
Episode 4: First meeting

Eun Woo: (Appears to be packing his luggages with the rest of his team members, and talking to the audience) Some people say true love is a strong lasting affection between lovers who are in a happy passionate and fulfilling relationship. While others say true love means that you have unwaving, unbreakable and unparalleled fondness and devotion for your partner. But to me true love means caring for another person's happiness more than your own no matter how painful the choices you made face we should be willing to take on the plane in order to see the one you truly love happy. All my life I've searched and looked for the girl who I met when I was just nine years old, I tried so hard to look for her I was never able to find her I never believed in love at first sight even though I heard my friends and people around me talk about it I just didn't believe it I just couldn't believe that on your first encounter with someone you can just love them that was me or that is me the person I am is not the one that can easily fall in love. All my life I have been devoted to one person a person who never knew me maybe that was love at first sight but I really don't want to call it that because like I said I don't believe in love at first sight. Today I'll go to the"Breeding Fire House" to gain special training in order to work as a professional assassinator. Helpfully everything will go smoothly.

Meanwhile at Mei Xing's house

Mei Xing: Father! Sorry I won't be able to attend your funeral, hope you won't blame me? I'm sorry but everything I'm doing today and you need to adventure Dad my heart is hollow my days are empty my life is devoid of any joy while you're away from me I miss you so much. you promised me that you'd stay you promise me that you're going to come and time for my birthday party but now not only will you not be available for my birthday but I'm never going to have any other birthday parties anymore because I resent that day. Dad! don't worry I will avenge you even if it cost me everything even if it cost me my life I will avenge you.

Mrs Lang: Xing! is everything packed already

Mei Xing: Yes mom everything is packed I'm leaving soon.

Mrs Lang: are you really sure you don't want to attend his funeral!

Mei Xing: mum there's no time for that I have to go thanks anyway for letting me do this I will never let you down I promise you that I was going to avenge dad and I will no matter what it takes.

Mrs Lang: Go well your sister and I will always support you and don't push yourself too hard if you can't do it , just know that Justice would definitely make a way for us I love you and I will always love you honey.

Mei Xing:(smiles) thank you mum I love you too (they both hug)

Mei Xing goes outside to enter her car which would take her to the Breeding Fire House. Then Mr Henry arrives.

Mr Henry: Miss Lang!

Mei Xing: Mr Henry good day sir! what are you doing here sir?

Mr Henry: well I heard from your mum that you've taken a training to enter the NIS I really don't know why you suddenly decided to do this but I respect your decision and I want you to know that even if your dad is no more I will continue to support your family being that your dad and I had a good relationship.

Mei Xing: thank you Mr Henry I deeply appreciate your help well I decided to do this because I want to avenge father I want to punish those people who did that to my dad the people who didn't allow him to live the life that he wanted, the life he always wanted to live. So I want to see them suffer I want to be able to see them die one by one, without a place for burial. So I must go for this training.

Mr Henry: I don't understand my slang didn't your dad died in the accident or is there something behind it apart from the accident is there like an act of murder or something?

Mei Xing: well the autopsy shutdown my dad was assassinated with lead poisoning. it was all fake that they make it look like an accident but in reality was an act of assassination.

Mr Henry: This is very bad, who do this to Harry he was such a good person and I don't believe we have any enemies this is serious! well no matter what happens I want you to know that once you need my help I'll be there for you remember to dial my number in case of any emergencies I will definitely be of help.

Mei Xing: Thanks Mr Henry! I'll take my leave now. (She enters the car)

Gina:(Who appears to be running towards her) Wait!!! Wait!!! Mei Xing!!! (she busts into tears seeing that her best friend has left without a goodbye) Mei! I'll wait for you!!!

At the Breeding Fire House

Everyone: (turns to Eun Woo and his group, who were standing together waiting for the next step to take. They started complimenting them)

Stranger one: (referring to Eun)Wow! what a handsome boy, I wish I could get his WeChat account.

Stranger two ( referring to silence) that one is more handsome, I wish I could have his stargram account!

Stranger three (referring to Trident) the girl is the most beautiful I wish she was my girlfriend. (they all giggle).

Quick: Are those people discussing about us?

Sight: Of course they are.

Smoke: I feel like turning those lips of theirs into a barbecue.

Raven: Get it together guys, remember what leader said, we must keep a low profile.

Eclipse: Yeah guys Raven's right let's keep it down. Besides we just have to endure this for some time, it's not we're staying here forever.

Smoke: whatever, I just hate those looks on their faces.

Few seconds after

Coordinator (Miss Jessica) : So everyone gather round.

All all obeyed

Miss Jessica: I'm Miss Jessica Hue! head coordinator of the NIS training center, and I'm pleased to meet you all. Today you all have volunteered to become part of the NIS, and you'll each get a coordinating number, that can help you all to easily identify each other. Also your numbers will be used as your room representative. So please be patient, and choose your numbers once the box for picking gets to you. Thanks for your cooperation.

Few minutes after they all picked their numbers.

Miss Jessica: Well I hope you've all picked your numbers, well I want you all to know that we have a total of 100 people here, so you all have to form a group of ten. No 1-10, starts as group A1, 11-20 will continue as group A2 and 21-30 will be group B1 just like that. so find out the numbers you picked and find your groups. Thank you.

Trident: Villian! what number are you?

Villian: Number 1!

Trident: Great I'm number 3.

Silence: I'm number 7

Raven: 15!

Eclipse: 9

Quick: I'm 5

Sanguine: I'm 6

Ace: I'm 4

Sight: Ouch!

Tiger: What?

Sight: I'm 64! (They all laugh)

Quick: Gosh! guy, you're so lost!

Tiger: Not bad, I'm 63

Sanguine: Wow! Guess you guys were made for each other. (they laugh again)

Villian: So what's Missing now is number 2, 8 and 10.

Two strange girls (Not a Nightshift member)

Da Xia: Hmm! Excuse me, I'm Da Xia, also called Coral Xia, and I looking for group A1.

Eclipse: Oh! that's us! What number are you?

Coral: Number 8. And Mi Young (referring to the girl by her side) is number 10.

Villian: Great. So we just need number 2 now.

Miss Jessica: Well gather round everyone, I was just told that two of our trainees, are absent today, making us a 99 here, I don't really know how it happened, but we ended up registering 101 people instead of 100. So please bear with us if your team has a missing member. We'll endeavor to replace it as soon as possible. So without further discussions, please return to your rooms with your team membersss....

Suddenly someone opens the door

Mei Xing: Sorry... Sorry!! I'm late. II...II..(Everyone turns to look at her, except Eun Woo)

Miss Jessica: I'm sorry who are you??

Mei Xing: I'm!! Mei..(thinking) No I can't tell them my real name, for security purposes.(outloud) I'm Flame Mei! (At the mention of Flame Mei, Villian turns his face)

Villian: (To the audience) That was it, as soon as my eyes turned to look at her, I felt a sudden connection, her eyes, clear as Emerld, her hair curly and bouncy, she was everything beyond beautiful. But was not what made me amazed. What made me amazed was the fact that I felt a sudden sense of familiarity, even knowing fully well that I have never met this girl before. I still felt a familiarity, one that was beyond what I can explain. And the strong connection I felt for her, made it seem like nothing else in the world mattered, I felt like everything other thing in the world has been erased, and the only thing that was still in existence, was the person standing in front of me. I felt like it was just the two of us remaining in the world. And the thought of it made me feel crazy. like I said I never believed in love at first sight, but if what I was feeling is exactly what they described in chinese operas, then I was willing to believe that this is infact LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.....