

Roy stopped in front of the hotel and opened the door for Nathan. He stepped out and turned back carrying Alex out.

"I said I could walk" she whispered.

"And I said I wanted to carry you".

"But am fine now, really" She smiled at him.

"Mmm, but I still want to do this" he answered walking into the hotel.

"Good evening Boss, and to you Miss White" Alex turned to see the hotel manager from her first visit to the hotel.

"Oh it's you again" she smiled. The last she was here, he had left for some business.

"Nice seeing you again Miss White" he smiled.

"Alex is fine and it's nice seeing you too" she giggled.

He bowed slightly to them leading the way, "This way please" he said.

He placed her down on their table and got down himself.

She gazed at him, "You didn't have to drive all this way just for me"

"You needed this you just don't want to say it," he said.

"I did?" she blinked.

"Mmm, now what special dish do you want to have? Tonight we have a special chef" he said.

"Hmm, anything?" she asked.

He nodded.

"I hope this special chef is good 'cause all the dishes I crave were made especially for me by Mother," she said.

"Name them and you will have them," he said with a smile.

Alex started her first two dishes and when they arrived she was stunned to find them taste just like her mother's.

"Did you ask advice from Mom, these are exactly like hers" she smiled taking another bit.

Nathan chuckled, "As I said we have a special chef tonight just for you"

"Can I meet this chef?" asked Alex.

Nathan motioned his hand and a waiter moved into the kitchen, Alex giggled when she saw her mother walk up to them.

"Hi, sweetie" she smiled.

"Mother, I knew no one could make them apart from you" she laughed.

"Am glad you enjoyed them, it's been so long since I cooked for you" she said.

"I love every dish, thank you so much," she said.

Her mother bent down hugging her whispering, "Thank him instead he organised it"

Alex's eyes turned to Nathan as her mother excused herself.

She moved her hand to him on the table and he took it, "Thank you".

"You're welcome Love" he let out.

"So any more surprises," she asked, "Cause, if not am so stuffed I just want to lay down"

He smiled, "There is more but you will have to promise not to cry"

"Huh?" she exclaimed.

His eyes turned to her back as he got up, "Promise me you won't cry" he said now next to her. Alex turned to see her sister standing next to Roy.

She moved back to Nathan, "I promise" she said.

He sighed noticing her hold back her pain and hurt as she watched Cynthia walk to her table. Nathan stepped away and let Cynthia replace him at the table.

"Hi," she said.