
Under Black Scales

a Gamer doing Soldier work dies and finds him self in World of Azeroth a land of constend wars dangers adventures and Glory. Join aur protagonist in story of his battle not to return to lands of the dead. The story takes place in the universe of the World of Warcraft,(I Claim no ownership and all rites of WoW title places and most of hero of story are all belonging to Blizzard entertaiment) I will do my best to research and come with an enjoyable story of what could happen in lore and explore one of my favorite lore universes please bear in mind that this will be my 1 big story so it may be a bit bloody so to say.

Madaremius · Video Games
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16 Chs

The Mother


a list of thing i miss from being a human...1 good parents that dont let ther kids starve to a point of canibalism


number 2 Batching with clean hot water swagger old spice bodywash and head to shoulders shampos...lick...this is a very poor substitut.

lick...Yea i was suprissed to see my new family cleaning echother in small packs that they were in now.lick.... and ofc my sis wos no diffrent as she try to lick my face clean of blood.lick...

i sure hope it is just her wanting me clean and not her checking how many licks it teaks to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop of a brother Skull.

now that i have a good look around i can see my prediction was really spot on.The blood bath was short but, as it's name implies, bloody. tho some still looked as if wanting to go at it. they all rested alone or small groups cleaning blood of them self's.

Battle it self was absolute pandemonium. Wings were shredded, blood flew everywhere, and the screeching, oh the screeching was terrible as the whelps slaughtered each other. Parts of the group broke off, engaging in smaller fights that they could control. Eventually it devolved into a handful of smaller one on one fights, very few of the whelps teaming up together.to be fair it wos hard to tell your team form foe hir so not like they would help them selfs form hiting ally mid massacer anyway.

When it was all said and done, 10 whelps were dead and aside from myself, 6 had survived. Over the next hour, the other whelps consumed their brood mates, before they licked their wounds and lay down to rest.

One thing was for sure: they didn't stay in a group anymore, preferring to sleep farther apart from each other than before. The female and I curled up next to a wall with our backs to it, so no one could sneak up on us, and we all fell asleep once again.

When we woke up, it was to find that the mother dragon had finally arrived. She was huge, and had to crouch to fit into the magma tube. It was the sound of her feet crunching on the rock floor that woke us, and when we did, she dropped what looked like a big, hot, steaming carcass in front of us.a bit to late ther mom...

"Eat up, my children," said the mother dragon in a tongue I instinctual understood. You need to build your strength. Eat up before it's gone."

We didn't need anymore instruction, all of us dived onto the carcass in a swarm, and began eating. I don't think I've ever eaten as must as I have in my entire past life. Whatever the carcass was, I couldn't find it in myself to care, as I was hungry.

now full i teak in the dragon that called us it's children and i cant help but to feel like something is cliking in to place as i see her black deep scales. plating ending on her back as if a carapace of scales bone mace on tails end of mama dragon i am sure i have seen it but wher?

as i wos having this debate in my mind mother dragon left and welps well feed as one went to sleep again.welp my as well join them.

That was how time passed for what I assumed was the next several months. Every now and then the mother dragon would come bringing food, which we would eat, and then for a while we would play fight or go for a swim in the lava.best part was play fight was counting as a good trening and i got my self a next point in Endurance from all the exercises.life wos good exepct for a starter pack of baby murder and ocesinal wierd siblings talking to winds or making a miles long stears as if they listinging to someone thing.

Eventually I grew strong enough to fly, flapping my wings the way a whelp does, with rapid strokes. I couldn't glide, as my wings weren't big enough for my heavy body, but I could fly for several minutes before getting tired.

One day after bringing us food, the mother dragon stayed, sitting down to watch while we ate. When there was nothing left but bones, she moved the bones to be burned by the lava.

"Come," she said in an imperious voice. "It is time for you to see the surface."

For the first time, I hade time to get really close good look at mom i noticed that her appearance was marred, looking as though she had been badly burnt at some point. I briefly wondered what could burn a dragon if lava couldn't, before loosing the thought thx to my sibling.

"The surface?" said one of the females, the same female that had followed me around on the first day. "What's that?

"Just get on my back, little ones," said the mother dragon.

And we did just that, flying up to land on her back, and she started walking down the tube. It wasn't long before we came to a huge crevasse, were the lava river flowed down like a water fall. The crevasse was dark, but I could see magma far below. It was very deep, and I had to squint to see the bottom.Looking up, I could see an opening high above, large enough for the mother dragon to fit through.

With a suddenness, the mother dragon took flight, flapping her wings in long, broad strokes. The heat from the magma below created an upward draft and it didn't take long before we were gliding though the opening, getting the first glimpse of starlight for the first time in our brief lives. and it was good never have i seen such a clear sky this world most really be one of thos sword and magic ones. sky is so clean hir ther is no way that any polution is up hir.

