
Wait! I am a xenomorph? So what?

—————————————————————Synopsis——————————————————— A young man was just like your average person was going about his day when suddenly the world went dark. When he woke up. ~Ding ------------------------------------------!//SYSTEM ACTIVATED//!---------------------------------------- ~Ding! Welcome to the TRIAL OF THE CHOSEN ONE! You have been transported to fight to death in this world so you can win and reincarnate! Fight till death, slay your enemies to prove your worth! MC:- What!??? Witness his journey as he becomes a Emperor! —————————————————————————Additional tags---——————————— #Multiverses travel (I couldn’t find this one and am too lazy.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own any of the worlds or characters mentioned in this fic other than the OCs

Shadowstorm30 · 漫画同人
10 Chs

See ‘em running for their live(1)

(I am not a big fan of Star Wars, I have just done a lil' bit of research and called it a day. Hope you will like this chapter. I was and still am ill.)

//MA POV//:-

Well now, that's done now what do I do?


I senced other monsters hiding in bushes, some were hidden in the trees. From what I could make out there were some arachnids being hunted by other monsters.

I seeing this great opportunity I sneakily made my way there and with a swift slash with my extended and sharpened tail blade made quick work of them.

The creatures seemed more terrified by me, I seeing this did what anyone would have done, killed them for Xp.

Then I ate them right see if I would get any skill.

{~Ding! You have leveled up!}


{~Ding! Your sub race [Arachnid] is reacting!}

I felt the pain of a thousand needles piercing around my head. Why am I still conscious?

{The skill 〔Sadist〕is trying to lessen the pain!}

{~Ding! [Pain resistance] acquired!}

Ahh.. that's more bearable.

{~Ding process complete! You have developed a new body part!}

Yay! I can see aga—

{You have developed 8 eyes!}

{Because of your skill [Enhanced Sences] your eyesight has improved!}

I opened my eyes for the first time after reincarnation, and I saw things in like Amazing details. Like I could see a monster 5km away!

{~Ding! A summon request has been submitted!}

{Will the host like to accept?}

Wait now, calm down tell me what's dis about?

{There are many others like you who have reincarnated or have been transmigrated, they sometimes require the assistance from others!}

{The summon system allows them to do so, if the host accepts then he will be able to go to their worlds temporarily!}

So can I also summon others?


So how do I summon then?

{~Ding! The host can summon others by getting them from the system!}

Is that——

{The system can also summon someone once , that is if the host is in danger ⚠️ }

That's cool, so what happens if I get summoned in a Op world and I die?


That's concerning, so which world am I travelling to?

{You are being summoned to the world of 'Star Wars Rebels '}

That's a decent world, it's one of the only Star Wars shows I ever watched. I heard most of them were hot garbage.


Can I take Bane and Beatrice too?


'We are going to be teleported to a new universe, follow me' (Mental command)

So how do I do this?

{Say the phrase "I accept this request."}

Do I have to speak? I would only make hissing noises.

{It doesn't matter, just say it.}

"So I accept this request?"


Then I was in what looked like space, there was a plethora of stars, nebulas, proton stars and black holes. There was instrumental music in the background.

It was very calming and pleasing.

[ Forest Lullabye by Asher Fullerton]

I was standing on water and it was reflecting all this. This created a breathtakingly beautiful view. I stood dazed for a while.


After a while I snapped out of it still admiring the view I started looking around, I spotted a structure in the distance.

I went towards it, Bane and Beatrice followed behind. After reaching near it was huge, it could fit probably 15 Queen Xenomorphs. A blue sphere floating in the centre. I went towards it.

{Host extend your hand towards the Xeno Macrosom of All Stars.}

That's a long name, let's gust call it X.M.A.S, it's more convenient.

{Command Accepted}

I did as it said and then it started spinning, a bright bluish- white beam shot towards the sky. The gases started disappearing and the star ted stared joining themselves like constellations.

These constellations started forming a sphere around me and the others.


{Initiating transfer….10%...70%…..89%....100%}

{Good luck host!}

Then a bright light engulfed us, then...



My name is J—


"What is that aim! Did you forgot how to shoot Ezra?!" Sabine yelled.

####! We are trapped here on this stupid planet by those tie figters . Our ship is damaged, even if it wasn't it wouldn't have helped. I was just a Star Wars fan, I was suddenly in Ezra's body.

At first I was excited, like I could use the force as Ezra! I also discovered that I also had a system! I wanted to use my knowledge bu—-



Who would have thought, that this great day woul—-


Hey system! Help me! Or I am going to die here!

{Processing request....Completed}

{Host will die in 30.555555555555558 seconds!}

{Starting hyper processing!}

{Initiating Emergency Response…..summoning request sent!}

{Request has been accepted!}

{Summoning the individual!}


{Compleated} (This happens in 100th of a second)

Then the clouds started gathering, spiralling. I can only describe it as beautiful, just..beautiful. It was like I was staring directly into another universe. The everything was silent for a while.

Everyone was admiring the view in front of them.


Them a bluish white beam shot down and from it emerged three..Aliens?!

//MA POV//:-

When the light disappeared we were in the middle of what looked like a battlefield, I saw tie fighters shooting at a ship. Knowledge started coming to me, it turned out that the in the small ship had the transmigrator. He was attacked and trapped by the tie fighters.

{~Ding! New Quest!

Quest:-Save the transmigrator and destroy the tie fighters!

Reward:- Level up x2, Random Skill x1

Failure:- The Transmigrators death, Level decrease x3}

{Since it's your first summoning your random skill will be higher than uncommon skill!}

These are some great rewards, the penalty for failure is also pretty hefty.

'Alright let's——'

I looked back and saw that Beatrice was growing, in front of everyone in a couple of seconds .she became a Queen.

How did this happen?

//NOTICE:- The laws of the world of ': Kumo Desu ga, Nanika?' made it so that to evolve/grow the individual had to level up to do so.

So the individual 'Beatrice' who was destined to become a Queen was forced to level up to grow. But since this doesn't apply for this world she grew.//

So why haven't anything happened to me?

//NOTICE:- Because the host is just a normal Xenomorph(Fireomorph) but the host should consume Royal Jelly for similar effects.//

Ok, I took out the royal jelly and ate it. Now let's destroy some ships while I am at it.

' Other that that ship destroy all others'

Now lets hunt.


I was originally going to write a longer chapter but ran out of time.

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