
39. Feeling better

Of all of the things Pepa had been planning on doing that day, saving her youngest niece was not one of them.

Work had been done in a steady flow that day. They had started the actual rebuilding process on the third week of the project, and now they had set up most if not all of the walls, and were beginning to work on remaking the ceiling. Pepa was happy with how detailed the workers were with making the new house a perfect replica of Casita. She had never known a different home, and it was comforting to know that she probably would never have to.

She was on break duty, something that Bruno insisted upon assigning people on. Every person got a break whenever they needed one, and Pepa found the process of helping out in different areas of the house quite cathartic. She got to see everyone, and check on the progress of each section of the house.

She had just finished giving her eldest son a break when she decided to take one herself. Deciding that spending her time all alone wasn't what she wanted to do she set out on a search for her husband. She'd heard he was helping out in the kitchen, and had to cross the courtyard to get there.

But the moment she entered the large space (which felt so small and cramped with the number of people and projects filling it) any thought of Felix and their break was forced out of her mind.

Standing in the center of the room, still and silent amid the bustle of people, too focused on what they were doing to pay any attention to her, was Mirabel. Pepa raised an eyebrow at her niece as she walked towards her, eyes glued to the girl's young face.

Mirabel's eyes were glazed over and fearful, they were fixed on the kitchen's wall, and Pepa glanced at where she was looking. There was nothing of note over there. Not a person who could have triggered this response, or an object, at least that Pepa could see.

She looked back at Mirabel, and saw her trembling.

Memories of another Madrigal came back to her. Normal she'd try to shove them out of her mind, but there was no reason not to anymore. He was back, and Pepa didn't have to worry about any clouds anymore.

“Mirabel?” she asked, reaching a hand out to her but not quite touching her. To her shock tears started to pour down Mirabel's cheeks. She was shivering more, and the terror in her eyes was more evident than ever. She looked like Bruno had whenever he had done too many visions for the town.

“Mirabel are you okay?” she asked, but Mirabel didn't respond. She didn't even look like she was understanding Pepa. A shiver of her own ran down Pepa's spine, and she asked, “Can you hear me? Nod once if you can.”

Instead of nodding Mirabel simply fell to her knees on the ground. Pepa gasped, but Mirabel didn't seem physically hurt.

“OUT OF MY WAY!” Pepa shouted, giving Mirabel one last pitying look and then dashing out of the room. She knew she couldn't get Mirabel out of there. Whenever Bruno had had panic attacks like this the only person he could have touching him was Julieta, and Pepa knew that if she tried to help Mirabel she'd only end up making it worse.

No. There was only one person who could help Mirabel right now, and he was talking with a group of construction workers in the dining room.

Bruno was holding court with several men from the village, each with their own copy of the blueprints Bruno had drawn up himself. Julieta was next to him, as his 'second-in-command'. Pepa had felt a little miffed when Bruno had chosen their sister to be his right hand woman, but knew that she didn't know as much about healing things as Julieta did.

“Bruno!” She shouted, not really caring that he was in the middle of pointing out something to the group. He spun around at her fearful cry, and stared at her with his own look of horror, like he full on expected her to be covered in blood. Pepa dashed up to him, and said, “It's Mirabel. She's... She's...”

The look of pure terror that filled her eyes pained a small part of Pepa that still resented him for brainwashing their niece. But she steadied herself, breathing in deeply before trying to continue.

But Bruno cut her off beforehand, dropping his papers and grabbing Pepa's shoulders. “Is she alright?!” he said, in a voice that reminded Pepa so much of her mother whenever one of them had been injured or lost, “What happened Pepa? Is my daughter okay?!”

Pepa found her breath caught in her throat at his words. The way 'my daughter' came out of his mouth so naturally. She stared in his green eyes, and shoved the bitterness rising up inside of her away for Mirabel's sake.

“She's fine, physically.” She answered, but Bruno's terror didn't die down. “She's... She's having a panic attack.”

“Where?” Bruno snapped, more harshly than he wanted. Pepa took a breath and answered, “The courtyard. She's in the center-” Before she could finish Bruno pushed past her, and she spun around to watch him leave.

“Julieta's in charge!” she shouted back at the men, who were all watching the siblings' exchange. Pepa turned towards her sister, who's face was pale with worry. “Juli...” she said quietly, noting the shocked look on her face.

Julieta gulped, then gave Pepa a small smile. “It's okay.” she said, then turned back to the group. “Uh... where were we again?” The men all looked at each other, then one of them, Rico, said quietly, “In all fairness Señora... We don't remember. We just hope that Señorita Madrigal is okay.”

Julieta sighed, looking down at the blueprints. “Well, we can start at the beginning of the section again, or we can just start the projects we've already covered and wait until my brother can give more instructions.” Pepa suddenly felt very out of place, so she quickly gave her sister a side hug before leaving once more.

She came to the courtyard just in time to see Bruno carry Mirabel out, and stared at the people around who were frozen in shock. She longed to follow her brother out, not just to check on Mirabel, but also see his parenting style, but knew that her presence would only be a detriment.

Suddenly she remembered her initial reason for entering the courtyard, and restarted her search for her husband.

Bruno held his daughter close to him, taking comfort in the calm rhythm her breathing had taken now that she wasn't panicking.

The moment he had seen her kneeling on the floor sent shivers down his spine. He remembered the panic attack of his own youth, he remembered how stressed it would make Pepa, he remembered Julieta making him swear up and down that he would take more breaks. He remembered how he would never follow his words. He remembered how his mother would...

