
Villainous Undead-(Moved to a New Link)

A young boy born after a series of unfortunate events grows up despised by his "family" .He tries his best to get freedom, to simply have have a chance to live in peace , but it all ends in tragedy.The boy who had become a young man ends up dead, but this turns out to be the beginning of his undead life.

Dagan · 奇幻
60 Chs

Wu Lin Comes Clean

With his new power, Wu Yi was now ready to get some vengeance done.

That night, Wu Yi did everything as usual.

He could now tell the cultivation level of the madame. She was just in the first stage of cultivation a level below Wu Yi who had directly broken through to the second stage in a matter of days. She had a two years head start and yet she was still in the Spirit Forming stage. Wu Yi did not yet understand the different grades of talent that existed but he understood that Wu Lin probably had the lowest possible talent for a martial artist.

After serving her dinner, Wu Yi stood to the side as usual and waited. After a few bites, Wu Lin stood up and headed for her bedroom. The moment she showed him back to Wu Yi, he punched her behind the head with all his strength. This one punch sent her flying and the moment her body hit the floor, she was out cold.

Wu Yi's face was colder than ice as he slowly walked towards the woman. For a time now, he was sure that this woman was not his mother. He did not know for what reason she still claimed him as her own but for the suffering he had endured, she also had to pay her dues.

He lifted the body off the floor as if it were a bag of worthless dirt. He threw her over his shoulders and entered her bedroom.

A few hours later, the woman regained consciousness. She remained still as though still unconscious. She did not know ow what was going on but she had sensed the power within the punch that had knocked her out. It was the p[power of a higher-level martial artist.

Wu Lin could feel the cold night air brushing over her bare skin. She immediately knew that she was naked.

She shivered for a moment but quickly regained her calm.

Wu Yi had already sensed that she had regained consciousness. Her breathing had increased and her heartbeat had become unstable.

Wu Lin lay on the bed on her stomach.

Her plump ass was exposed to the cold Wu Yi. Wu Lin was an extremely beautiful woman with curves that could make any male creature go ferral With her naked in front of Wu Yi, he did nothing. He did not even see her as a member of the opposite sex. His heart was calm and his thoughts pure. Not pure as in holy but pure as in that he did not have any sexual thoughts towards the mature woman. He slowly got up from the chair and stood over Wu Lin.

He wanted her to answer some questions before anything else.

In his hand, Wu Yi was holding a long leather belt.

Shwaaa, he swang the belt and its sound as it approached Wu Lin's ass made her heart skip a beat. Pa, the belt landed firmly on her behind.

Wha ha, she screamed as she jumped off the bed as fast as she could. Even with all that pain flowing through her tender flesh, she knew that she had to escape. She made for the =nearest window not even caring that she was naked. Her large breasts bounced as she dove through the window.

She had given up all thoughts of modesty. She knew very well the anger within Wu Yi's heart. He had been suffering since the moment he was born and she as the self-proclaimed mother had done nothing to protect him. He would most definitely not have any mercy for her. Wu Lin was an intelligent woman. If she were stupid, she would not have been able to survive in the Wu family all this time. The father was power hungry, the son was a psychopath and the daughter was very much a demoness in human skin.

Wu Lin stated the cool night wind and sighed out loud. Before she could land on the ground, Wu Yi smiled sinisterly as he moved at an ungodly speed, grabbed her left foot and ruthlessly pulled her back into the room with all his power. All hope in the woman's heart was shattered as she felt the great power pull her backwards without any consideration for her wellbeing.

Bang, she knocked her head on the window seal before her body was thrown back on the bed. Her forehead was bleeding and her face was covered with blood.

Tears flowed out of her eyes and she could not stop herself from sobbing slightly.

Wu Yi towers over her body like a giant coming from the depths of hell to torment her.

Wu Yi sneered as he threw a piece of cloth at her. She grabbed it and used that to clean her face and stop the bleeding. As a martial artist, she had a powerful healing ability about five times that of normal humans.

Wu Yi waited for her to heal herself before he began his questioning.

"Why were you the only one lpeft behind?"

Wu Lin could not understand why he was asking such an obvious question.

She delayed to reply to the question and the next thing she felt was the black belt hitting her across her beautiful face.

