
Inside shipwrecked

Asher's face tightened again, making his mind instantly blank when he saw the fierce gaze of Sahagin who was approaching him. Damn, his body froze instantly. Now his whereabouts had been discovered and the only thing he could do now was to get as far away from this place as possible. But unfortunately, the fear that was inside him made his body unwilling to move. 

"Hey, Ash what's wrong? Why is your face so pale? Chronos furrowed his brows to see Asher frozen like a statue, his curiosity showing on his face.

"Chronos, we-we have to change our plans." Asher's lips trembled endlessly, a look of fear on his face. "We have to ...."


A huge explosion occurred within seconds, and instantly they hit the ground. Damn. it seemed like the hard-hit Asher received left him unable to move his entire body. To make matters worse, his body also suffered many small wounds from the wooden ship fragments, making it even more difficult for him to move.

"Who caused this explosion?" Chronos narrowed his eyes, trying to see who the culprit was. "Damn, it was this damn sahagin." He slowly stood up, trying to endure the pain. "This thing must die!" His hand gripped his sword tightly, glaring at Sahagin with a hateful gaze.

"Chronos, calm down. Calm yourself down first and we can figure out how to defeat this thing!" Asher shouted, trying to stop Chronos' steps, but his body couldn't move because of the wound he had just received. "Argh, damn it! I need to cast a healing spell quickly." Without waiting long, he immediately picked up his magic wand which was lying right beside Asher. "Cure!"

"Ash, but we can't wait long. Look, Sahagin will attack us. However, if we attack him first, we can kill him, right?" Chronos immediately quickened his pace. "Take this, damn it!" He instantly swung his sword, trying to kill the sahagin in front of him.

"Cling! Cling!"

Fortunately, Sahagin parried his slash easily and pushed him away hard. Oh no. It seemed that Chronos' power alone was not enough to defeat Sahagin. They may have worked together to defeat this creature, but it seemed difficult knowing Chronos' nature of moving around on his own.

"At this rate, I'll have to summon Cerberion, right now. Cerberion's power will be able to kill this Sahagin." Asher immediately recited his summoning spell. "Creatures of the underground world, I ...."

However, it turned out that the Sahagin saw Asher's summoning spell, causing it to fire its attack directly at Asher. The situation became chaotic. At once Asher's summoning spell was canceled and he had to wait a long time to be able to summon again.

"Chronos! It's useless if we just attack without making a plan, this thing can't be defeated." Asher sighed, a frustrated look on his face. "Look, I have an idea but we have to work together." Asher gripped his staff tightly. "Remember we're a team, Chronos!"

"But, how? How can we defeat these two damn things?" The creases on Chronos' forehead became more visible as he tried to withstand the sahagin's attack in front of him, "Argh, damn creatures."

"I'll refocus this sahagin. Just wait for my signal." 

Immediately Asher quickly threw a few of his bomb items, producing a fairly thick puff of smoke. Good, it looked like the sahagin's vision was starting to go haywire. Seeing the opportunity, Asher without hesitation fired his laser beams repeatedly, making the sahagin's defenses begin to weaken. 

"Chronos, now!"

Chronos quickly used his dash skill, darting like a bullet toward the sahagin. Immediately, he mobilized all his energy, causing the energy beam to cover the surface of the sword, and within seconds, the sword slash instantly cut the sahagin in front of him in half and the sahagin died.

'800 exp gained'

'You have earned 180 gold coins'

'You have earned 4x fish scales. 

[Sahagin to kill: 1/10]

"Ash, we did it!" Chronos shouted, with a happy expression on his face. "Now we just need to kill the remaining sahagin. Come on, we better get inside this shipwreck and finish off all the sahagin that are here." Without waiting for long Chronos immediately pulled Asher's arm into the ship, through the hole formed by the explosion.

An instant silence greeted them as they stepped inside along with a gust of wind that pierced the surface of the skin. Strangely, for some reason, Asher didn't see any sahagin here at all, could it be that all those creatures had been defeated by Altemesia?

'800 exp gained'

'You have obtained 160 gold coins'

'You have obtained 2x fish scales. 

[Sahagin to kill: 2/10]

'800 exp earned'

'You have earned 150 gold coins'

'You have earned 2x fish scales. 

[Sahagin to kill: 3/10]

"Wait, Chronos did you see that notification?" Asher was silent for a moment, the wrinkles on his forehead beginning to show. "Looks like Altemesia managed to kill two Sahagin at once. That's amazing." He smiled, a happy look on his face. "But somehow I don't see Altemesia's presence at all. Where is she?" Asher narrowed his eyes, trying to look around.

"I don't know either. Damn, it's hard to see in the dark like this," Asher grumbled. "How can we find Altmesia and the remaining sahagin?"

Not long after, they both suddenly heard someone's footsteps from behind them. Asher froze instantly, his heart racing, realizing the sound of footsteps coming closer to them. Damn it. He didn't know who it was, but he just hoped it wasn't Sahagin. 

"Asher, Chronos?" A woman's voice sounded familiar in Asher's ears, making him turn his body quickly.

"Altemesia. Is that you?" Asher furrowed his brows, trying to get a better look at who the woman was. "Wait, but, how can you see us in this dark place?" 

"Well, we can't see in this dark place." Chronso furrowed his brow. 

"That's because I have a special ability called eagle eyes. This ability is only for the ranger class, which makes it easier for the ranger class to see in dark places. So, everything is visible to my eyes," he said followed by his footsteps approaching them. "Wait, I'll be …."

"Will what, Sia?" Asher furrowed his brows as Altemesia's voice suddenly disappeared. "What is happening?"He scratched his head, hearing Altemesia's strange-sounding words.

"Pstt be quiet, Ash. The six Sahagin are right above you and it looks like they're preparing to attack you," she whispered. "Just follow my orders and you'll soon see for yourself."

Altemesia gently raised her weapon, then pointed the muzzle of her weapon upwards, where all the Sahagins were watching Asher and Chronos as if they were food. As soon as she saw one of the six Sahagin jumps to attack Asher and Chronos, she instantly fired her bullets and negated the Sahagin's surprise attack.

"Guys, let's hurry up!" Altemesia continued to fire her bullets repeatedly, trying to repel all the sahagins that were trying to attack the two of them.

The two of them quickly accelerated their footsteps out of the shipwreck until they finally managed to get out of there thanks to Altemesia's help. It turned out that what Altemesia said was true, soon the six Sahagin finally emerged from inside the wreck, pointing the tip of their trident at Asher and the others, staring at them with a deadly gaze.

Oh, thank God Altemesia notices all the sahagins. And now they must kill the sahagins, but are they able to kill all the remaining sahagins?

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little_black_horsecreators' thoughts