
Time to be a hero

After I finished sorting through my gains, i knew it's time to go to my grandparents house i mean the whole family is there and i need to show them what i became and explain what i understood until now.

So i went there and i had to go through the awkward silence and starring again. thankfully my parents already told them so it didn't last long.

After a long two hours of Q&A and explaining what's going on through the world i can finally take a time off and think about what should i do, or that's what i thought, i checked my mobile and i found all of my social media spammed with messages, i thought about it and i made a new group with all my close friends in it and i asked who's alive ??, thankfully most of them responded not like they are a lot, and most of them are foreigners.

so i asked if they are safe ?

turns out most of them are not, or they think they're not. I asked if they want to come to my house. Some of them agreed directly and the rest asked if they can bring their family with them i had to ask my family if it's okay to host about 30 personnes. they agreed but we needed more beds and covers, i told them i'll take care of that.

So i ported to the houses i recognise at first, and i got really frustrated because i had to explain what happened to me each time i go to a new house.

after finishing with those and introducing them to the rest of the family, i had a new problem to think about how i'm going to go to places i never visited before. when i explained my skill to my friend they kept suggesting what to do until one of them told me , if all i need is to be able to imagine where i want to go why don't i ask them to send me a video of their surronding ,save the image in my head, imagine it and pop over there.

I didn't trust it's going to work at first so i kept hesitating but in the end i decided to go through it i mean what's the worst that can happen i'm immortal, and i was glad it worked so i popped over to the rest of their houses, went through the explaining my condition again and popped them back hope again.

We kept talking about what we went through in the last hours, i told them what i think happened , what they should start doing from now on , and what i think is going to happen through the world.

As the discussion kept going i started to think about what happened to me and the changes i went through , and i felt all my emotions starts to roll, no no i can't do this while i'm sober i need a drink or a lot of drinks or else i won't survive this.

i popped to my house to check if i have no alcohol which turns out i don't , ughh i need to drink and no one will sell it in this chaos. Wait i don't need to pay for it , i saved a lot today by killing those zombies i'll take those as paiement, yes i'm not stealing.

So i popped one time or two or was it ten times ? grabbed all i can hold and went home put them there.

Now i can solve my emotional break down...