
A young fighter? An eyesore!

I and Sei finally begin our journey.

We are now walking in a lakefront and is far from the kingdom.

Even though we have no idea to where we are going, we still continue to seek for this magic.

I am the only one that is really interested about this to be honest. Sei is only following me without second thought.

I am too eager to enhance my power and ability because i really need it.

Just like Iliha said, this world is not safe anymore. That's why i have to secure my capabilities.

Can i protect Sei? Am i able to keep up with possible attackers? Needless to say, can i even protect myself?

We are really living now in a world where mysterious and dangerous happenings keep occuring.

First, my family's murderer.

That murderer has an extraordinary power. Thinking things till now, i conclude that he is connected to magic. Though, i am not sure.

Second is those preachers and holy disciples.

They keep talking about God, though, it seems they are not even interested to talk about it.

They will tell you about God, but they won't answer your questions. One more thing, the pillar-like fire that smashed the kingdom. It killed the monster, but it leaves no damage to surroundings. I mean, the surroundings has no trace of burnt from that fire; even though it smashed the whole coverage of the kingdom. Rational thinking, should it not leave no trace of the whole kingdom instead?

Just what in the world is that?

Never heard of such technology anywhere.

That is why i conclude to myself,

"I see, MAGIC, huh?"

Yeah, those mysterious people, the murderer, and the person that give me this invitation, are all using "MAGIC!!!".

It's just, i do not know how magic works.

Therefore, it becomes clear to me what to do

I continue

Though i don't know why i have been invited, considering i am not welcome to join those HOLY DISCIPLES,... is it not worth it to spend my time to look for this certain place, the SPIRITUAL HOUSE? even though i have no idea where to start looking for it?

Yes! It is worth it! I will look for it! For i know, that it is there where i can acquire this MAGIC!

Though i certainly believe God really exist, i can't certainly say if i can save this world. However, even if i don't know where to find the location of this SPIRITUAL HOUSE, i will still look for it.

Because i know,

That somehow, considering how powerful those guys are, considering the mysterious happenings i witness so far,

MAGIC really exist!

"What are you muttering about?" Sei asks

Sei stop walking and look intently to the vast mountainous, watery, and plain horizon.

She then continue

"Say, should we really look for this magic thing?

I mean, we really have no idea where to start. Let us suppose we are now on the east direction of the kingdom, but what if it's in the west direction after all? And seriously there is four directions."

I smile and say

" Yeah, right? To be honest i am also worrying about it for awhile now.

Aha ahaha ahahahaha"

I just laugh did not know what to do.

But as i told her, this search is not easy. That is why she should just stayed behind.


We continue walking

On the way, we meet a father and daughter.

They are fully equipped. The father is about 40 plus of age while the daughter is probably at age of 12.

I talk to them to know their destination

"Uhm... Hello..." I called out on the guy's back

"Ah, hi..." The guy then reply after turning around

We talk as we continue walking

"Are you in a mission? I notice this girl to be too young for that though."

I ask the father as i smile and wave to the girl

"That is what i keep telling her"

The guy reply with his hand rubbing his head and is chuckling

In his gloves, i notice a emblem of our kingdom

"Oh! You are from Frisha kingdom?"

"Ah, yeah"

"Ahh, so is she your daughter? Why is she with you, fully equipped? Is she also going to battle?"

I ask the father attentively for i wanted to know why he is taking a little child with him. One more thing, where did they even bought this equipment that fit to a little child like her?

As far as I've known, I've never seen such equipment in my kingdom. Thinking rationally, isn't it child cruelty to let children hunt monsters? Or whatever that equipment is supposed to be use for?

"No, i will never let her go to battle. This suit is only to give her extra safety from random danger."

The guy reply as he pat the shoulder guard of the girl.

"Oh! You should just paid some traveller guards if you really wanted to secure her safety. Eh? And it's not even a protective suit, it's a battlesuit isn't it? Are you planning to train her how to fight at her age? "

Seeing a child wear a battlesuit is really uncomfortable. Just what idiot will even design a battlesuit for a child?

The guy then reply with a expression that he accept the scolding to him

The guy says

" Yeah, i know, but she wanted to become stronger as soon as possible to avenge our family. I had stop her but it seems she really wanted to."


"Yeah, my wife and other children dies from the monster's attack. Somehow, she wanted to protect what is left, it is what she said."

I contracted my eyes as i said

"What a fate"

I then continue, for somehow, i still feel that there is no righteous reason to let a child take part on battle. Yes! There is none! No matter what circumstances is included.

I then say

"Is it not an option to let her wait at least she reach an age of 15?"

"That is what i keep telling her but..."

"But?!! Aren't you the father?! Can't you contain your own child?! No matter what her reason is, is it not right to stop her?! When you know what is best?! will you not decide for her what is best?! "

"Yeah, i know, but what if i can't protect her by myself?!! I know she is just a child and it is too early for her to learn combats, but danger could not wait!!! Have you not see the attack on the kingdom?!!! If they don't learn how to fight now, then when?!!! Are we going to let them die?!!!

"Then let them die"

Sei reply with an annoyed face.


The father reacted with a thought Sei's reply is nonsense.

"I said you can just let them die"

Sei replied and is really irritated

"Huh? What are you going on about?"

The guy once again replied as if we are nonsensical persons.

"She is your daughter, right? Why do you want her to learn combat at her age? You said you can't protect her? Then why don't let her die?"

"I am going to train her, can't you understand?

If we don't train young ones, then how will they survive in times we can no longer protect them? In this times of troubles and tragedy?!!!"

If you know we are living in a tragical times, then why did you bore a child?!!! Say!!!

Sei reply angrily

" Huh? "

The guy was speechless it almost make him release tears

The guy uttered

" No, i didn't know that there will be a tragedy like this. We just live our life peacefully and happily until that unknown level of monster came out. It's not like i bore a child to let them die, i had no idea that this will happen."

"If you didn't know a tragedy like this will happen, then why are you still trying hard?

Do you think we live in a world free from trouble before the monster arrive? We don't didn't we? From the very moment we are born the world is already filled with trouble, and that trouble didn't even wait for you to exist. For it already exist before you do.

Don't lie about saying you don't know we live in a tragical times. "

" Why are saying this things? Are you telling me it is wrong to train a young person but let them die instead? "

" It is! It is an eyesore! If you just bore a child to train them how to fight, you should just killed them before they were born! This beautiful world is not created for war! This is for peace! "

I give the guy a piece of my mind

The father blazed in anger, thus he said

" Then what are you? Why are you fighting? Do you think you live a peaceful life? Just because you live a 20 yrs of peace? And end up being a fighter after all? "

I suddenly get overwhelmed by a dark feeling for somehow, i felt like he is insulting how my parents raise me. But fortunately i can somehow restrain myself now.

I then said

" At least i know what i am doing;

Letting a child learn combat is just cruel "

The father then reply proudly

"Well, she also knows what she is doing, right, Vara?"

The guy patted the top of the little girls head

I and Sei then observe the girls reply

"Yeah, i want to become a fighter and i will surely become one!!!"

I and Sei frowned

It seems the child carries no hesitation at all

"I told you didn't i? She really wanted to become powerful to protect those who are left"

Sei then ask

"How will she survive then? From this tragical days?"

"I will protect her!!!" - the father reply proudly -


Sei then reply as she draw my sword that she is carrying

The pressure of wind suddenly rages away from her as she completely drawn my sword

She then say

"Let us see how you will protect your child then, let us see if you people can really survive"

She added

"You people really are an eyesore"

Just notice i can leave a message here


How was the story is going?

Storie_muxicacreators' thoughts