

This is not only a Twilight fanfictions

Master_Atlest · TV
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3 Chs

I Am...

__________General P.O.V___________

"Talk about ancient," remarked a woman, her skin sharing the same alabaster tone as the others. She was speaking to a child, who responded with an innocent giggle, finding amusement in the situation.

Meanwhile, an adult man addressed his partner with a hint of warmth in his voice. "It seems we have a new member in our family." He was speaking to a woman, and together, they watched the two teenagers with a look of affection. The teens, seemingly in their own world, were oblivious to the tender smiles they were receiving.

The man, known as Carlisle, turned to address one of his kin. "Emmett, would you mind informing Alice that we'll be at home when she's ready to join us?" His tone was gentle, a fatherly request more than a command. Beside him stood his wife, Esme, both of them the patriarch and matriarch of the Cullen family.

Emmett, acknowledging Carlisle's request, made his way over to the young couple. He approached with a friendly wave, his presence strong yet unimposing. "I believe your cousin requires your presence," he said, adopting a mock-archaic tone, a playful nod to the newcomer's ancient speech patterns. However, as he stepped back to give them space, he seemed to reconsider, instead moving closer to the enigmatic teen, Azrael.

His curiosity piqued, Emmett looked at Azrael with a mixture of intrigue and a welcoming gesture, extending the camaraderie that the Cullens were known for. It was a moment of subtle acceptance, an unspoken acknowledgement of the new bond forming within their family.

I apologize for the oversight. Let's maintain Azrael's unique speech pattern in the revision:

Emmett extended his hand, an invitation for a customary handshake as a means of introduction. This gesture, however, seemed to bewilder Azrael momentarily.

"Art thou checking for weapons? I gage thee, valiant sir, I possess none," Azrael responded, his tone a mixture of surprise and polite concern. It appeared he misconstrued Emmett's gesture as a precautionary measure.

Emmett, slightly taken aback but quickly regaining his composure, offered a reassuring smile. "Ahhh no, it's just how we introduce ourselves around here, man. You know what, never mind. The name's Emmett Cullen, nice to meet you." He scratched his head, his signature smile softening the situation.

Understanding dawned on Azrael. "Ahh, I see. I did hath't nay clue; forgive my foolishness. My name is Azrael Lazarus, a pleasure to meeteth thee," he replied, adopting Emmett's gesture, he extended his hand in the same manner.

Emmett, ever the affable one, grasped Azrael's hand in a friendly shake, bridging centuries of difference with this simple act. This handshake marked the beginning of a new and unique friendship, a meeting of different worlds and times.

Following their introduction, Emmett shifted his focus back to Alice, a glint of approval in his eyes. "I like him," he commented casually, addressing Alice. "Anyway, when you're ready to head home, I'll see you both there." With those parting words, he accelerated away with the swift grace characteristic of their kind.

Azrael, still processing the interaction, turned to Alice with a look of genuine curiosity. "Most wondrous, what is he? Art thou of the same nature as him?" he inquired, his ancient dialect painting his curiosity in an almost poetic light.

Alice, meeting his gaze, smiled warmly. "He is a vampire, and so am I. In fact, everyone in my family shares the same nature—we are all vampires," she explained, her tone gentle yet filled with an implicit strength.

"Vampire? 't matters not, I wish to learneth more of this time period," he declared, an eagerness to embrace this new world evident in his voice. Gracefully, he wrapped his right arm around her, and together they strolled towards her home, united in their unique existence.

Upon reaching the doorstep of the Cullen's home, Alice paused and turned to Azrael, her eyes softening. "Welcome to my family's home," she said, her voice imbued with a sense of warmth and belonging. It was a significant moment, marking Azrael's introduction to a new chapter in his eternal life, one filled with the promise of understanding, acceptance, and perhaps, a deeper connection with Alice.


