
227. Soul knight

'Seems like I am now a bad guy in his story huh? Well, who cares'

Nix shrugged and walked out of the gate and entered the area of homeless.

As soon as he walked out all he saw were colorless abandoned buildings.

He noticed the homeless people were still waiting for him and as soon as he walked out the gate all those around the vicinity rushed towards him.

"Was it you, we saw a pillar of light entering the chambers..."

The leader of the homeless folks asked.

"Yeah anyway... I see more of you here? Perhaps you circulated the occurrence prior to my leaving?"

"Yes!" One of them yelled.

"Alright, let me get this clear. You can do trading, farming, any other occupation you want or I'll get you to people a job I can. But, you have to follow one simple rule. and it is not to commit crimes. It is simple as that."