
Ultimate Ninja in Dxd

MC is reborn in the DxD verse as a ninja and he will journey to end as the strongest ninja ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not own anything in DxjD except my own MC and I some oc ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my first fanfic so there may be some mistakes and just to be clear I won't pay attention to my punctuation only to Grammer so let me know if I messed that up so in notice sorry.

Jackjacx · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Starting another life

When I woke up I realized that I was in a large old style room laying down on what seems to be futon. There was barely anything in the room just a desk with some paper, some medicine in some medical cabins, and a couple of extra futons like one I'm on. I started to get up and realized my body hurts like hell and gave a little yell. Hearing the noise the door slides open and a maid came in running.


The maid started screaming at me who has just awoken. Looking at her confused she starts to cry in a low voice.

Maid: YOUNG MASTER ARE YOU OKAY?! Your father and mother past away in a attack yesterday and you got got injured but don't worry the intruders were also killed young master!

I look at the maid that was yelling again and I ask a question that is on my mind.

?? : Who am I?

The maid looks at me in horror. Like I just told her the worse news in history.

Maid: YOUNG MASTER?! You are injured somewhere how can you forget?! You are the heir to the Sarutobi clan!! Your name is Sarutobi Sasuke!!!!

The maid yelled at me worried and I look at her and asked.

Sasuke: Are you the only one here?

Maid: No their are a couple more workers and guards on the compound I am currently the youngest and your personal maid.

Now that I think about it she looks like she is about 12 to 13 years old then I look at my body it felt that I was really young maybe about 6 to 7 years old.

Sasuke: How old am I? Where is this? What is the Sarutobi clan?

Maid: The Sarutobi clan is one of the oldest and riches families in Japan that have a share in almost every company in Japan but in the dark it is a clan of the world's most powerful ninjas and assassins. You are it's last heir this year you have turned 6 years old and this is the medical ward in the main estate.

Sasuke just laid there digesting everything he just heard and then thought.

Sasuke:{So that old man made he heir to the Sarutobi clan which is apparently the strongest when it comes to assassinations and are basically shinobi gods but why are the other still here now that they are all dead?}

Sasuke: So why are you and the others here?

Maid: The Sarutobi clan raised us all from childhood and taught us ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu

and made all of us elites but most of the bodyguards and maids died in last night's attack.

Sasuke: Wait how many people died last night?

Maid: About 57 people excluding your parents.

Sasuke just look shocked so about 59 people just died in one attack and all of them were elites who was it that attacked?!

Sasuke: Who was it that attacked?!

Maid: That would be the Asahi clan but don't worry we killed them all and crippled their clan in exchange but young master you should get some more rest I will go call the doctor to check you out and see why you have memory loss.

Sasuke just looked exhausted from this conversation and did exactly as she asked and got some more rest. While he closed his eyes he was trying to see if he had the wishes he asked for. First he tried to focus on his eyes but all he felt was an itch.

Sasuke:{I guess this means I'm not strong enough to activate my Sharingan.}

Next he tried to see if he can pull natural energy into his body to use senjutsu.

Sasuke:{ I feel as raw energy is pulsing around my body but it also feel corrupted so maybe I should put learning senjutsu for later right now I can't event pull it into me even if I try.}

Next Sasuke gradually started to see if he can feel his chakra. When he felt it it was like he had enough chakra to fill up a lake.

Sasuke:{ It feel like I have Uzumaki levels of chakra alright now that I checked my body out time to get some rest}

One week later Sasuke was able to leave the medical ward and now he is about to go to the training room to check out the scrolls.

Sarutobi Sasuke is a legendary ninja who was commonly listed as the leader of the Sanada Ten Braves, a fictional group of ten ninja that supposedly assisted the warlord Sanada Yukimura at the battles of Osaka Castle during the final phases of the Japanese civil war era, and he is by far the best known and most popular among them.

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