
Valhalla in HOTD

a man from our earth gets a chance at three wishes after an entity picks his place of rebirth. read on as he tries to make the most of a really really bad time in one of the most fascinating worlds in fiction.

Brogdawg32 · 作品衍生
54 Chs

Dragonstone prepares for the black dragon. said dragon arrives on Dragonstone

AN: okay, time to go to court.

Keep in mind, Arthur is not like anything these people have ever seen. He also has preconceived prejudice against them. Blood is coming.

Davos arrives across the narrow sea. Finding it far easier than he expected to get onto triarch ships docked in lys.

DRAGONSTONE, The narrow sea, 130 AC


I walk back into my room in a daze.

The words daemon spoke were too mad not to.

For how could the rogue prince belive something like that? That a human could live for 200+ years. Hell not even that, but survive the doom.

But daemon had always been the most adverse to legends and myths.

I arrive in my chamber and wonder what the arrival of my cousins betrothed will bring, for the triarch will arrive just days after the seahorse is set too.

So I won't even get a proper chance to see the man for who he is. For im sure like all others, he dons a mask when he steps out into the public eye.

How can you not? Everyone has secrets. Insecurity. I myself am not exempt from such things. For how can you he confident your father was who they say he was? I never let such things get to me before.

But how am I to rule the seven kingdoms when someone who was set to rule the first house of Valyria is now here?

'Eyes of shit blood of shit,' I and Luke had been told by the hightowers at every opportunity. I, being the big brother had to be stone faced while luke could rage and shout. I'd tried setting an example. One he eventually learned to follow.

For what could they do? The throne was my mothers and mine after her. My grandfathers wishes had been clear to the entire realm. For they all had bent the knee to my mother.

That was when I was young an naive. Thinking that because a man wore armor and said some oaths they were a knight. An honorable man.

However, I quickly learned from my friend and kin of my cousins soon to be husband, if very very distant, ln the north what true justice and honor was.

Men who hated eachother most of the time became the best of friends when an external threat came. And the unity of the north had made me happy and sad.

For if the seven kingdoms were like that we'd be unstoppable. Sadly, thousands of years or fighting and prejudices about culture clashes have always held us back.

Look at essos, the built cities that far surpass our own.

The city of qarth is said to be old ghis remade.

Volantis? The last true Valyrian structure aside from dragonstone.

My thoughts stay on this path until I hear a knock at my door.

Knowing ser cargylk would never let someone unknown into my room I bid them enter.

I see my betrothed. Beautiful mocha skin with lilac eyes and silvery braids. A true queen. One I feel I don't deserve.

But I push those thoughts aside. While I will not hold a grudge on Rhaena for pining after arhtur Valhalla, that doesn't mean I can't beat my anger at everything I'm going through into him right?

Baela breaks my musing. (Grandfathers ship was spotted on the horizon.)

I nod and make my way to my family. My mother and stepfather. Grandmother. And finally my younger brothers. Jeoffry, aegon, and viserys.

Both Joffrey and aegons eggs have hatched. But viserys own has not. Thought he hides it well you can see it hurts him.

But I can do nothing about it right now. For we have a war to win. And a brother to avenge.

My thoughts are broken again by a sound ive never thought could be made. One by a dragon I know. But unnatural.

It was the call of an apex predator announcing his arrival into a territory. Warning all other would be predators to beware. For the black dragon has arrived.



I remember my conversation with Alyn as we were making our way over the horizon to see Dragonstone.


Alyn walked in, his essosi version of the armored cloak of Valyrian steel. In his new grey and yellow color scheme

In my opinion though the most beautiful part of the attire was the hood itself.

Taking inspiration from the one that I hade made for Cregan In the form of a bear, I made this one a lion.


I myself am in quite the getup. For I wish to show all those there how overclassed they are in my presence.


I took inspiration from the immortals of the Persians. The mask along with my armor, all made of Valyrian steel cut quite the image.

My shadows had been ordered to change into black attire. The same one they wear but in a different color. I need them to be ready for anything.

