
Ultimate Ninja in Dxd

MC is reborn in the DxD verse as a ninja and he will journey to end as the strongest ninja ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not own anything in DxjD except my own MC and I some oc ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my first fanfic so there may be some mistakes and just to be clear I won't pay attention to my punctuation only to Grammer so let me know if I messed that up so in notice sorry.

Jackjacx · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Training 1

Sasuke stepped into the training room and saw a huge dojo but he didn't know where the scrolls where. Sasuke stood there thinking about it but he didn't know where it was since he just came to this world. Then he had an idea to call the maid he just met when he woked up Mikasa.

Sasuke: Mikasa-san do you know where the ninjitsu scrolls are.

And out of nowhere right in front of him she appeared out of thin air.

Mikasa: They would be in the second library Young Master and please just call me Mikasa.

Sasuke: And I also told you to call me just by my name Mikasa-san not young master.

Mikasa: S..s..sasuke-sama.

Sasuke: See not so hard isn't it Mikasa.

Mikasa looked flustered but I ignored her and tried to find my way to the second library until I just asked her to show me. In the library there were countless scrolls but first I wanted to know if my chakra nature was what I asked for so I turned around and asked Mikasa.

Sasuke: Umm Mikasa do you have any thing to find out your chakra nature?

Mikasa: Yes we do sasuke-sama we have a item call chakra paper all you have to do is put your chakra in and it will tell you your nature. For fire it will burn. For water it will get wet. For earth it will turn to dust. For wind it will split in half. For lightning is will scrunch up to your fingers.

When I heard her I thought of a problem that I needed to ask.

Sasuke: How do I use my chakra I can sense it but that's about it?

Mikasa: All you have to do is meditate and focus on your body and and then when you feel your chakra hold on to it then expel it from your body all at once and that should open your chakra network.

I looked at her and thanked her and took some chakra paper and some scrolls. The scrolls I took were shadow clone jutsu, body replacement jutsu, transformation jutsu, and body flicker jutsu. I went back to the dojo and sat in the middle of the floor and meditated. After a few minutes I was able to sense my chakra so I held onto it then I instantly pushed all of it out making a huge shockwave that shock the entire training room. After that I felt tired but I still had a little chakra left so I grabbed a paper to check my affinities and was able to move my chakra easily.

Wind, Fire, Lightning, and Water.

Sasuke: I guess it's exactly like I wished for.

After an hours rest Sasuke began to read the shadow clone technique. He spent 2 hours to finally make one clone. He had to let his chakra recharge most of the time since he had very little chakra control and he just expelled most of it.

Sasuke: Finally that was a little hard since I have too little chakra and little to no control

After that instead of doing anymore jutsu he just trained his control and learned to perfect the shadow clone technique. One months later Sasuke was doing some exercises with 4 people that look exactly like him. After one month he was able to raise his chakra control up by a lot by learning to walk water and walk up the side of a tree. Right now his shadow clones technique was able to make clones because even if he does have better control his chakra isn't that high yet. Soon after exercising he was sparing with them trying to use Gai's technique against them. He was on one side of the dojo while the clones where on the other side.

Sasuke: Come at me.

All the clones then rushed at him. Sasuke first dodged the first clone to by going to the left and jump behind him and let out a kick that made the clone disperse. Then two clones came right in front of him both throwing a punch toward his chest so he did a backflip to escape. When he landed he was watching them when the last clone came from behind him and tried to put him in a lock hold. The two clones saw this chance and rushed at him. Sasuke seeing this he used the back of his head to break the clone behind him nose making him disperse. Then Sasuke looked at the two coming at him then he bent his knees and punch them in the stomach. The two shadow clones groaned then dispersed leaving Sasuke in dojo tired.

Sakura-san: Sasuke-sama you shouldn't hurt yourself right now your body is still to weak.

Sasuke: I know but my chakra is a bit high than a month ago but my control I can say improved a lot I want to see if I can learn the other ones now.

And after healing up a little Sasuke started to learn the body replacement and body flicker jutsu. Another two months passed and you could see a figure flickering around the dojo and then it stopped and puffed into a old log. Sasuke looked just like sasuke uchiha from Naruto when he was a kid and he looked like he grew a little in these 3 months he's been training but that just because his chakra is at low class lower level.

Sasuke: It's about time I train my body seriously I'll start to learn elemental jutsu a year or two before I transfer to high school since I'm being home schooled right now. Hmmm but I need a better body strengthening technique for now Gai's technique is a little to fierce for my body at the moment lets go to the study to see if they have something.

After that Sasuke went to the study and while he was searching for a technique he found a scroll that's said complete 8 inner gates technique a letter next to it said from the old man.


He quickly grabbed it and read the scroll the thing that grabbed his attention the most was there was a way to survive the 8th gate and it was easier to cultivate the only thing that will happen is he will be seriously injured.

Sasuke:{Well I'm going to be a devil in the future so me recovery rate will be increased so this side effect is almost negligible. }

Sasuke took the technique and found a good body strengthening technique train himself in. After that he headed back to the dojo.