

When the Universe first gained sentience; The First Firmament was born and out of boredom of the first few billion years, he created the first sentient beings and gave them the task to create and destroy life for his own enjoyment. Thus began the story of MARVEL, as known by many... But! what if there was another... what if the Universe gave birth to two sentient beings... The one unknown to the Universe itself... The other Primordial...

Doctor_Blue · 电影同人
21 Chs

Beginning Of 7th Cosmos!

A/N: I won't be writing about other realities only Earth 616(at least not until a later chapter), there will be many twists born out of the combination of the Marvel cinematic universe and Marvel comics, plus some of my own for the story's convenience. Only Vedanta and a few more are my original characters, but Vedanta will be the story's main focus for now!

Please post your question; if any; in the paragraph comment section of... well... this paragraph. I will answer them in the next or next to next chapter altogether.

Well, Enjoy...


You might be thinking; how do the old Realities or the Universes end, and the new begins, well, to put it simply, imagine the Multiverse as a big striped ball that is full of air, now, when this ball deflates; the Multiverse ends, and when it inflates again; the new Multiverse begins. Well, that was just a fun little trivia for you, while I await the new beginning...

Ah! It begins; with the formation of new realities, full of wonders, yet again. Sometimes, I do wonder, what would it be like, if there were no 'Master of Order and Master of Chaos', would every iteration be the same; stale or would there be some kind of mutations in fabrics of Multiversal space, time and reality... who knows; it is those 'what ifs' that will never occur; or maybe the Queen of Nevers do... I guess someday, I will pay her a visit or maybe invite her for a leisurely cup of tea...

As I entertained these passing thoughts, when a Celestial ship, garners my attention; it was docking at the planet, all too familiar to me; Earth. Well, I guess it is 'Judging Season' yet again; as the Celestial began testing the environments and other living conditions, that are optimal for new species to be born, suddenly, it was blasted off to a distance by a concentrated beam of laser; by the time it took control of its body, the ship that was previously docked in the outer atmosphere of the planet; got blasted by the second laser attack, and 90% of the parts got incinerated, while other fell, in the melted form on the surface and the seas.

This is how the Celestial was greeted by its nemesis race the 'Horde'; Horde is a race of insectoid-like beings, that seek nothing but destruction.

Well, back to the scenario, The Celestial knew that it is going to die, as its ship has been destroyed and the mental signals it was sending for help to other Celestials, kept bouncing off due to the interference by the 'Queen' of this group of Horde. Out of all feasible options, and surrounded by the Horde, the Celestial decided to exterminate this group even if it had to die...

The fight continued for thousand years, and at last, the Celestial, true to its ambitions, exterminated the group, but it also succumbed to its death. Once the newly formed planet, filled with quaint nature; now its atmosphere was destroyed, and it was filled with magma, in which, the bodies of the Celestial and Horde mixed together and decomposed; their energies coalescing and mixing together with the core of the planet; this whole endeavour took another thousands of years...


While these events were happening; a race of life forms, of which, I was quite fond, was going through some hard, decision-making times. The race called themselves 'Luminous', they were the oldest race of the 7th Cosmos; I watched them grow from new-borns to a peaceful civilization, trying to gain the knowledge of wonders of this Universe, and then, to become the first ever civilization who opposed the doings of the Celestials, yet without war of weapons; only the war of ideologies and non-confrontation; the only race respected by the Celestials.

When the Luminous civilization, as a whole, became 'reality-faring' and had control of their powers. They, out of kindness and hope, tried to help newborn species born in different planetary bodies, in the vastness of different realities; Luminous provided them with knowledge and safety, at the beginning of their emergence; like teachers and guardians. At first, Luminous were content with the growth of different species across realities, but, when the species grew, with time they started waging wars, depleting and destructing their own home planets; the Luminous tried to interfere and bring them back on the path of advancement, knowledge and peace, but they were repelled or attacked; the Luminous started regretting and losing hope, seeing the destruction and bloodshed, all around them...

Then came the final straw that broke the camel's back; a new race; Prosilicans, waged wars across the galaxy, using the technology bestowed by Luminous; decimating 1/10th of the Universe, and even, destroying the home planet of Luminous.

The Luminous, hence, saddened by this, sealed the Prosilicans race, in the destroyed galaxy; filled with barren planets. After, this the remaining Luminous, formed a council and decided to observe the Universe and its cycles, without interfering with any species ever again; this was during the events of Celestial and Horde on Earth. The Luminous made another decision during the first hearing of their council court; that was to rename their race as the 'Watchers'.


After the events of Celestial and Horde, a few million years passed and a new race, unknowingly, started on the same path as Luminous(even though, the race of this name was not known to anyone anymore, as their history had been flown away, in the river of time); this race called themselves as 'Skrulls', they too tried to help other races in their growth, but with the subtle difference; they first asked the races to sign a non-confrontational pact with themselves, before giving them their technologies.

As the Skrulls race, continued down this path, they also had their own rude awakening; one time when the Skrulls found a planet named Hala, where two equally intelligent species resided, with the subtle difference of, one being warmonger and the other being a pacifist and peace loving; former was called the 'Kree' and the later were called the 'Cotati'.

The Skrulls, in bide to teach these new races, trade and new knowledge, proposed them a test; in this test, the Skrulls took members of both races to different planetoids, provided them with each their own technologies, and asked them to develop whatever and however they can, and a year later the Skrulls will return to check on their development and whichever race wins this competition, will get to rule their planet; Hala.

When the Skrulls returned to check on the results; they found the Cotati's results worthier and rewarded them the victory. Enraged by the result, the Kree attacked the ships of the Skrulls, and took control of it, in turn destroying the Skrulls and the Cotati; after which they returned to their planet, laid siege, destroyed the remaining Cotati, deciphered new technologies using the Skrulls ship, and built a new inter-galactic empire. This led to the beginning of the 'Kree-Skrull War'.


Now, while these events were conspiring, back on the planet Earth, some new changes were observed; not known to most, but due to Earth being created by the Beyonders(previous chapters) and the energies of the Celestial and the Horde, as well as, their bodies being mixed and absorbed by the planet's core, the planet slowly, during the millennia or two, underwent major mutations; creating beings that could control different energies, derived from pure cosmic energies.

Although, newly born, these beings, contained powers on the top Universal scale. But, due to them being born out of the energies of the planet; which was mixed with not only Celestial but madness of Horde; these beings raged wars on the planet, trying to control and rule it. These wars continued for another millennium or few, during which few of these beings, gained a clear semblance of their mentality; free of the madness, provided by the Horde's energies; after which, they tried to calm down the remaining of their kind, to no avail.

Therefore, one among the clear-minded; 'Gaea' created another being by moulding the energy flowing through the planetary core, named, 'Atum'; Atum was created to deter and defeat the remaining rouge beings, which was easily accomplished by Atum, but doing so, he also fell into the state of semi-madness, as a result, he returned his energies to Gaea, and sealed away himself.

Again as millenniums passed, some of the already sane beings, created their own territories, living peacefully.


While observing all these fascinating changes around the realities, I was also consolidating whatever powers I can bring with my new Humanoid body, and sealing away what I couldn't. As, I unfortunately found out through all the experiments, that although, I can create a Humanoid body; I am not yet proficient enough in controlling and moulding the Cosmic energies flowing through me so that I can contain all of it in the Humanoid body; I could wait for another trillion of year and I would be able to do it, but I am seriously getting bored and feel too alone, therefore, I had decided to seal away my powers and carry only so much with me, on my travels from now on.

Well, I guess a new journey awaits...