[Six Months Later]

Azrael's fascination with the modern world was evident as he examined a mobile phone with a mixture of intrigue and admiration. "Fascinating, I had no idea humans were so capable," he mused aloud, his fingers deftly exploring the device.

Alice, standing nearby, couldn't help but chuckle at his comment. "Yeah, but no one really says 'fascinating' unless they're some crazed scientist," she teased, playfully air-quoting the word as she reached out to take the phone from his hand.

Azrael glanced at her with a sly smirk, gently retrieving the phone. "You make it sound as if I've uttered some derogatory term," he retorted, his eyes dancing with amusement. Holding the phone once more, he added, "Such an interesting device. I am eager to discover more about your era and its wonders."

Alice's expression softened, a playful glint in her eye. "Really? Well, I'd like to discover more about you. We haven't gone on a date yet, have we?" she inquired, her voice laced with a hint of flirtation as she leaned closer, her arm resting lightly against his.

The concept of a date seemed to spark something in Azrael. "Ah, a date," he said, the word rolling off his tongue with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "I am indeed interested. Let us embark on this adventure."

Without another moment's hesitation, they both rose from their seats. With a shared sense of excitement and a budding connection between them, they left together, ready to explore not just the world around them, but also the potential of their burgeoning relationship.

------ (from here)

Strolling through the quaint streets of Forks, Azrael and Alice relished each other's company. The town, with its serene ambience and small-town charm, provided a perfect backdrop for their walk.

As they meandered, Azrael broached a topic that lingered in his mind. "I remember you mentioning something about being a vampire," he remarked, curiosity lining his voice.

Alice, meeting his gaze, her eyes reflecting the unique crimson hue of his, nodded in affirmation.

His gaze drifted to the passersby, and a thought struck him. "I see... but with all these people around, why not indulge in a little... refreshment?" he inquired, his tone suggesting an old habit hard to forget.

Alice's smile faded slightly, a seriousness taking over. "We don't drink human blood anymore," she responded, her voice firm yet tinged with a hint of sadness for the life they had left behind.

Azrael stopped abruptly, his curiosity piqued by her response. "What then do you drink?" he asked, genuinely intrigued by this revelation.

Alice gently tugged on his arm, guiding him towards a nearby café. "We drink animal blood now. It's our only alternative," she explained, her voice carrying a note of resolve. It was a lifestyle choice that spoke volumes of their respect for human life, a testament to their effort to coexist peacefully with the world around them.

The gentle ding of the café's door announced their arrival, breaking the quiet hum of conversation within. A waiter, dressed in a crisp uniform, greeted them with a professional smile.

"Welcome, how may I be of service to you?" he inquired, his tone polite and welcoming.

Alice responded with a calm assurance, "A table for two, please."

"Right this way," the waiter replied, gesturing towards the interior of the café with a practiced hand.

They followed him to a cosy table set for two. Once seated, the waiter excused himself, leaving them with a gentle reminder to call him if they needed anything. As he departed, Alice and Azrael picked up menus, perusing them in a way that seemed almost performative, a means to blend in with the café's ambiance.

Azrael's curiosity resurfaced as he set down his menu. "Why choose to come here if we cannot eat?" he asked, his voice low and thoughtful.

Alice, placing her menu down as well, offered an explanation tinged with a hint of melancholy. "If we abstain from blood for a sufficient period, we can consume food and drink. However, our bodies can only tolerate it for a short while," she explained, the complexity of their existence reflected in her words.

Azrael reached across the table, taking her hand gently in his, an act of comfort and understanding. "You know, you do not have to force yourself," he said, his eyes, a striking crimson, locked onto hers, which glowed a soft golden yellow.

Gradually, they leaned towards each other across the table, drawn together by an invisible force. Their lips met in a kiss that was tentative at first, but quickly deepened with passion. As their tongues intertwined, each vying for dominance, the world around them seemed to fade into insignificance. Their movements were harmonious yet filled with a quiet intensity, and their breathing became heavy, punctuated by the rapid beating of their hearts.

