
Under Black Scales

a Gamer doing Soldier work dies and finds him self in World of Azeroth a land of constend wars dangers adventures and Glory. Join aur protagonist in story of his battle not to return to lands of the dead. The story takes place in the universe of the World of Warcraft,(I Claim no ownership and all rites of WoW title places and most of hero of story are all belonging to Blizzard entertaiment) I will do my best to research and come with an enjoyable story of what could happen in lore and explore one of my favorite lore universes please bear in mind that this will be my 1 big story so it may be a bit bloody so to say.

Madaremius · 游戏衍生
16 Chs

The First Day

So it have been day's...i think ther was times when heat around me subside so i imagane that was night after all keeping track of time in endless dark aint as ez as any anime protagonist makes it to be.

so let's see (indentyfy incubaiting)

name:incubaiting(almost done)

Description: host is incubaiting and have been for a long time it will teak moments before you can spring form egg

waiting a few more moments it came Gained: Status Effect-incubaiting(done)

YES!!!I'll never spend a week cooped up inside ever again. Not even if it's finals week all over again and I need to cram like I've never crammed before.

I noticed that my egg was getting a bit small, and that I barely had any room to move.So that's when I started to move around. In an effort to get free, I braced my feet against the bottom of the egg and began to push out with my head. Just this little bit of effort was exhausting drinking my poor 10 point stamina pool.So I had to rest in-between pushes so in 3 push and no go not even a bit of light or crak i started to get a bit angry. and gave my old live dictionary a go to hype my self up as i went.

UHHHH!COME ON OPEN! AAAAHHH!!! OPEN YOU RUST DEMN BAM! GOD DEMN BAM! FUCK DEMN BAM! CRAP DEMN BAM! ZOG DAMN BAM! ASS DAMN, DAMN DAMN BLOODY EGG!!!! !BAM With my eight and final push, my head burst out of the egg as if Kool-Aid Man.

O YEA.The first thing that came on my to do list was breathe, then breathe, then breathe some more. Euphoric air flooded lungs. Oxygen wasn't something anyone should ever be forced to realize they were taking for granted.Once i hade had fill of wonderful, wonderful O2 i snapped to attention at the realization that i was still within darkness.blurry looking forms around. It was dark, but I could still make out the shapes of other eggs. Finally something new T_T.

I noticed that they all seemed to be moving; some were wiggling, some had fallen over on their side, and a few seemed to be walking around on hind legs. Only one other had a head popping out of it.

I looked at it, and noticed that the whelp was a female. I didn't know how I knew this, only that the information had come to me instinctually.

After resting for a few moments, F to my stamina poll T-T I pushed the egg shell to fall on its side, allowing me to craw out. Once I had, I began to stretch, unfolding my pathetic little wings for the first time.they looked like somone took a poor baby bat and forgot to feed him them that's a skiny ass wings.

I gave them an experimental flap, but they were too small to lift me off the ground. For now.

After fully stretching, I looked around again. Most of the other whelps were out of their eggs by now, and the female whelp had followed me in stretching her wings.

I looked around at the room I was in. Curiously, it resembled a lava tube, but very large. There was, to my surprise, a small river of lava a few yards away from me. If I were human, I would have been blistered by the heat. huh that wher the heat most have been coming from.As it was, it was pleasantly warm. Aside from the other whelps, there was no one else in here.

I inched closer to the lava. It was so hot that the molten rock flowed like water. A very slow flow, but still flowing, a soft film of rock on top. I got so close that I could see the heat waves in the air, but it still didn't hurt. so in moment of great mental decisions making as we all have when our monky(lizard now) brain gets when seeing something new.

I bravely sticking a claw in. it was like sticking it into a hot tub. It didn't hurt at all. Encouraged, I stuck my whole paw in, and then then just dived in, braking the film of soft rock on top. It was just like a hot tub, and and after a few moments of swimming around in the lava, the other whelps joined me. I was careful not to open my eyes while under the surface, as I didn't want to get blinded, some welphs did not check for that and seem to scratch at ther eyes now. I have tryied to swim deeper and see how far it gos but the lava river was only like two feet deep.

When I got out, I was afraid that the molten rock might stick to me, but no, it slid off my scales like water. I gave a brief shake, before wandering back to the egg shells, watching the other whelps while they splashed around in the lava.Perhaps the most curious thing I have ever seen that's one hell fo a start to new live.

While the other whelps were splashing around, I got a better look at my surroundings. The Lava tube was 6 meters high and 14 meters wide. The only light source was the lava, and it threw strange shadows as the whelps splashed in it. Looking either way, I saw nothing but darkness. There was no one else here but me and the whelps.I wondered where our mother.

as I was getting hungry, and was perfectly willing to eat some of this new fantasy world food like in all isekai story of typ i bet mother or father will fly in with a prey to feed to it's young i bet we just got to wait a bit ^^.

With no mother in sight, I decided to get a inspect myself. I had three claws on each hand, scales as black as night, and the leathery folds of my wings were a dark red. Curious.I turned my attention back to the whelps, who were starting to get out of the lava. After making a head count, I learn that there were 16 of them, and that 7 were female and 9 were males, aside from myself.

Not all of us were exactly the same; while all my scales were black, some of them had yellow or red bellies and wings, and a few had horns. I was the only one who only had black scales and unique colored wings.

