
Episode 3: Breeding Fire House

Mrs Lang: What did you say??

Mei Xing: I said that dad may not have actually died in an accident, be may have been killed. And if it was like that, then it was an act of assassination.

Mrs Lang: (stands up and starts leaving)

Mei Zhen: Mom! where are you going to? (tries to hold her back)

Mrs Lang: Let me go! Let go!

Mei Xing: Mom! where are you going?

Mrs Lang: I'm going to kill them!

Mei Xing: Just who do you wanna go kill?

Mrs Lang: I'm going to kill those people, the people who didn't allow your father to have a good life, the people who made me a widow, the people who made you both fatherless, the people who didn't allow my husband to enjoy his life.

Mei Xing: (Screams at her mom) Mom! what are you doing? you don't even Know if it was an act of assassination or not. It's just an assumption on my side. Mom! think straight, even if true you can't just go there to attack the people you don't know. Mom! I know that you're in pain, but we all are, dad met a great deal to us all, especially me. And if anyone should avenge him, it's me. So please calm down, and allow me dig deep into this matter. And when I find out the truth, I'll let you all know.

Mrs Lang: (breaks down in tears) Meimei! promise me, promise me that you will find out the truth and avenge your father.

Mei Xing: I will mother, I promise you.

Scene 2

Trident (Min Jun): Eun! Are you okay?

Villian Woo: I'm okay! just thinking about something.

Trident Min: What?

Villain: Nothing Trident.

Trident: Villian! Is it her again?

Villian: How did know.

Trident: (smiles) It's obvious, you still love her. Why? Why do you still love her, even after you tried to find her for the past 9 years and it wasn't successful?

Villain: But that's it, I wasn't successful, so I have to try harder. Trident Who ever that girl is, I just want to see her again, I don't know how, and I don't know why, but I just want to see her, that's all I want right now.

Trident: You're so mad. (she leaves angrily)

Few seconds later Villain receives a call.

Villain: How can I help you?

Unknown Voice: Good job Mr Eun! you did a great job. .

Villain: How did you know my name?

Unknown: How I knew it is unnecessary. What's necessary, is that I have a reward for you for completing the job perfectly.

Villain: What? You wanna double the pay??

Unknown Voice: No! Even better. I wanna hire your team.

Villain: I beg your pardon?

Unknown Voice: I wanna hire your team as a special assassination club, who can help me get rid of unwanted people around me. And you'll get paid, a great pay.

Villain: Sounds interesting, but I'm not interested.

Unknown Voice: Come on Villain, it's just for a short while. It's just a period of 2 months. And you'll get paid $100 billion.

Villain: Wait! What? What did you just say?

Unknown Voice: Interesting right? So are you in or out?

Villain: I'm so in!. But reminder you can't change your mind on the deal, I get my $100 billion at the end of 2 months.

Unknown Voice: Sure thing! Now all you have to do, is to come to "Breeding Fire House" with your team to get a special training. And remember you'll go undercover, as Intern who are applying to join the NIS.

Villain: Why do we have to go undercover?

Unknown Voice: For your information, you're not the only one's going there, they're other people, who will participate in the training. So if you're willing to tell the world that you're an Assassin, then be my guest.

Villain: Find I'll be there, by tomorrow. But remember, $100 billion.

Unknown Voice: No problem. (He hangs up)


Mei Xing: Doctor Ying! You said you had something to say to me?

Doctor Ying: Yes! I found something that might be useful. As I have researched, more in Lead poisoning, I discovered that lead poisoning bullet, can not be used unless for special occasions. Sure as Murder and Assassination.

Mei Xing: Meaning?

Doctor Ying: Meaning that, it's quite impossible for your father to have been shot unintentionally. In other words, Mr Lang was Assassinated.

Mei Xing: So! I was correct? Thanks for your help Doctor Ying, and thanks alot for this information. Please do continue to hint me on other clue.

Doctor Ying: Will do.

Mei Xing: Thanks once again, I'll leave now.


Gina: What? Assassination? Who would be so cruel to have done that?

Mei Xing: I don't know! But who ever it is, I will never let them go.

Gina: But how? You're not even good at fighting. Don't forget, you've always lived the life of a princess and heiress. So unless you get special training, you'll never be able to handle this matter. (Just then Gina's phone beeps) Oh ! I have a message ( Reads it out) Dear Who ever is interested, we'd like you to know that a special training for interns is about to take place. The NIS is recruiting members, and is now willing to give special training to Interns who are interested. So please anyone who is interested in working for the NIS should assembly at the "Breeding Fire House" Tomorrow at 12 noon. Thanks for understanding, Management of NIS. (Stops reading and drops the phone) Rubbish! I'm never interested in things like this.

Mei Xing: Does it say the address?

Gina: No! Why? Don't tell me that you...

Mei Xing: Yes! I wanna go, this might be the opportunity I need, I wanna go get special training, I order to avenge my father. And truth me once I succeed, they will all pay for what they did to my Dad.!!!!...

Please remember to drop comments, I Love you all.