

Harith smirked as he heard the long silence on the other end of the phone. His mischievous side ignited as he intended to vex the caller.

"Hmm… Nobody on the line. He must have butt-dialled it!" he purposely said it out loud before he hung up.

"Why?" asked Sara as she tried getting her mobile phone back.

However, Harith was quick enough to put it at the side compartment of his door. He tutted and warned her when Sara tried to stretch herself in front of him, obstructing his driving.

"I'm driving, Sara. That's dangerous!"

"I wouldn't have to do that if you had just returned my phone back." She huffed and slumped her body back to the seat.

"Why? If I don't know any better, I think you're expecting something from him."

He glanced at her trying to see what her reaction from his teasing was but it turned out to be disappointment when she showed no emotion other than annoyance.