
Valhalla in HOTD

a man from our earth gets a chance at three wishes after an entity picks his place of rebirth. read on as he tries to make the most of a really really bad time in one of the most fascinating worlds in fiction.

Brogdawg32 · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

the crown princes fear, the BLUDEAGLE

AN: we see one of the want to be Valyrians disrespect a dragonlord in Arthur's presence.

Outrage from court causes a trial. One where Arthur shows everyone on Dragonstone that he is in charge. And he only reason he doesn't become king is because they aren't worthy of the time or stress to keep a kingdom running. Be prepared.

DRAGONSTONE, The painted table chamber, 130 AC

Jaceaerys Velaryon

After everyone is seated and awaiting my mother starting, I see the Valhalla sitting next to me with Rhaena on his left and prince daemon to her left.

I remember the words he spoke to me on our way to the chamber. So eager was I to test blackfyre against his truefyre almost had me dragging him to the yard before a proper meeting could be had.

But I managed to keep such things held in.

My mother started.

(Let me first welcome lord Valhalla, princess rhaenas betrothed. Such an ally will be key to our victory in the war.)

I looked at lord celtigar and his younger brother. Clement. The one they had been trying to wed Rhaena too.

In honesty had my mother not yanked my leash I would've already handled such things. But my mothers words always played in my head, 'maegor did as he wished on a whim. Look where that got him.'

So I held it in.

My mother continued, (now we needs mist ready ourselves for the triarchy.)

At those words I saw Rhaena tense up. Surely worried about the outcome should all turn for the worst. I hope it's something she can get over soon. We have no time for such things.

The meeting passed quickly. I immediately hail lord Arthur, (lord Valhalla. I've wanted to test blackfyre against another Valyrian steel weapon. Your own truefyre seems as good as one as any. Mayhaps we can go to the courtyard?)

I can only see his lips. But he smiles slightly. Speaking for the first time since he arrived in Dragonstone. For he said not a word to anyone save for whispers to Rhaena that she dutifully whispered back.

The two seem so In sinc. It's odd.

(If you wish to rest blackfyre I'm certain truefyre can do so. I'll be awaiting you prince jaceaerys.)

At that he took the next turn. A right. And by the time he should've been only a few steps down the hall he was gone.

(See cargyll?)

(Yes your grace?)

(What're your own thoughts on Arthur Valhalla?) I asked. Wanting an unbiased experienced warriors take.

(Do you want me to speak true?)

I only barely hold in my scoff. It's times like these I hate my position. You never know if someone is telling you fact or placating.

(Of course ser cargyll. I wouldn't have asked you had i Wished for the mortar in the walls opinion.)

The white cloak laughs before becoming deadly serious, (be careful your grace. He is dangerous.)

I almost scoff yet again. How dangerous could someone of my age be to a man like Erik cargyll?

I voice such thoughts.

The man looks conflicted before speaking. (What makes him different from every other lord we watched in that meeting today?)

I try thinking back. Other than the fact he was in full armour? I don't seem to remember his presence at all unless seeing Rhaena bend back into her seat. Then it hit me.

(It was like he wasn't even there. I hardly remember his presence.)

See cargyll nods with a proud look in his eye. (Indeed your grace. A man with as much influence as he and yet he stays silent. Why?)

I think for a few minutes as we walk to the training yard and find I can't come up with an answer.

Seeing that ser cargyll answers his own question. (Because he knows the value of listening. Many nobles do not. They spout and spew and brag. Whether that be about how much gold they have, how many men they command, the keep they live. All of it tells you who a man is without needing to ever say a word to him. You need only use what the gods gave us.)

Those words ring in my head as we make our way outside.

Sitting there I see baela and Rhaena. Who has her hand in the garron sized wolf beside her. If I needed any proof he was a stark the wolf ended it. They along with lord Valhallas silent guards with Valyrian steel masks on were Watching lord Valhalla teach viserys and Joffrey how to hold a wooden sword. The boys look eager to swing it wildly as a young boy just starting Is want to do. But lord Arthur keeps stopping them. Making them simply hold the sword straight armed as long as they can before repeating the process.

After about 15 minutes of that he finally showed them a simple riposte. But such a thing had stars In their eyes.

Soon though things changed. I see lord clement celtigar swagger out into the yard with 4 men trailing him bearing celtigar sigils.

They encircled my brothers and lord Valhalla who's seems obvious to their existence.

I can see Clement trying to speak to the Valhalla but the man jusg continues speaking to viserys and Joffrey.

He bids the boys away and as soon as their out of the encirclement all 5 celtigar men put hands on their swords.

I hear lord celtigar cry out in rage, "learn what happens to those who think to steal from the lords of crack law."

As soon as the first man began unsheathing his sword all hell broke loose.


The courtyard was in silence. Except for the screaming in agony lord clement celtigar now down a sword hand.

I had watched the engagement closely. Yet what I saw couldn't be explained.

One second lord Valhalla was surrounded by men in full armor and live steel.

The next, the 4 guards who accompanied lord Arthur had fallen dead with a blade wound to their neck while lord Arthur held up clement by his neck and spoke in a whisper to him before catching his knee with his face.

After celtigar fell to the ground with a broken nose he tried reaching for his downed sword.

Only for the Valhallas boot to land atop it as it got to the hilt. And then his own Valyrian steel sword the same shade as his eyes cut through lord celtigars armor and body like a hot knife through butter.

