had knocked her out, there was no way he would leave her primary Wand on her.

"Good morning… So, you are finally up" Someone spoke up from the side and Himera immediately recognized the voice. Her head whipped in that direction only to find Harry Potter standing with his guardian, Jacklyn Harper.

Himera immediately shuffled on her feet and stepped away even though there was already a respectable amount of distance between herself and Harry. /Calm down, I am not planning to attack you/ Harry quickly made some gestures with his hands, making Himera freeze in her tracks.

The last time she met him, he didn't know sign language, she was pretty sure about that. She started to wonder how long she was knocked out… /Where am I?/ Himera asked using sign language. Using sign language with only a hand was hard, but she could manage it as sign language was the only way she could interact with anyone.

/You are in America/ Harry answered her using gestures. /And before you ask, it has been only a day since you were knocked out/ Harry added as he could easily guess what she was planning to ask next.

Himera froze for a second time before she wordlessly scoffed at him. /You learned how to use sign language within a day? I find that very hard to believe/ Himera gestured furiously. First of all, her new boss not only knocked her out without her consent, but now, he was even lying to her.

/I learned how to sign in an hour, but you don't need to believe me… After all, as long as I am paying you gold you don't have any problems do you?/ Harry signed and Himera was so tempted to scoff at his unbelievable claim, but she decided not to bother with it… The only thing that mattered to her was gold and if the boy paid her to claim that he had the biggest dick in the world, then that was what she would do.

/Yes, as long as you keep paying me our pre-determined amount of gold, I won't have any problems/ Himera gestured back. Harry simply grinned and pulled out a pouch and threw it over to her… Usually, she wouldn't have caught the pouch, but she realized that if Harry wanted to kill her then he could have easily killed her, so she caught the pouch with her hand and she immediately knew what was inside the pouch.

She looked at Harry who was already signing with a grin on his face. /30 Galleons, as decided. You may count them at your own leisure, but now that you work for me, tell me about yourself and start with your name/ Harry finished gesturing, making Himera freeze for a second. While a part of her mind wanted to count the gold, she decided to do that later.

She wanted to know if he was a boy of his word or not… If she didn't find 30 Galleons inside the pouch then she would know that she couldn't trust him and if he could go against his word, then he could easily stab her in the back too and in case, there were 30 Galleons in the pouch, then she would treat herself with a shopping trip. So, she dropped the pouch on the ground and started to write her name on the ground.

When she was finally done, Harry called out her name aloud. "Himera Kuznetsov" Harry stated and Himera simply nodded her head. After that, she started to use sign language to tell him about herself. She was a Muggleborn from Russia and she was a student in Koldovstoretz. Unfortunately, she was unable to finish school as when she was in her sixth year, some Muggles broke into her house and killed her parents before kidnapping her.

/Kidnapped you? Do you know who they were?/ Harry asked her with a curious look on his face. Now, Harry had a pretty good idea why Himera looked like a female Moody. He wasn't certain, obviously and that was why he asked.

/They called themselves Hydra and I don't want to talk about them/ Himera gestured furiously. She didn't want to talk about those monsters.

|Hydra!| The word clicked inside Harry's mind. He had a perfect memory and clearly remembered the Ancient One mentioning Hydra and how she could have stopped them. /Hydra. Tell me about them/ Harry gestured and Himera immediately shook her head.

/Not happening/ Himera gestured with a firm look on her face. Harry huffed in annoyance and pulled out another pouch from his robes and threw it toward her. She caught the pouch and this pouch was much heavier than the last one, which made her eyes grow wide in surprise.

/50 Galleons and I will pay you more if I feel like it/ Harry gestured and she stared at him suspiciously. She had tried to tell the others about Hydra, but everyone had scoffed at her until now… Harry Potter clearly had an interest in this Hydra, but he handed her 50 Galleons and offered her to pay more…

So, like any other well-adjusted individual, she started to tell him what happened to her after she was kidnapped by Hydra…


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