

This is not only a Twilight fanfictions

Master_Atlest · 电视同人
3 Chs

A Servant

"Because I am a Vampire," Azrael calmly declared, his voice echoing slightly in the dimly lit chamber. The group of modern vampires before him absorbed his words, a mixture of surprise and confusion etched on their faces.

"Ok, but I don't see the difference between you and us," challenged a confrontational vampire, stepping forward with a brash confidence. His fangs were bared, a show of defiance and anger.

Alice, quick to sense the escalating tension, stepped in. "You don't want to do that," she cautioned, her hand reaching out to hold back the aggressive vampire. "He's not like us; he's faster, more durable, and much stronger." Her warning was clear, underlined by a seriousness that was rare for her.

The confrontational vampire emitted a low hiss, a sound that spoke of his reluctance to back down. Yet, he heeded Alice's warning, stepping back into the shadows from which he emerged.

This brief confrontation opened the floor for another vampire, one who voiced the lingering doubt that hovered in the room. "So, is he here to help us, or is he just going to act smug all day?" The question, direct and pointed, hung in the air.

Azrael's response was as calm and steady as his demeanour. "I have no need to meddle in your affairs," he stated, his eyes scanning the group with an intensity that was both disconcerting and fascinating. "But I am intrigued by your 'species.'" His use of the word 'species' subtly highlighted the divide between his ancient lineage and their relatively modern existence.

The confrontational vampire's patience snapped, and with a growl of frustration, he launched himself at Azrael. His movement was a blur of speed, his nails transforming into deadly, elongated claws aimed directly at Azrael's heart. However, before his attack could land, an unseen, overpowering force stopped him in his tracks, forcing him to his knees.

"You should kneel before your superiors when you seek an audience," Azrael stated, his voice calm yet resonating with a power that seemed to vibrate through the room. His words carried an ancient authority, a reminder of his otherworldly strength and heritage.

A hushed silence enveloped the group as they watched, bewildered by the spectacle. The confrontational vampire, now kneeling involuntarily, looked up at Azrael with a mix of shock and awe. The others exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of confusion and curiosity. How had Azrael exerted such control with mere words?

Regaining his composure, Azrael smoothly continued, seemingly unfazed by the interruption. "Now, where was I?" he mused, barely acknowledging the vampire still kneeling before him. "Ah, yes. I have never encountered vampires quite like you before. Could you be related to 'The Mikaelsons'? Or perhaps you are another magically created species, fashioned in an attempt to emulate my kind?" His eyes moved from one vampire to another, studying them with an inquisitive gaze that seemed to pierce through their very beings.

"Hmm, it appears each of you wields a distinct form of magic – a facet I find deeply fascinating," Azrael mused, his voice echoing with a timbre of both curiosity and authority. As he moved, his steps were eerily silent, akin to a shadow gliding across the ground, leaving those present to wonder if his feet ever truly made contact with the earth.

The vampires around him exchanged glances, a cocktail of bewilderment and unease brewing in their expressions. Azrael's presence was commanding, shrouded in an enigma that both intimidated and intrigued them.

His sharp, discerning gaze then settled on one vampire in particular. "You there, what's your name?" he asked, his tone direct yet not unkind. The vampire, visibly trembling under the weight of Azrael's attention, managed to stutter out a response. "U-Ulus, that's my name." His voice, initially faltering under the pressure, gradually steadied.

"Very well, Ulus," Azrael responded, his voice resonating with a natural command. "Henceforth, you shall act as my servant. Accompany me, assist with my inquiries, and provide aid as required. Do you have any reservations about this arrangement?"

Azrael's proposition, delivered with an effortless dominion, left little room for dissent.

