

Astro, a demon who has reinvented himself as a local business owner, runs a tavern in the small town of Braedon. Astro's quiet life becomes disturbed when a bunny-child wanders into his tavern along with his strong-willed and beautiful guardian angel.

concrete · 奇幻
6 Chs

Demon Bartender

Astro nearly drops the glass as the trio of ogres shout with laughter again. He gives them a hard glare and continues to wipe the glass.

"Ye should put a 'no ogres sign'. It'll keep your bar cleaner."

Astro glances up at the patron, "Nah. I don't discriminate."

The customer shrugs and gets up, leaving three blue coins on the bar. Astro takes the coins and sets them in his pocket.

As Astro wipes down the counter, one of the ogres pulls a knife out to threaten his friend. Astro hurries over to enforce the no weapons rule.

He rests a hand on the ogre's arm but the ogre immediately pushes his hand away, "Don' touch me you lil…demon…"

Astro puts his hand up, and smiles, "My apologies, sir." Astro continues to calmly inform the customer about the tavern's rules.

Being distracted by the offended customer, Astro doesn't notice a small rabbit-like child hop into the tavern and hide under a table.

Astro convinces the other not-as-drunk ogres to take their friend home. The bell rings, signifying their departure and Astro breathes a sigh of relief before returning back to the bar.

Astro starts to wipe down the counter but notices a small foot sticking out from under a table. He sets down his towel and slowly walks over to the table. He crouches down to see who, or what is underneath.

"Oh. Hey kid. Whatcha doin' here?"

The child's bunny ears twitch, but he doesn't respond.

"Alright, can you come out here?" Astro extends his hand, long sharp claws coming from his fingers.

The kid's eyes widen.

"Yeah, yeah I'm a demon, but I'm not gonna hurt ya. I've learned to love myself despite my terrifying appearance."

The child takes his hand, his fair skin a contrast to Astro's gray complexion. Astro sits in a chair, and motions for the kid to sit across from him.

"What's your name?"

The child stares back at him.

"Right. Well, I'm Astro, I run this tavern. Do you know where your parents are?"

The kid looks down and starts to play with the hem of his sleeve.

"Great." Astro mumbles.

A ball of light forms in the center of the room, the kid's ears perk up and his eyes widen once more. Astro shields his eyes from the bright light.

"Oh, what the-"

The details of an angel come to view.

The angel holds a golden spear pointed at Astro, "Demon! Cease your actions upon this poor child at once!"

"Hey whoa, whoa, I didn't do nothing. This kid just wandered into my tavern, but he won't say anything,"


"What are you like, his guardian angel?"

"Yes, I am,"

"Oh wow, I didn't think that was an actual thing. Do I have a guardian angel?"

"No, you're a demon."

"Right. That's fair. I'm Astro by the way." Astro holds his hand out.

The angel looks at his hand in disgust, and Astro drops it.

"My name is Midna. I am here for the child."

"Oh right, right of course. Take care of him!"

Midna moves to take the child's hand, but he wiggles back under the table.

"Some guardian angel, huh?" Astro says.

Midna glares at him and crouches down to look at the child, "Take my hand young nestling. Your mother is worried."

The kid's rabbit ears perk up at the mention of his mother, and he grabs Midna's hand.

"We will take you to her now," Midna says.

Midna pushes her spear on the ground, and a small spark of light forms, but disappears quickly. She tries again. And again.

"You out of angel power?" Says Astro, crossing his arms.

"I don't have angel power. It's called light magic." She says.

"Oh, of course, my bad."

Astro casually forms the silhouette of an angel and makes it dance around in his palm. The kid giggles and Astro gets rid of it before Midna can see.

Midna glares at Astro and tries again but to no avail. She lets go of the kid's hand and stomps her foot on the ground a few times. The child runs to Astro for comfort.

Astro pats the kid's head as he clings his leg, "Hey buddy, it's alright. Big scary angel is throwing a little fit,"

"Demon," Midna says.

"Mr. Demon, thank you very much,"

"Use your black magic to get this nestling back to his mother. My magic doesn't seem to work here."

"You just assume all demons know black magic? What year are you in? 5060?"

Midna crosses her arms and stares at Astro, "I just saw you use it."

"Haha, alright, you got me. Follow me, Miss Angel."