We were apparently on a tropical island, and had just flown out of the mouth of a volcano. As far as I could tell, the island was pretty big, at least 30 kilometers across, and the volcano was right in the middle. jup that's a fantasy looking isle all right what do i mean well the tree's are about as big and thick that mom dragon could hide in them that aint no earth size tree... well maybe back in the jurrasic.

We drifted up for a few minutes, getting a better view of the island. Looking down, I noticed that the trees looked like tropical versions of old growth trees, with some trunks wider than the mother dragon that reached what had to be at least 500 meters high.With a flap of her wings, the mother dragon descended, heading towards a clearing close to the shore, were she landed.

There were other black dragons there; 5 large brood mothers not as large as mother wich meanse that they were younger than our mother, I could tell. i knew by now the bigger the dragon the older he or she wos, a few female drakes, and hundreds of other whelps which were flying around, play fighting, resting, or grooming were present two.

Mother landed amongst the brood mothers, light as a feather. She gave a jerk of her back, sending her brood flying. Most of my broodmates landed messily on the ground, but getting early heads up from my danger sense I managed to take flight in mid air, coming to a rest on the dirt.

"Young ones," said Mother imperiously as she turned to face us. "Gather around. It is time for you to receive your names." Mother She inspected the male whelp the closest to her for a few moments.

" you carry power and cunning great mix for aur flight from this day on you will be know as Nefarian," She said finally And then she did something weird with her massive hand, she poked Nefarian with her index claw, and I could tell she was doing something magical, as black aura sprang up around her claw.

!!!Just like that it clicked the name Nefarian THE Nefarian as in big bad dragon from WoW lord of Blackrock spire son of DEATHWING the world breaker and most or close to that title of the most smug black dragon in WoW history wrathion ain't that far form him. but it is worst news ever the looks of mother NO! i bet my wings that this is Sintharia!!! God i am in WoW but WHEN before the war of the anctients? After? GOD! THIS IS SO BAD i am black dragon a BLACK FUCKING DRAGON in WoW that's why mother did not feed us black flight purges ther young by letting kids fight first before raising thos that live the brothers and sisters speaking to winds they DID not spoke to winds but to old gods. but why do i not hear them then ?

mother or Sintharia as i have deducted did not give me time to ponder as my turn finally came she was done with my last sister she turned her attention to me. giving me a DEEP soul searching look she spoke.

"you showed promise first among your brood carry that promise with you in to the future with your name from this day on you shall be know as Ancalagon," she said after a moment, before poking me in the head the same way she had done to Nefarian. The spell she did was apparently a transfer of information. Suddenly

Gained: Magma Breath lv 1

Gained: Draconic language lv10

Gained: hunting lv 1

While I was busy absorbing this information and fact i hold name of a great Black form a all together different world, she turned to the next whelp. She named each of them in turn, did the same spell each time, and I learned that Onyxia and Sabellian were my broodmates too.

More troubling, Onyxia was the female that had followed me earlier. I wondered what that said about me, if Onyxia was the only one to hang around with me...

When she was finished, Mother gave a satisfied huff, before turning around towards the other brood mothers and ignoring us. It was clear that we were meant to do our own thing now, and that mother would help us no more. in a true black flight fashion make the barest minimum of parenting and then only interacting with you when they need something from you. Not existing till needed dem so that's how god most feel no wander we got the flood from him.

With that in mind, I decided to fly up to a branch of one the the tall trees the surrounded the clearing, so that I could get a better look at what was around as i planed next move. I flapped my wings, and got in with some strugles.

I looked down at the clearing. As I had noticed earlier, there were five brood mothers, a few female drakes, and lots of whelp broods. Most of the broods stuck together, viewing other broods with suspicion and fear. well teaking that all of them most have lived the good old bloodbath test no wander we dont trust one another.

well not that this matterd to me now that i know wher i am i knew what most be done GRIND lv's so that i got power so that no other flight get to toast my ass but then again power in WoW can come form many thing artefacts are great a sources of power, only problem is getting to them and making sure no gets to them before me but hir is best part i KNOW wher to look for them most of thos overpowerd items have seet in sands for Eons so thx to my knowledge of old world i am sure to be only one to get to them...well ther is one other Fraction and i got to pray to god that Nozdormu and his flight dont judge me in need of some good old Thanos snaping...

[ i have atemped to deal with any misspellings i could find but i will note Eng is not my Main language so i doubte i have got them all for that i apologize and sincerely hope you still will enjoy the Read.]

Madaremiuscreators' thoughts