Ulus wrestled with the notion of refusal. As a vampire who had long relished his freedom, the idea of servitude was anathema to him. Yet, the sight of the other vampire, still compelled to kneel by Azrael's mere presence, served as a stark reminder of the power Azrael wielded. 'Do I genuinely possess the freedom to deny him?' Ulus thought, the grim realization dawning upon him. 'With his capabilities, defiance could mean my end.' Weighing his options, he made a choice that would forever alter his course.

With a resolve born of survival rather than submission, Ulus stepped forward and knelt before Azrael, a gesture symbolic of his acceptance. "No, I have no objections," he declared, his voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Azrael, observing Ulus's acquiescence, gave a nod of approval, his face betraying no emotion. "Very good," he addressed Alice, his tone carrying a hint of fatigue. "I find myself growing tired of your friend's antagonism. Let us leave, lest I am compelled to intervene more... directly."

Alice, caught between her allegiance to her family and the undeniable authority of Azrael, wordlessly moved to his side. As they began to walk away, Ulus trailed behind them, a silent shadow in the wake of Azrael's commanding presence.

In this new role, Ulus found himself reflecting on his past life, a time before the eternal night of vampirism had claimed him. Once again, he was in a position of servitude, but now to a being shrouded in mystery and power.


As they followed Azrael, a question bubbled up within Alice. "Where are we heading, Azrael?" she inquired, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Azrael's response was non-verbal at first; he offered Alice a sidelong glance, an enigmatic expression playing across his face. Then, slowly, he tilted his head upwards, fixing his gaze on the sky above. The sun, a brilliant orb of fiery gold, hung in the sky, its rays challenging the ancient vampire's stare. This silent battle between the sun and Azrael sparked a growing curiosity in both Alice and Ulus.

For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still. They had been walking, engaged in their own thoughts, and now they found themselves pausing, their attention drawn skyward in wonder.

Then, as if responding to their unspoken questions, Azrael's eyes briefly flared with an intense glow, only to dim as quickly as it had appeared. His gaze remained locked on the sky, unflinching and enigmatic. Alice and Ulus, sensing a change, shifted their focus back to the heavens. To their astonishment, dark clouds had begun to gather rapidly, shrouding the sky in an ominous veil. It was a sudden shift, unexpected and unexplained, with no prior indication of an impending storm.


Ulus, overwhelmed by the display of power, felt a chill run down his spine, an involuntary shiver that betrayed his internal turmoil. He took a moment to fully comprehend the magnitude of what he had just witnessed, his eyes wide as he stared at Azrael. The fear was unmistakable, unmasked and raw. In a world where vampires were accustomed to being the apex predators, the display of such formidable power was unsettling.

Alice, attuned to the emotions around her, quickly picked up on the wave of fear emanating from Ulus. At first, she was puzzled, but as she followed his gaze and saw it fixed on Azrael, the pieces fell into place. She grasped the full impact of the event that had unfolded before them.

"Azrael, did you just control the weather!?" Alice exclaimed, her voice a mixture of astonishment and exhilaration. Unlike Ulus, her reaction was devoid of fear, filled instead with a sense of wonder.

Azrael turned towards her, a warm smile gracing his lips. "With this, you have no reason to refuse a 'date' with me in the future," he teased gently. His words were light, but they carried an undercurrent of sincerity.

Hearing his comment, Alice's cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink. Bashfulness overtook her as she moved closer to Azrael, her response a soft, almost breathless, "Ok~." Though her words were barely audible, they did not escape Azrael's acute senses, attuned to catch every subtle nuance and whisper.

Meanwhile, Ulus was grappling with the implications of what he had just seen. The revelation that someone could wield such control over the natural elements sent him into an existential crisis. It challenged everything he knew about their world and their place in it. The realization that they were in the presence of a being whose powers far exceeded their understanding was both awe-inspiring and deeply disconcerting.

(A/N: I got good news and bad news, ill share the bad news first. I will not be able to use my hand for the next 48 hours, due to an operation taking place today evening.

Good news, My new pc has finally been shipped and will be here soon, probably on the 9th, so get excited, I am.)