No. She had apologized. There was no reason to remember her past mistakes. If he kept going back to her mistakes, then he would have to blame himself for his own. No one was perfect, and she was someone. He forgave her. Because he had received forgiveness. She was getting better now...

“Papá” Mirabel said after they had been sitting there for close to twenty minutes. “Can... can we go back now... I'm hungry.” Bruno felt a smile slide onto his face, and he looked down at Mirabel.

He sighed, and felt a goofy feeling wash over him. “I don't think so.” He said, lying down and pulling Mirabel to the ground with him. “I think we're going to stay right here. Forever.” Mirabel gasped, then tried to get up again, but Bruno's grip on her was too strong, and she let out a small squeal.

“Papá!” she shouted, trying to wrestle her arm out of his grasp. Bruno laughed, turning on his side and wrapping his arms around her, trapping her fully in his hold. “Yes mija?” he asked, feigning innocence. Mirabel squirmed in his grip, but he didn't let go at all.

“Let go of me!” she said, but she didn't sound frightened at all. Bruno chuckled, then said, “Never! I haven't spent enough time with you this week! I've got separation anxiety!”

Mirabel laughed loudly, and used her feet to kick at his legs. “And who's fault is that? I've been right here!” she exclaimed, and Bruno sighed loudly. “Yeah, but you never talk to me. You don't even want to watch telenovelas anymore!”

There was a moment of silence that passed before Mirabel responded. “Well, I've been working a lot.” she said, and Bruno heard the tiniest hint of sadness in her voice. At that he let go of her, and she bolted up instantly, leaping to her feet and dashing off.

“Hey!” he shouted, sitting up and watching her run towards Casita. Mirabel halted, and turned back towards him. “I knew you would do that!” she said, a goofy grin on her face. “You can't resist the power of sad-Mirabel!”

Bruno groaned, getting to his feet and following her, easily catching up with the teenager. “True, true,” he said, taking her hand in his as she smiled at him. “But I'm going to get better at that. As you grow you get less adorable, and it'll be easier to resist you.”

Mirabel scoffed. “You keep telling yourself that Papá.” she said, and the two of them started walking towards the construction project.

Waiting for them at the door was Pepa and Felix, Mirabel stiffened again as they drew closer to the sounds of the construction happening just past the door Pepa was standing in front of.

Pepa's eyes were flicking between Bruno and Mirabel's faces, and Bruno nodded at her silently. Even after their ten-year separation and strained relationship the two of them could communicate without saying a word. At his nod of approval she dashed forward, and wrapped her arms around Mirabel's shoulders.

Mirabel's hand fell out of Bruno's, and she hugged her aunt back. Mirabel pressed her face into Pepa's chest, the top of her head barely coming up to Pepa's chin. Bruno smiled at them, then scooted towards his cuñado.

Felix rested an arm on Bruno's shoulder as he moved to stand next to him. He leaned towards him, and whispered, “This is their first hug in ten years...” Bruno nodded, staring at his sister and daughter. His smile grew melancholy, and he whispered back, “Mirabel was always the favorite niece.”

Felix looked over at him, a large smile on his face. “So much of a favorite that you decided to keep her.” Bruno rolled his eyes, and defended himself with, “It was far more complicated than that. And I had no intention of...”

“Shh!” Felix hissed, pressing a finger to Bruno's lips. “Just let this be hermanito.” Bruno rolled his eyes at him, and settled to just watch the two women in front of him.

He could get used to watching this.

Julieta felt very relieved as she saw her brother walk into the dining room once again, this time with Mirabel under his arm. Pepa was following them, but Julieta fixed her eyes on her daughter. Mirabel looked fine, but there was that bit of skittishness that Bruno had always had after one of his meltdowns.

Bruno smiled at her, and moved the two of them into the room. “Thanks for taking over Julieta,” he said, and Julieta felt the heart pangs that she always had whenever someone thanked her.

The jealously that she had started feeling the other week at seeing Mirabel with Bruno started to rear its ugly head inside of her. It hurt her heart to know that she wasn't the one who was there for her little girl. It hurt her heart to know that it was Bruno who was taking all of the responsibility, even though that should fall on Julieta's shoulders. She was the oldest! She had always have to take care of her family, including her brother. And now... now...

Bruno had changed so much over the last ten years.

She smiled at him, trying to fight the upset feelings inside of her. “You're welcome hermano.” she said, and then focused her attention on Mirabel. “How are you? Are you okay?”

Mirabel shrank into Bruno, a look of discomfort crossing her face. That hurt Julieta's heart more than anything had before. Long ago Julieta would be the one that Mirabel would fling herself towards, who Mirabel would go to for comfort. But those days had long passed. Cut off the day Mirabel turned five. Now... now...

“Julieta, I think you should go with Mirabel and take a break.” Bruno said evenly, giving Mirabel a squeeze. “Both of you need one.”

Mirabel and Julieta both look at him, and Julieta thought she might fall apart once more. But she kept all of her pieces together this time, and extended a hand out towards the two of them. Mirabel looked from Bruno and at her hand, then took it gently.

She slid out of Bruno's hold, and walked up to Julieta, and, to Julieta's shock, wrapped her arms around her. “I'd like that.” she whispered, and Julieta found her heart leaping up into her throat.

Whatever did she do to get someone as amazing as Mirabel in her life?

Bruno smiled at them, and said, “I like how much we hug now.” Julieta saw her sister chuckle, and she nodded herself. “Yeah, hugs are good.”

She walked with Mirabel out of the room, and felt better instantly.