
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · 游戏衍生
65 Chs

20. Plano em Prática

I give a slight smile to the queen, who only makes a disgusted face. I shake my head, seeing that she is seeing the thing totally wrong.

"Regis, get the elders to come here, please." without waiting long, he turns into a dark blur.

"What was that?" asks Anna Henrietta.

"Well, he's an Upper Vampire, so it's normal for him to have that kind of ability," I explain calmly.

"He came as a guest, and he's hiding something so important from me. I don't want him in this castle anymore after everything is settled." she complains.

"That's exactly why he didn't say. The preconceptions that exist in the human race make them see everything that is different as evil. That's what they did to your sister, that's what you're doing to Régis. You don't seem to be learning, your majesty," I retort, causing her to scowl.

"Geralt, ask Damien to accompany you with some of his men. Sylvia is hiding in Marques Roderick's house in Dun Tynne. It will take some force to get in and defeat the many outlaw men there, I recommend you go prepared." I warn him.

"Damien, please accompany Geralt on this mission, and take as many men as you can, but bring my sister back unharmed and safe." says Henrietta, and her knight leaves, accompanying Geralt.

I remain silent for a while, watching the growing cloud of vampires forming on top of the mountain. That's when a messenger, or rather a lamia, approaches the queen.

"My lord says, if your beloved is not delivered to you by midnight, our forces will destroy everything, and we can feast fearlessly on the blood of your people," she says, and as soon as she looks at me, she freezes.

I just stare the lamia in the eye. "Warn your sisters, stay away from the cloud, or they will perish like everyone else," and I turn my attention once more to the cloud.

It quickly becomes a blur, disappearing from there.

"What do we do now?" Henrietta asks me, still standing behind me.

"We wait, but in the meantime, I want to explain a few things." I answer, and go to sit down on one of the chairs set up by the previous ladies, as I signal for her to follow me. Once we are seated and relaxed, I continue.

"My payment, is to have you as my lady, not my whore. You people have a bad habit, of turning other people's words into something bad. Think carefully before you talk such nonsense.

I asked you this only because I want to have a basic notion of how to treat people, whether they are noble or not. When I should wear my mask, and when I should be myself. I have no intention of imposing anything sexual on you.

I am not like some acquaintances who put their penis in every beautiful woman, I still have a little self-control and awareness, you know. Although I find you extremely attractive, it is not my priority to get you into my bed.

I hope you have now understood my point, and start to not see everyone as wanting to take advantage of every situation that arises. I understand your point, with the weight you carry and so on, but life is made of choices, and many may not be as you believe them to be. This was just one example," I explain.

I see the shame implanted on Henrietta's face. Her taking this to the other side was completely her fault. Her ladies-in-waiting are not her whores, so why would I make her be one?

"I must say, I was led to believe otherwise. I won't apologize, but I will do my best to make up for my mistake." she says, letting out a sigh.

"Hey, that doesn't mean I don't want to be in your bed, it just means I won't impose. Don't confuse me again." I retort, teasing the queen.

She was ready to give me a cheeky reply, but was stopped when more and more shadows appeared in the courtyard where we were standing. Many of them, were people Henrietta herself knew and befriended.

"Welcome, I hope you are all well," I say, standing up and facing almost 200+ people. "I have called you here because of one of your own, causing trouble to the lives of ordinary humans.

So I ask that, with the exception of a few trapped Lamias in that group, all the rest be eliminated, and that the perpetrator of this whole mess be brought to me. Obviously, I don't ask this for free.

With the help of our esteemed Majesty here, we will soon be providing a drink that can feed all of you, provided you commit to reducing the number of minor races.

With the war and the smaller ones hunting left and right, my estimate is that in 50 years humans will have no more food. Not to mention that the smaller races are multiplying without any supervision.

So, eliminate them, but only if they are irrational. If they have a conscience, teach them and show them that new food is available. And also beware of the uncontrolled growth of more minor races," I ask, and I thought there would be voices to the contrary.

"It will be done as you wish, my lord." one of them replies.

"Regis, please stay." as soon as my words come out, the 200+ leave, heading towards the cloud on the mountain.

"If it is not too much to ask, explain to Henrietta about the superior race, and if possible, why you look at me with such fear and respect." I ask, and start walking towards the inner part of the castle.

I needed to put some bottles of the drink I had made with Shani's help so that the Superior Vampires could believe my words. At the same time, I could have some peace.

This business of having stratagems and schemes is really complicated, and as much as it doesn't seem like it, my brain still works, like that of the boy who died a long time ago, shooting himself in the head because of depression.

Sitting down in one of the large rooms used for the royal parties and receptions, I lie down on a stack of lined up chairs, and take a brief nap.

Even being who I am, I have the need to let my brain have a little rest sometimes. Sleep is good for us, and invigorates our mind and body, as well as giving our soul a well-deserved rest.

N/A :

Honestly, I'm a little lost in the course of this fic. I don't know where I'm going to take it, so if you can help me, I was thinking of starting small again in a few chapters, so I can say that most likely I'll start at GOT/ASOIAF.

What do you think?