However, their intimate moment was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the waiter clearing his throat. "Errhmm!!" he exclaimed, his tone a blend of annoyance and professionalism. The interruption was timely, just as their kiss was reaching a crescendo of passion.

Startled, Alice and Azrael quickly pulled apart, resuming their seated positions. They hastily picked up their menus, pretending to be engrossed in the choices, though the heightened colour in their cheeks told a different story.

Alice, seeking to lighten the moment, flashed Azrael a smile, her teeth gleaming against the café's soft lighting. "Y-you know, this café is renowned for its excellent tea and coffee," she said, her voice bright and a tad exaggerated to cover their embarrassment.

Azrael, still slightly flushed from their kiss, replied with genuine curiosity, "I am not familiar with tea or coffee, but I am eager to experience these delights."

"Could we have one tea and one coffee, please?" Alice requested, her voice regaining its usual composure.

The waiter, having regained his professional demeanour, nodded with a resigned sigh. "Alright, your order is on its way," he said before departing.

The moment had passed, but the connection between them lingered, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that was steadily growing stronger.

"So, Azrael, what exactly are you? I never really had the chance to ask," Alice inquired, her curiosity evident as she placed her menu down and fixed her gaze on him.

Azrael was about to reply when the waiter returned, setting their drinks down before them and quickly retreating. The interruption seemed to give Azrael a moment of reflection.

"Just in time, I was feeling a bit peckish," he commented with a slight smirk, turning his attention to the drinks.

The two of them exchanged a look, an unspoken communication passing between them as they glanced at the beverages. Alice, with a playful gesture, pointed first to her cup and then to his. "Which one would you like to try? Coffee?" she asked, then pointing to the other cup, added, "Or tea?"

"Coffee, I think," Azrael decided, reaching for the cup Alice had indicated. He brought it close, inhaling its aroma with a curious expression.

Sniff Sniff

"It has a peculiar scent, neither wholly pleasant nor unpleasant," he observed, before cautiously bringing the cup to his lips for a tentative sip.

nsst nsst

"Bitter," he remarked, a hint of surprise in his tone.

Alice's laughter was light and infectious, and Azrael couldn't help but be drawn in by her easygoing nature. "Sounds like a plan," he agreed readily, swapping his coffee for the tea with an eagerness that was almost childlike. Taking a sip, his face lit up with approval. "Mmm, delicious," he exclaimed, clearly more attuned to the milder flavour of the tea.

As Azrael savoured the taste of his tea, Alice took a moment to enjoy her coffee, her eyes occasionally flitting up to meet his. After a few sips, she placed her cup down gently and revisited her earlier question. "So, when do you plan on answering me?"

Azrael, his expression softening, responded with a gentle request. "Well, not now, sweetheart. Can we just enjoy this moment... please?" He took another sip of his tea, clearly relishing the taste and the company.

The rest of their time at the café passed in a comfortable blend of conversation and laughter. They chatted about inconsequential things, allowing themselves to bask in the simplicity and pleasure of each other's company. Their conversation was interspersed with shared smiles and the occasional tender kiss, marking the time as a beautifully ordinary date.

The ding of the café door chimed as they stepped out, arm in arm, merging with the quiet bustle of Forks' streets. The town, wrapped in its usual tranquillity, seemed a world away from the complexities of their lives. As they walked, Azrael and Alice were lost in their own world, a comfortable silence enveloping them.

However, this peaceful moment was abruptly interrupted. Alice's gaze, which had been fixed on Azrael's eyes, suddenly grew distant. She halted in her tracks, her expression blank as she slipped into a trance-like state.

Azrael, recognizing this, patiently waited. He had become familiar with these episodes – moments when Alice's gift of foresight took hold, offering her glimpses of the future.

After a brief pause, Alice's focus returned to the present. "Come with me, something is happening back home, something big," she said urgently, her voice laced with a mixture of concern and determination. Her hand tightened around his, pulling him along with a sense of purpose.