I speak my mind to Alyn. (Alyn? I know you are kind and honorable. Here however that will only get you taken advantage of and killed. Stick close to me. For I won't let any trouble happen. If you cannot stay by me be by my shadows. They i assure you will carve up any of these andal knights like a butcher does a deer.

I remember the suprised and worried look he gave me. But I didn't care. These nobles have never seen or dealt with a true dragonlord. I will change that. Show them how foolish they were. The only question I ask myself is, 'who needs to die for it to happen?'

I'm broken out of my musings at the furious screech that morgoth let's out across the island of dragon stone. It was so loud I belive tou could hear it from driftmark. The bones in my body shook. Something here was making him anxious. Not a good sign. For i myself was atop him when we battled aegon and aemond above rooks rest.

Not even when locking claws with vhaegar before it had tried to end Rhaenys did morgoths feelings make me on edge like this. And that was a 200 year old dragon.


DRAGONSTONE, The narrow sea, 130 AC


hearing the baleful black dragons roar of domination sent shivers down my spine. I'd always thought my great grandfather jaehaerys the wise was the greatest king westeros had ever known.

Yet the more I look at his decisions, the

More that my mind said he was not wise.

Seeing the young man stride down the wing of his black beast with metalic eyes and wings was a sight to behold.

Clad in all Valyrian steel armor, even a mask over his face. One that drew even more attention than already needed to his eyes.

Twas just like I've heard them described by every other person to meet him. 'Like a bowl of Valyrian steel with blood mixed throughout. Culminating in a pool of red fire around the center.

Not only that, but said eyes had no whites. The entire eye was a pupil. 'Truly more dragon than man' I think as I look at the man of the same age as my son. But one who's undergone more than any other and lived to tell the tale.

Beside him is his newly betrothed. My stepdaughter Rhaena. A beautiful girl with the mocha skin of her mother. Beautiful purple eyes that looked the exact mirror to laenas.

She wore a startling cloak of white and gold. Looking like a Valyrian princess.


I also notice the look she's giving Arthur Valhalla. I know that look. All to well. I've seen it in my own eyes far too much. Feeling my husbands hand become steel in mine own I know he recognized such a look as well.

Turning to the next guest is my own good father. However, his attire looks nothing like his usual wear. Yet another cloaked figure with his hood up. But all color see the silver seahorse on his chest. He wore a garb of light blue and silver with armor down into the vital parts of his body. A truly wonderful looking thing.

And lastly, in front of my dead husbands dragon is a boy who looks like the spitting image of Corlys. Alyn Seafyre I've been told. An interesting development. Arhtur Valhalla seems he setting up a mini Valyria. Such things can be dangerous. Sigh. Another thing we needs must speak about.

My good fathers squire steps up to introduce our guests.

(My queen,) be bows at the waist before continuing, (may I present lord Arthur Valhalla. The lord of Sparta, and Windsor castle.

Also, the lord of ice and fire.)


LYS, narrow sea, 130 AC

As the otherys ship makes it's way into lys' harbor and docks I find my thoughts on the run.

For I remember every word lord Valhalla spoke to me.


With only lord Valhalla and I staring into a brazier I finally break my fear of the man for need of the silence and those eyes to stop boring into my soul.

(Why am I here lord Arthur?) the man's mouth is only just illuminated by the fire. And I see his lips turn up In the nearest thing to a smile I've seen on him.

(Have I mentioned how refreshing it is to be spoken to like a person and not a savior of the world?) he looks at me with eyes that show far more emotion than his cold face ever does.

That alone shocks me. For how can one's eyes produce emotions a face cannot? From the Direwolf by his side I assume he's of the line of winter kings. As nobody hit hem are said to have Valyrian steel colored eyes and the ability to get a Direwolf as large as a garron to sit and stay like a hound. That and I've been around lord Arthur for a sennight now while we prepare the weapon. I've seen those men wearing Valyrian steel masks and his wolf at his side every day. He never gave any of them a command. Not with words or gestures.

