
Backroom Black Magic

Astro holds the kid's hand and leads them both to a door next to the bar. They step through and Astro closes the door behind them.

"This is just a storage room! Stop with your games at once, demon!" Says Midna.

"Uh yeah, I run a tavern. And why would I have all my magic stuff just laying around?"

Astro snaps his fingers, and the shelves of supplies turn into ancient books. The barrels of alcohol turn into big, red, comfy chairs.

"Have a seat."

Midna looks around the room in silence, then swiftly takes a seat.

Astro searches for a book behind random bottles.

"What is a demon doing running a bar?" Midna asks.

"Tavern," Astro says.

"Excuse me?"

"It's a tavern, not a bar,"

"They're the same thing,"

Astro stops looking through his book collection to turn to Midna, "A bar just serves alcohol, while a tavern serves alcohol and food. And some taverns provide lodging but I don't have space for it,"

Midna dismisses the argument with an impatient wave, "You didn't answer my question,"

Astro continues to look through his book collection, "According to the other demons, I wasn't being demon-y enough," Astro says.

"What in the heavens does that mean?"

"I'm just too nice!"

Midna flips her hair and straightens her back, imagining how a demon can be 'nice'.

"Here it is!" Astro announces, "Realm traveling," Astro reads through the book, "This town lays right on the line of the Aramoor and Sudbury realms. Dark magic gets its energy source from the overlap of realms. Your light magic doesn't stand a chance."

Midna at the edge of the chair, "Alright. Does that mean you can get us out of here?"

Astro sets the book back on the shelf, "Of course,"

He starts rummaging through worn boxes in the corner, "Just gotta find the Illiartite stone," He mumbles.

Midna ignores Astro while he tosses random stones and crystals behind his back. She smiles as she runs a delicate finger down one of the kid's bunny ears and the child leans into her touch.

Midna continues to rub the child's ear and notices a framed picture of another demon holding a demon child, "Is...that your family?"

Astro glances behind him and continues to look for the rock, "My sister, Marzi, and my niece, Enon,"

Midna stiffens, "I didn't know demons had...families…"

"Oh yeah, plenty of natural demons do."

"Natural demons?" Midna whispers.

Astro takes out a glowing purple stone, "There you are."

Astro starts drawing a pentagram on the ground, the purple glow of the stone clinging to the wood planks.

Midna looks away from the picture and stands up suddenly, shielding the child.

"What are you doing?"

Astro pauses and looks up at her, "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"What are you summoning? Some other demon? I knew that I should have never trusted a filthy creature from the underworld,"

"Uh, first of all, Miss Angel, this is an Illiartite stone, which is used for traveling among the realms. If I wanted to summon another demon, I would use a Chroope stone which is red, obviously. And second, I'm not a filthy creature, I brush my teeth and floss twice a day."

Astro shows off his sharp, white teeth.

Midna slumps her shoulders, "Very well. Carry on."

Astro nods and finishes the pentagram.

"Alright, everyone hop on, no pun intended." He says.

Midna frowns as she stands in the small circle, her shoulder brushing against Astro's. She leans over, close to his ear and whispers, "I swear to the heavens that if this is some kind of trick, I will make sure you get sent back to wherever hellhole you came from."

Astro fakes a sniffle, "Back home with Ma and Pa?"

Midna straightens up and clenches her jaw, "Take us now."

"Right." Astro pulls them into a tight hug as the purple glow envelops them. They end up in a meadow, where the sun shines bright and butterflies flutter by. When they land on solid ground, Midna pushes Astro away in a hurry. Midna pokes Astro with her spear as the child runs off into a forest.

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