She fell to the bed and screamed in pain.

"Shut up."Wu Yi roared at the top of his voice. Wu Lin felt her heart tremble with horror.

She immediately stopped screaming.

Pa, another swing of the belt landed on her left thigh. The pain was excruciating but she managed not to scream.

"I have the lowest cultivation and I would just get in their way." she quickly said as she sat on the bed and tried to cover her body with the small piece of cloth.

Wu Yi had already guessed this but he needed confirmation.

"When are they returning?" he asked.

Wu Lin replied quickly as she tried coming up with a way to escape.

"They will not be returning for another two weeks," she said as she looked around with tears in her green eyes.

She then looked directly into Wu Yi's eyes. Her eyes were filled with helplessness.

Wu Yi knew what she would say next but he let her go on.

"Even if I was not the best mother in the world, I am still your mother. How could you do this to your mother ?" her words were perfectly said and they had the correct amount of emotion behind them.

Unfortunately for Wu Lin, she was dealing with Wu Yi.

Pa, slapped her across the face sending her body across the room. She hit the wall with a thud.

She looked at Wu Yi with confusion and disbelief. She was a beautiful woman and the one who had raised him all this time.

She stood up and did not know what to do next. She considered fighting but when she saw Wu Yi's muscular body that was filled with power and anger, she obediently moved back on the bed and shut her mouth.

Wu Yi then asked her a bunch of useless questions. She answered obediently.

Wu Yi then stood back up and looked at her. She was clasping the whole, piece of clothing over her body. She was trying to hide her nakedness but the small piece of clothing just made her more enticing.

"Lie down on the bed ."Wu Yi commanded.

Wu Lin was startled for a moment but she had learned the way not to question this ruthless man. She no longer even knew who he was. Wu Yi had been docile for the past two years. He had carried out her orders without question.

She slept on the bed facing Wu Yi. She was going to make sure that he looked her in the eyes and he did whatever sinister things he had in mind.

Wu Yi knew what she was thinking but he did not try convincing her otherwise. He shook his head and gestured for her to turn around. She did as he ordered. She lay there with her white ass facing Wu Yi. She covered herself with the piece of cloth and Wu Yi did not say anything to stop her. He sat on the bed next to her and asked his next question.

"Who are my parents?"

Wu Lin had been expecting this question and her answer came out before she could think about the consequences.

"I am your mother and your father is of course Supervisor Wu."

The moment she said this, she knew that there would be hell to pay.

Pa, Wu Yi slapped her ass with so much force that the piece of cloth jumped off and fell to the ground. He had not used the belt but his bare hand. Her butt now had his handprint across it.

She did not scream. She pushed her face into the bed and tried to resist the urge to turn around and fight Wu Yi.

Her ass was once again fully exposed to Wu Yi.

He waited for her to regain her senses before he placed his hand on her ass and became carrying it slowly.

Wu Lin said nothing. She remained silent with her brain in nab haze.

"Do you want me to repeat myself?"

Wu Yi's words brought her back to reality.

"I did not know who your father was, but I knew your mother ."

said Wu Lin before she went on to tell him the story of the Miner.

Wu Yi did not say anything the entire time. He waited for her to finish before asking the most important question.

"What is her name and where is she?"

His hand was still slowly moving around her plump ass. Wu Lin had even grown to feel something that was not in any way pain.

"Young noble Chu Han took her away a few days after she gave birth to you," she said.

Wu Yi knew who this young noble was. He was the eldest son of Prime Minister Chu Wei.

His wealth, influence and power were something unimaginable .

"As for her name, she told me that she was called Zian Mi."

"Is she still alive?"Wu Yi asked.

Wu Lin did not know how to answer this question.

"She is now a concubine of the young noble. She is locked in his mansion and it is rumoured that he only visits her whenever he wants to ...."Wu Lin did not finish the sentence. She turned around and looked at Wu Yi.

When she saw his face, she was shaken from her core. It was not the face of a human but a devil. A vengeance devil who would do anything to achieve his goal.

"For his sake, I hope that she is still alive," he said slowly as he caressed Wu Lin's ass. His words, his hand movements and his face all said different things giving Wu Lin the scare of her life .