To see All of them walk in such sinc, as if they shared a mind was disturbing.

Lord Valhallas voice comes out again. This time it's more inline with the cold dragonlord I've seen, (tonight you and I make the weapon)

Flashback end

Im broken from my thoughts of the maddest thing I've ever seen as the ship comes to a halt. Making the barrel I have with slightly glowing white runes almost tumble over.

Such a thing would be very very bad. Both for me and all those around.

I look to the little cage atop the barrel. A mouse. One lord Arthur said would be as crucial to the plan as I myself. For he told me lighting such a thing would be instant death, even for him. That was a sobering thought. That the creator couldn't control the weapon they wielded was madness. I pray to any deity listening that this will go okay. Thunder rumbles in the sky as if to answer my prayer.

I just hope it's for and not against me.


Thanking the mocha colored Valyrian who definitely has some Velaryon blood, the otherys make their way out of lys under the cover of darkness.

The need to get away from the weapon is just as strong in them. For Arthur told them what they were carrying.

But what truly shocked me was what happened when lord otherys learned Arthur's name.

The man had dropped to a knee. Proclaimed him father of the titan. Liberator of bravos.

I knew not what such a thing meant. But the look in lord Valhallas eye told me he did. 'Just who am I serving?' I thought as I use a contraption Arthur calls a dolly to move the barrel and mouse that's now sitting calmly in my shirt pocket aboard the flagship of the triarch fleet.

I knew not how lord Valhalla intended for me to get aboard and off such vessel. But he told me as long as I do what he said to the letter I will be okay.

Not only that, but he spoke in nonspecifics about what I would do after this. I know such words will lead to him offering me something far beyond what I imagine. 'But do I want such a thing?'

My thoughts are broken as one of the two lys soldiers guarding the plank admonished me as I tried to come aboard.

(What the hell are you doing?!) he asked pulling his sword. (No one is allowed near here. Leave now. I will not ask again.)

But my resolve remained firm. I was a smuggler. How could I not encounter such things before.

(I'm sorry. The lord rogare ordered me himself to bring this aboard in order to celebrate their victory against the red dragons and sea snake.)

I say with enough mummer in my voice to make him believe.

What makes me truly unnerved though is the man standing to his left. I don't know why, but his gaze feels false. Not real. A mummer just like me.

When our gazes meet, he nods so slightly I don't know for true if he actually did until he stops the other guard trying to question me more. (Enough, aeksian. I will take him. This is just another one. Don't take it out on the man because your feet hurt.)

The named aeksian huffed but didn't refute the man's words.

I follow the intense man to the lower hull, while I feel the mouse slip silently onto the floor beside the barrel in the shadows. It's eyes an eerie white.

I'm broken out of my mind by the guard who speaks to me in a completely different voice than he used outside.

(This one is here to help the black dragon. More ones are helping free a trapped queen and her children. Tell the father of the titan such things are never forgotten. Not even in death.)

I'm shocked and am ready to initiate the blade Arthur put into my gauntlet. I decide to speak once to gauge him. For if he's lacking he'll never leave this hull.

(Who are you?!) I shout whisper as my blade comes out of the gauntlet on my right wrist.

The man looks amused. Amused. Before doing the Same with his left hand, (I am no one.)

I decided then and there to get out of here. The faceless men. I need to inform Arthur.

I make my way as calmly out of the hull as my heart will allow after meeting a member of the house of black and white. Telling Aekisan his partner is ensuring the product is stable on the ship i all but run to the nearest leaving vessel for bravos. Then it's to Dragonstone I travel. For my job agaisnt the triarch is not yet complete.

AN: idk if I'll do another chapter tonight or not. But it will include Arthur's first 'test' by a noble of Dragonstone. Leading to an event that will echo across books for centuriesto come.

Also the house of black and white makes a move to be proactive in helping the black dragon.

And in bravos, daven rides aboard a ship with a beautiful women in red robes with beautiful red hair.