
6 months pt 3

Today was an outstanding day for Viltrum. It took a few weeks to get everyone settled and jobs and businesses to start moving along but none of that mattered because...

"AAAAAAGAGH GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME BEFORE I CUT IT OUT MYSELF," Laura was screaming in anxiety and rage as she pushed out this Invincibaby. Susan was working overtime with Gwen making sure the birth was a success. Natalia and Domino were in the waiting room while Komand'r and Ororo were handling affairs.

The birth went on for hours and due to Laura's extreme regeneration a C- section was off the table. Laura was kicking and screaming which more often than not meant some random nurse got sent flying by the air pressure from her kicks.

"YOU'RE ALMOST THERE LAURA, C'MON SHE'S ALMOST THERE," Susan said enthusiastically. Laura gave one final push and finally after a gruesome 9 hour labour,

"Aaahahhhhahahahahah," Susan quickly took the baby and passed her to gwen to get cleaned up as Laura was breathing heavily and clearly exhausted.

It took a few minutes when Gwen walked back into the room with the baby cleaned, qnd clothed. The baby was peacefully asleep when Gwen passed her back to her mother.

Natalia and Domino walked in the room to see the little asleep in Laura's arms. Laura had her eyes locked on the child, still unsure if she's suited to be a mother.

Her mother died by her hands and her husband ended up dying without her able to save him. She held her daughter close to her chest as tears fell from her eyes and spoke softly yet everyone was aware enough to hear her.

"I'll always protect you. Over my life, over anyone else's. You're our treasure, our little princess. Your dad was so excited to meet you, but he's not here anymore. Promise me, you wont leave me too, Diana."

Nick Fury had an issue. On top of the fact that 23 million people disappeared throwing the country into anarchy for a while as soon as things settled down, they got worse. On one hand he had Tony Stark flying around the middle east shooting missles everywhere. Then he had Bruce Banner aka the Hulk hiding somewhere in India. Not to mention how many Senators and military officials wanted his suits.

The only peace of mind was that those pesky Sentinels haven't shown up in a week. Honestly how did anyone think those were a good idea.

Knock knock knock

"Fuck, what now?" Fury said honestly done with all of this bull.

"Sir," Coulson said coming in the door "We have several reports of meta humans running rampant in different cities. So far we've managed to I.D. The Juggernaut, Pyro, Magneto, Avalanche, Blob, and Quicksilver. Current casualty count is 110,456 In addition we've been picking up weird readings around Egypt and the Sentinels have started moving without authorization. I have people awaiting orders and a few Senators on call wanting to speak with you."

Fury closed his eye and took in a deep breath. Then another deep breath before he grabbed the mug on his desk and threw it against the wall. Coulson stood there unaffected as Fury unleashed his fury.

He straightened up his jacket and asked "Where is Barton and Carter?"

"Sir, Barton is on vacation with his family and Carter is in the facility with the Cap. He's set to be thawed out this week."

"Get me agents on the ground in every city currently being attacked, coordinate with the military to reduce casualties. Plastic and energy weapons only for magneto. Where's cyclops?"

"Sir he's recovering. He got attacked by a sentinel a few weeks ago while coordinating with us and he suffered a head injury restricting his powers again. Spiderman and Ghost are enroute but Ghost is saying she's almost done with her contract and she's leaving at the end of the month."

"Dammit Coulson is there any good news?"

"Well sir, Xavier is finally ready to discuss a partnership with us.....but he says he wants to talk to Magneto."

Fury just stops and rubs the sides of his head as he calms down the growing migraine. He looks over to see a poster with the First Generation of OverWatch standing tall ready to defend the earth.

"If only things were different. Coulson lead me to the Senators. Like it or not we have a job to do."

Komand'r stood there in the testing labs holding out a special badge called the Barry Badge as Ororo stood next to her.

"Are you sure about this Komand'r? Your people sold you into slavery. What makes you think they wont again?"