Azrael didn't question her. He trusted her intuition implicitly, knowing that whatever vision had gripped her, it was significant. Together, they hastened their pace, heading back to the Cullen household. There, with the rest of the family, they would uncover the meaning behind Alice's premonition and face whatever lay ahead.


[4 Weeks Later]

The atmosphere at the Cullen household was thick with tension. In the front yard, a group of vampires, each with a solemn expression, prepared themselves for a confrontation that seemed inevitable.

"I am leaving if this turns into a fight," declared one of the vampires, his voice betraying a hint of fear.

Edward, his face a mixture of anger and sorrow, responded with a passionate plea. "You know what The Volturi are capable of. Fleeing the country or hiding won't save you. They will find us anywhere. Please, I implore you, stay and help us protect my daughter," he urged, his plea echoing the depth of his desperation.

In that moment, Jasper, Alice's brother, stood up, his demeanor one of resolve. "If we're to face the Volturi, we need to be prepared. Training is essential," he asserted, his voice firm and decisive.

Carlisle, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward to calm the rising anxieties. "Remember, our intention isn't to engage in battle, but to negotiate. We must approach this with diplomacy, not aggression," he reminded them, his words aiming to bring a measure of peace to the charged atmosphere.

Jasper, acknowledging Carlisle's words yet understanding the need for readiness, turned his attention to Bella. "Alright, let's train. And Bella, you especially need to be prepared," he said, a small smirk playing on his lips, an attempt to lighten the mood despite the gravity of their situation.


Perched high above the scene, Azrael observed the training vampires with a detached interest. His gaze drifted over their movements, finding their efforts somewhat lackluster compared to his own ancient standards. To him, their actions lacked the finesse and ferocity he associated with true vampires. Driven by a mix of curiosity and a desire to stir things up, he decided to make his presence known.

"Are you ladies and gentlemen truly vampires?" he called out, his voice carrying a tone of playful skepticism. His question halted their training as they all looked up, their expressions turning to a mix of surprise and irritation.

Alice, quickly catching the confusion that spread among her family, addressed Azrael. "What do you mean, Azrael? If we aren't vampires, then what are we?" she asked, a slight frown creasing her brow.

Azrael met her gaze, his eyes intense and piercing. "I do not have the slightest clue, my dear, but I am certain that you are not vampires in the way I understand them." His voice was calm yet held an undercurrent of certainty. He then focused solely on Alice, his eyes beginning to glow with an otherworldly light. "You once inquired about my nature. Well, prepare yourself, for I am about to reveal my true form."

With these words, Azrael leapt gracefully from his perch on the tree branch. As he descended, he underwent a startling transformation. His fangs elongated menacingly, and his eyes shifted to a deeper, more vibrant shade of red. Around him, bats materialized out of thin air, swirling in a dance that seemed both beautiful and ominous.

The spectacle was mesmerizing, and a little frightening. It was clear to all who watched that Azrael was a being of immense power and ancient origin, far different from the vampires of the Cullen family.


With the grace and poise of an ancient creature, Azrael landed softly on the ground amidst the Cullens. The air seemed to still around him, charged with the raw power and mystery that he exuded. Standing there, surrounded by the bats that gently dissipated into the air, he faced the group with an unspoken authority.

He looked at them, his gaze intense and unyielding. "Because I am a Vampire," he declared, his voice resonating with a depth that spoke of centuries of existence.

[Drop stones and paragraph comments more, stop making me feel bad.

also, this is just to increase the word count to three thousand words long, now it is going to take time to release new chapters but I will try my best, also This is not just a twilight fanfic, since all I have seen is just the film series, so I plan on including the whole supernatural series such as teen wolf, vampire diaries and legacies and their release dates work perfectly together, also there are going to be multiple protagonists mainly two, for now, so enjoy.]