The black dragon turned those winter eyes on me. I saw the full furry of the 14 flames in those eyes.

Before his gaze moved behind me, immediately softening. I look to see Rhaena rushing to him, the wolfs and hooded guards folding behind.

While I was still in shock. As was the rest of the courtyard. Although whispers had broken out now.

Lord Valhalla calmly walked past me with his entourage following.

(Do you still wish to duel?)

He asked me in a voice cold as ice.

Before I can respond i see Rhaena grab his arm and give him a look of reproach. One he has the dignity to look abashed at.

The man who just killed 4 men and mutilated another in the literal blink of an eye looked chastised by Rhaena.

He took a deep breathe before looking back to me. (Forgive me. My blood is up.)

I don't even get to respond before Rhaena is dragging him away.

Looking to my right I see ser cargyll. His face tells me all I need to know. 'I told you'



After gettin Arthur into my chamber and making his shadows stay outside I slap him across his face.

I'm expecting a grimace of pain or anything really. But he doesn't move. Just keeps staring at me with those eyes still alight with dragon flame.

I take a breathe and try to think rationally. As one of us has to. And it seems Arthur is not the one to do so right now.

(What in the name of all 14 flames are you doing?! Do you underarm what is going to happen now? They're going to call for a trial to asses your guilt)

For the first time since arriving to Dragonstone Arthur, my dragon knight laughs. Almost manically.

Finally he gets himself under control and speaks while still giggling.

(And who's going to put me on trial? Under what gods?)

I don't get to answer when a Dragonstone guard knocks on the door.

(Princess, you and lord Arthur have been summoned to the courtyard.)

I hear Arthur scoff. About to spray the man with dragonfire for doing his job. I cut him off with my own words.

(Thank you. We'll be just a moment.)

After he leaves argtur looks at me. And for the first time is see the man Jaenyx Valhalla raised, (they've made a mistake 'summoning me.)

He says walking out the door without wait for me to grab his arm.

Since he's woken up he's been different. Easier to anger and violence. My dragon knight saw something in those dreams. Something that has him overly concerned and protective.

I promise myself to get to the bottom of it. Even if I need to go behind his back. He needs me. That much is clear.

I make my way to the courtyard with frost at my shoulder. While Arthur may be filled with rage he'd never leave me with someone he didn't trust completely.

Frost fit that bill as well as any.

As I'm almost to the courtyard I hear my husband to be yelling like I've never heard. His voice echoing off the walls of the keep making him sound like a giant.


As soon as his last word rang out, the roar from a dragon I've never heard before. One that sounds even more blood chilling than morgoth.

Rushing out of the keep what is see shocks me. Lords sunglass, and both celtigar kneel before Arthur. His sword drawn and under clement celtigars chin.

The sound that I knew came from a dragon moving at incredible speed toward the courtyard.

When it lands not only am I but everyone witnessing such a thing happening is stunned into silence.

For the most infamous dragon on westeros, with baleful green eyes and flames to match, stood behind Arthur Valhalla. Breathing in his scent and shrieking like a newborn dragon asking for pets.

The words my soon to be husband speaks are so wuoet I'm not sure how it's possible I can hear him, (hello Sauron. It's been quite some time since I fed you lamb hasn't it?)


He asks and rubs the dragon behind him with his left hand.

By then I look behind the three kneeling lords and see three sets of posts set up. Just like the ones Arthur put lord stane on.

Now, while I don't care about what happens after, I'm not sure how such a thing looks In actuality.

I feel frost move beside me and offer me support. My heart calms. I cannot question Arthur. At least not publicly. But tonight? He and I have a long overdue talk about him going off and doing things without my say.

I do not want to control him. But I feel I'm owed to know what's happening with my dragon knight.

His words break me from my thoughts.

(Today ushers in a new age. Today you learn what true dragon lords look and act like. Today, every andal serpant that wishes for wings will either abandon such dreams, or shall look into their future.

Lord clement celtigar, for your crime of calling my Soon to be wife and I quote, 'a whore who opens her legs for the first dragon rider she sees', your punishment will be first.

Lords Belmont celtigar and Richard sunglass, for sending your men to attack me while under guest right forcing me to use lethal force, then try to flip said story about how I attacked them after you encircled two little boys just trying to learn to defend themselves, you will face the flames.)

Not even a moment after he said that,eerie green flame erupted out of the cannibals mouth. Engulfing the two lords.

When there were just bones left he looked to the shadows who hauled them up into position. On either side of the middle set of posts.

Next lord clement, stil in a daze seeing his brother be turned to ash in seconds was kicked in the face by Arthur who then began dragging him. Toward the post.

As he was walking he called out to two names that made my blood freeze, (aegon, viserys?)

The two boys who I expected to be scared looked at lord Arthur from below my stepmothers belt Line like he was their hero.

Without an answer he began tying lord clement up and speaking again, (this is what you do to those who disrespect your family. Understand?) he asked with the face I'm used to on Arthur. The one who picked up children and threw them in the air so they could 'fly like morgoth.' Or the man that ate In his village half of the time we were in Sparta. When asked why he would say, (just because they don't work the keep makes them less important to all of Sparta?)

The boys nodded. And that day, the south learned what it means to disrespect a dragonlord.

AN: next chapter we see leaf speak to Rhaena via dreams. Shows her memories of Arthur and the long night.

Maybe a few reacting to Arthur's actions?