Komand'r stood there as all of her old memories resurfaced. The pain, the disrespect she experienced. Being isolated and hated because she couldn't fly. Being sold like common merchandise, the pain she would have experienced. But then she met him, and he talked her out of the petty revenge she wanted. He gave her a second chance at life, yet she couldnt even.....

She clutched the badge and spoke with determination "Sentry is still alive. I cannot rest knowing he lives while Damien doesnt. Im not strong enough, Laura may be but i wont take the risk of turning her daughter into an orphan. I need to go back, if not all maybe 1 or 2 will aid me."

"But how long will you be gone?"

"I do not know. At present it should not take me too long to return home. But it might take some time to convince anyone to follow me. But rest assured, be it a few weeks or months, i will return."

"Then be safe, you'll always have a home here and if you dont come back soon then we'll send people after you. After all you already told us Tamarans space coordinates."

Komand'r gave a quick chuckle before hugging Ororo and saying "Don't worry i wont keep you all waiting, besides i have to see my cute nieces and nephew."

She opened the portal from the Barry badge and stepped inside halfway before saying "Who knows i might get some of Dominos luck and bring back a Super Pissed GirlFriend as a gift to that golden bastard." She stepped through the portal and it shut behind her leaving Ororo standing there alone as she sighs and pulls up her emails dealing with various issues popping up.

The work of a queen never ends.

Selene was laying in her bed chambers staring at herself in the mirror. "Interesting, he's clearly dead yet i still feel that energy of his fueling me? Is it residual power still yet to be absorbed or perhaps? No i checked his body myself, hes gone yet....maybe?"

She talked theories to herself for a minute before a knock came on her door.

"Teacher, im ready to head out," she turned her head to see Tandy standing in the door.

"Good, come along dear." Tandy walked over as Selene opened up a fold in space leading to what looked like a unique giant forge. They stepped through and instantly alarms started blaring.

The two stood there unbothered as giant steps came running in their direction.

"WHO DARES STEP INTO MY WORKSHOP!" yelled the giant man?

"Oh Eitri, has it been so long that you've forgotten my beautiful face?"

Eitri took a step back as his eyes dilated and he started sweating "S-Selene. To what do i owe the pleasure Oh mighty Sorceress."

"I came to cash in that favor from long ago. I have a design that only someone of your caliber can hope to craft." She took out a blueprint with a Nyxxus signature and passed it to Eitri.

He took the paper and opened his eyes wide, "This is ingenious? A battery of this make can power hundreds of these outputs and not to mention a planet if done right. But i must ask, you need an energy source to spark it, what energy is strong enough to keep it working?"

Tandy stepped forward and allowed the light force to release in huge amounts as Eitri had a huge smile on his face.

"Hahaha sure enough, i would be honoured to make this for you. Give me 5 months and have the little lady come back to spark it. Afterwards i guarantee that this design will work. May i meet this Nyxxus guy, with his insight surely many projects will leap bounds."

Tandy dimmed as Selene spoke with a venom in her voice "Unfortunately he is no longer around." Without another word the two teleported back into her room leaving a confused Eitri to shrug as he looks over the design again.

Back in her room Tandy asked the question "Hey teacher.... how come you dont just kill Sentry? Magic may not work but surely you have a way."

Selene looked up in a bitter mood as she spoke "When i first came around to join Damien and I made a deal. I could absorb his overabundant life energy and in return i cannot harm people with my magic unless i get his okay. At the time i was so sure it didnt matter but as soon as we agreed i found myself in a magically bounding contract. I didnt think much of it before, but even now it still affects me as long as I'm still digesting his energy."

Tandy had more questions but reading the mood decided now wasnt the best time to ask. She left the room leaving Selene alone in her room as she feels the energy still flowing through her.

"Just maybe.... could you still be alive somewhere outside of your body?" Little did she know just how correct she was.

4 months til the Return