
Ultimate Adaptive Evolution System

Dan Montgomery was just your average powerless dude living in a world filled with Heroes Vs Villains battles every other day. He one day received the kickass system he always dreamed of having, but never truly wanted. He just wanted to be a normal guy in a not so normal world, but fate just had other plans for him. (Note: The Slice of Life tag is there since a lot of the beginning part of the story takes place in normal life.)

MaitreyaNirvana · 游戏衍生
38 Chs

Proficiency, System Update: Quests!

Dan got back to his room, locking the door behind him. He then unmuted notifications, and looked at them.


[You acquired an active skill: Networking]

Active Skill:

Networking (Level 0) - establish and maintain professional connections through effective communication. (17% proficiency).


Vigour has increased by 1!

Sapience has increased by 1!


[System Update available, do you wish to proceed with the update?]



I guess my stats are just going to start increasing now. System Update, YES, of course, this had better be good!


[System update in progress...]






Update Log:

- Added Quests

- Inventory


Quests and an Inventory? I wonder how they work, and what kind of rewards I'll receive. I didn't think I'd receive an inventory with this kind of system, I wonder what its limits are.

[Quest rewards will include items, passive & active skills, and other temporary boosts. Just like all other elements of the system, Quests will evolve over time. The same goes for your Inventory, you start with 12 slots, and can put up to 16 of one type of item in each slot.]

That's great! I'm guessing that Quest rewards will never include increased proficiency, or any means to evolve faster.

[Some of the boosts will temporarily increase your evolution speed in all areas. Low Grade = 10 - 30 Mins 3x Evolution Speed; Medium Grade = 30 Mins - 1h, 5 - 8x Evolution Speed; High Grade = 2 - 4 Hours, 10 - 15x Evolution Speed. These are just examples.]

Temporary increases in evolution speed, that'll be insanely useful! What kinds of things can I store in the inventory?

[Consumables, Items, Monster Corpses or parts, Information (books, scrolls, etc.)]

That's amazing! I doubt I'll be encountering any monsters for a while though. Let's see if I have any Quests.

Dan opened his System window and looked around until he spotted two new tabs at the top, Inventory and Quests. He selected Quests, and he saw that there were indeed some already there waiting.




Daily Quests:

Go to the gym and workout for at least 45 minutes! (0/45 Mins)

Rewards: Low Grade Boost, Low Grade Energy Bar

Go to work at The Front Line every day (At least 5/7 days to receive rewards.) (1/5 Days)

Rewards: Low Grade Boost, Low Grade Energy Bar


Story Quests:

Publish your first Front Page news article. Deadline: 6 Months from today.

Rewards: Medium Grade Boost, Active Skill, Item

Become stronger than Captain America. Deadline: 2 ½ Years from today.

Rewards:  High Grade Boost, Legendary Active & Passive Skills, Pet Taming & Evolution add-on.


Emergency Quests:



Hidden Quests:

??? (will be unlocked and reward will be given upon completion).


That's pretty extensive! Daily exercise, that should be easy enough with my 8x recovery speed, I'll be able to go 7 days per week most of the time. That being said, my gym sessions will probably bring about noticeable effects reasonably quickly! I guess that people will find out that I have some form of ability. Oh well, that was an inevitable outcome, I just didn't expect it to happen so soon. Attending work is easy enough too.

Story Quests? Publish a front page article in 6 months, that might be pretty easy too within that timeframe. 6 Months of development would be the equivalent of 4 years with 8x learning speed. That's going to be amazing!

Emergency Quests, I can already guess what they'll be. Escape, Rescue, Heroes Vs. Villains Filming! Hero work too once I become strong enough. Hidden Quests, pretty self explanatory too. Hidden stats; lucky encounters with heroes, I guess just meeting them doesn't count; Hidden Locations!


You have discovered the functionality of Hidden Quests! Secret Quest completed!

Discover how Secret Quests work without completing one first!

Rewards: Medium tier Evolution Speed Boost x1 (6x boost, lasts for 1 hour), Hidden Treasure Map.


Oh, that was easier than I thought it would be! A 6x Evolution Speed Boost that lasts for an entire hour! I'll have to try that at the gym tomorrow, wait a second... wouldn't that mean I'll be having the equivalent of 48 gym sessions, I guess that there'll be some noticeable effects almost instantly. I hope that Angela will be able to keep my secret! Then again, everyone who knows me will immediately notice the difference.

Dan contemplated what he was going to do, but he decided to just go for it. His friends would be ecstatic, and his work colleagues would accept the change easily enough. What about my family though? I'm sure it'll be fine, I got my love of heroes and mutants from my parents. My grandparents, uncles & aunts, my cousins, I'm not so sure about them. I know that my uncle Marvin despises the mutant community, I don't really know anything other than that.

I'll be seeing them at Christmas anyways, so I may as well just take whatever life throws at me anyways. I'll definitely tell my parents as soon as possible! Dan knew that he would inevitably become a powered person himself. Scratch that, he was already a powered person, it was just that there were no noticeable effects of his power so far.

He continued thinking about his situations for a little while longer, and before he knew it, it was 11 PM. Time to sleep, there's no use in dwelling on something beyond my control. Well, the boost is within my control, but apart from that, there's not much I can do. My metabolism will inevitably speed up a lot due to my Superhuman Speed process. Thoughts for another day!

Dan had a quick shower, got changed, and lay down under the covers, quickly falling asleep. He once again woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He noticed that a system notification had arrived. He quickly looked at it, Oh a stat increase notification.


Constitution increased by 1!


It was at 14, now it's at 15. I do feel a tiny difference, but it's nothing much. It's better than nothing of course, each increase will be more significant than the last one anyways. Dan started to get ready for work, he made breakfast himself this time. Today would be his first full day working as an apprenticeship, he was a little nervous, but that feeling was quickly dying down. Just then he received a call, it was Angela.

"Good morning Dan! I hope you had a decent enough rest after last night. I'm just phoning you to let you know that you will be required to bring in a set of each work uniform today. Other than the one you're wearing now of course. Don't worry about bringing any equipment, there will be equipment already there for you to get some hands-on experience with."

Dan sighed inwardly, Hard work from the get-go huh? Of course it would be, who am I kidding. "Alright, thank you for letting me know, I was about to check the company website to see what was on the agenda for today anyways."

"That's great! I'll see you at the News Reporting Room at 9 AM! See you then! Bye!"


It seemed that he was in for a crazy first day, the first few days would likely be the same too. He'd adapt to it though, it would be easy enough, hopefully.

First chapter done! This is how long a chapter will be normally (1.2k - 2.3k words).