Well, since the mother dragon wasn't here, I crawled up to a slightly elevated part of the tube, and lay down to rest, watching the other whelps. The female from earlier followed me, laying down right next to me, while the other whelps ignored me, either resting themselves, or getting into play fights, and we waited for a mother dragon to appear.

I couldn't tell time in this place, so I didn't know how long I waited as my hunger grew. After a while, everyone started to settle down to go to sleep, while I kept my eyes open. I didn't want to let my guard down around this group. seomthing feel fishy about this...

Passive Skill Gained!

Name:Danger Sense(lv1)

Prerequisite: 10 Precaption stay on alert when no danger is seen but it is ther at least 1!

Description: let's you feel unseen threaths around and worn of incoming strikes or battles

having gained big eye's on sight of new skill and it's requirements i realiased that i forgot to check my stats in all that time as i was growing in egg







STATUS EFFECTS:hunger(high)







Active Skills:Identify (LV1)Danger Sense(lv1)

Passive Skills:Human Racial Bonus – Fast Learner(SOUL BOUND) Dragon Racial Bonus - ageless might

awsome i got stats that dont make me fear a summer breeze this will help a lot but still... danger sense is tingling....

looking around on kids Ther rest didn't last very long Eventually, our hunger got to a breaking point, and the whelps started to be awoken by their hunger, after which they started to wail. This wailing woke up the other whelps, and they started to wail too, wailing for as far as i could tell aur mother.


I myself was starting to get desperate. If the Mother dragon didn't turn up soon, we were all going to starve to death, or worst, a whelp could get it in their head to try and eat another whelp, which would lead to a blood bath that I wanted no part of, but desperation makes people do crazy things.


[Major Quest Found: Survive: the Test]

[Secondary Objective: ???]

[Reward: Live+???]

looking at text in front of me wide eyed i realized mother aint coming test... they are leting ther kids starve as test what world did i spawn to... looking at welps around i was trying to stop the coming idea but i knew it was no use.

Eventually I decided that I couldn't wait anymore, If I didn't eat, I wouldn't be strong enough for the possible blood bath. I took a careful look at the whelps, looking for one that seemed smaller or weaker than the rest. Eventually I spotted one, a tiny male to my right, thanking sitting on the outside of the group, and he stopped wailing, looking like he was having a hard time catching his breath.

Once I spotted him, I zeroed onto him, getting up into a rather basic crouching position. The female next to me was startled, perhaps wondering what I was up to. am i really gona do it i mean she seems off about it maybe i am overthinking it with the whole desperation thing.

but that line of thinkin wos killed by a next messege from system.

STATUS EFFECTS:hunger(extreme)

I didn't run, instead I crawled, being as stealthy as I could while I made my way to the tiny whelp. The whelp didn't notice me until it was too late, and in an instant I had my jaws wrapped around his neck, trying as best I could to drag him away from the group before they noticed, but it was too late, as the tiny whelp gave a surprised yelp when I grabbed him.

Thankfully, the other whelps didn't seem to realize my intent, as most of them went back to their wailing, a few other watching me to see what I would do. The female had followed me, but kept a few feet away, perhaps realizing that coming close to me could mean her my meal.

While I dragged the tiny whelp away from the group. It kept yelping, and started to struggle, but it was fruitless, as my grip was too strong.

There was no time to be happy about that got to keep draging him Once I felt that I was of sufficient distance from the group, I dragged the tiny whelp around, so I that I could face them.

The tiny whelp was still struggling, trying to get itself loose. A few of the other whelps watched me, the female gazing at me with interest and worry.

It was the moment of truth: would I kill this tiny whelp so that I could remain alive? Or would I let it go, I decided that in the end, I would prefer to live, so the whelp had to die.

With that decision made, I bit down, hard. My teeth couldn't really pierce it's scales, but the tiny whelp struggled more as it's airways were blocked. As the seconds passed, the struggles grew weaker, before finally, it stopped, and I could feel the whelp die. There was a slight tremble in the air, and I could see some cracks forming on the ground. Could it be that welp was more of a mage build one on stats then me in pure Strength and health like me no matter.

I didn't waste a moment; using my teeth, I ripped up the skin at one of the weak points (the arm pit in this case), before diving into the meat of the breast, ripping up small chunks and swallowing them whole. With each bite, I could feel strength returning to my tired muscles, and then some

[Quest Completed]

[Secondary Objective Completed: be the First one to spill blood]

[Reward: You have proven your worth to your unseen judge you get to live Bonus: you have earned 1 Strength point!

It took a few moments for the whelps to realize what had happened, and then as I predicted, it was a blood bath, as the whelps began to attack each other, crazed for meat...

With my new found strength, I began to drag my meal away from the blood bath, keeping eye out in case any of them tried to challenge me, before settling down a good distance away to eat my meal more slowly.

After a few moments, the female was there, on the other side of the carcass. I growled a warning, and she bowed submissively, lying flat on the ground. I walked forward a bit, to give her a sniff, careful to keep my neck from being exposed. It seemed that she was genuine, as all I could detect was no danger with my danger sense.I gave a satisfied grunt, before backing over to my side of the carcass, showing my allowance to join me, and we both consumed the tiny whelp, until there was nothing but bones and scales left.

Hunger status efect have been removed...