
Twilight: The Heavenly Demon

MC in his original world dies, reincarnated into Murim, becomes The Heavenly Demon. The world, of course, hates him and expels him. Then he arrives in Twilight. !!! DISCLAIMER !!! ALTERNATE UNIVERSE Twilight I've fixed my grammar, spelling mistakes, etc. So feel free to check it out, if you have any suggestions or advice please tell me, and yeah, hope you enjoy my fics. I only own my OC and the cover picture, Twilight is not mine. You can support me here and get chapters in advance; p@treon.com/tikuskecetit

tikuskecetit · 电影同人
47 Chs


(The same day - Science class)

-MC Pov-

''Next class is Science,'' I thought while looking at the map. I arrived and entered the class. Of course, it's still empty because the students are still in the cafeteria. I sat at the table in the back and began thinking about the song I wanted to write.

Hmmm...this song could be for both vampires and shapeshifters, of course, humans too. But mostly it's for vampires and shape-shifters. I began to write the verse, but before I could, the bell rang and the students began swarming into the class. They seemed to be avoiding eye contact with me and just chatting with their friends. No one sat next to me...well, thank God, because I need some focus.

So I turned my attention to my book and continued writing the song. But then I heard a girl's voice next to me.

"Hey! Mind if I sit here?" the girl asked excitedly.

"Sure..." I replied without looking at her and just focusing on my book. Then she sat down and I could feel her presence very close to me.

"What are you writing about?" she asked again and I still didn't look at her.

"Oh...it's just a song," I replied. And she asked again, "A song about what?" she said, and I could hear her giggling lightly.

"It's about...." I turned towards her and I was stunned. It's...Alice. Her face is so close to me and I can smell her scent. Her face is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, more beautiful than the 'jade beauties and the childhood friends' back in Murim. I can see her face smiling sweetly.

"Ahem, I'm sorry for not looking at you before. I'm Mikael Godfrey, but please call me Kael," I introduce myself while smiling and extending my hand to her.

"I'm Alice Cullen!" Alice returned my hand and at that moment when we touched each other's hand...

I felt warmth all over me and something clicked inside me...I feel my body lighter than a feather...something heavy is leaving my body...and the last thing, I feel like I'm getting somehow stronger...my internal energies that were flowing like a raging waterfall before, but now... is as calm as a lake.

I let go of her hand and smiled lightly. And I continue writing the song while Alice just giggles and smiles while looking at me. Not that I mind it.

'-Alice POV-

'I can feel him!' I thought excitedly while skipping steps on my way to the next class. I could see some students' gazes, staring at me like I was a weirdo. I just ignored them because I'm feeling happy today.

I arrived at the entrance of the class and took a deep breath. 'Huff~' I let out a deep breath and went in. When I entered the class, I immediately locked my eyes on his figure. But I could hear everyone talking to their friends, telling them to stay away and avoid my mate... I'm honestly really upset right now, but I must hold it in. Because I saw him sitting back there alone! Isn't this good for me?

So I walked up to him and saw him writing something. I tried to gain his attention by asking if I could sit beside him... He answered, but ignored me! So I sat down while pouting and asked him again.

I was ignored once again! I can't believe this. So I went closer to him and asked him again. I could see his frowning face and I couldn't help but giggle. Finally! I got his attention and I could see his surprised face when he saw me, and I smiled at that.

We introduced ourselves and I could see his nervous face. But when we touched each other's hands... I felt multiple feelings that I've never felt before... Calming, comforting, reassuring, and something inside me changed, but I don't know what it is. Then suddenly, I had a vision. I saw him and me kissing and cuddling under a beautiful tree in the moonlight.

But the vision ended when I heard a lot of giggles and chuckles coming towards us. He then took his hand off me and continued doing what he was doing. I could see him stealing glances at me! 'He's so cute!' I thought while holding back the urge to pounce, hug, and kiss him right here and now. 

-Third Pov-

We could see Mikael and Alice enjoying each other's company in class, talking in hushed voices and smiling. We could see Alice asking him a bunch of questions and he answered them all. Well... it seems like the Spirit of Forks blessed them after all.

"How long have you been in Forks?" Alice asked.

"About a week," Mikael replied.

"Where are you from?" Alice asked.

"West Virginia," Mikael replied.

"Do you like this place so far?" Alice asked.

"It's my dream," Mikael replied, smiling.

"Are you with your parents?" Alice asked.

"No... I'm alone and my parents are already dead," Mikael stopped his writing for a second, replied, and continued writing.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know." We could see Alice's sad yet determined expression.

"It's alright... I'm fine by myself... for now," Mikael smiled while flirting with her a little bit and getting a chuckle from her.

"Oh right, can I get your number!?" Alice asked excitedly.

"Here," Mikael just handed her his phone and let her do it herself.

We could see her smiling after she got her hands on his phone. It turns out that Mikael's contacts are empty. So it made her smirk widely and without his knowing, Alice put her family's number as well.

'Just in case,' Alice thought while handing the phone back to him, "Here, thank you so much!" she said and chuckled.

"So what are your hobbies?" Alice asked.

"Hmm... a lot, such as playing instruments, meditating, exercising, drinking tea, and recently I've enjoyed writing songs," Mikael replied.

As Alice was about to ask more questions, the teacher suddenly interrupted them.

"Mr. Godfrey, would you mind reading page number 47, please?" the teacher said.

"Uh... of course, ma'am," Mikael seemed to rummage through his bag but fortunately, he was saved by Alice.

"Here," said Alice in a hushed voice, handing him the book with the opened page. Mikael then began reading the page and handed the book back to Alice.

"Thank you, Mr. Godfrey, and PLEASE pay attention to the class," the teacher said in an annoyed tone.

"Of course, ma'am," Mikael replied, and he got a little laughter from the other students. But he glared at them, making them scared into silence. Alice, witnessing the events in front of her, couldn't help but giggle as well.

Time passed with Alice still asking and staring lovely at Mikael. And it is time for the students to go home.

-MC Pov-

I'm walking down the hall towards the school exit right now, with Alice alongside me, of course. She's walking with a wide smile and gets a weird look from the students around. But once they saw me, they immediately kept their heads down and didn't utter a word at all.

We then reached the parking lot and she introduced me to the rest of her family. I greeted Jasper first since he was the first one I met, then his mate Thea. Then Rosalie and Emmett, but I received an unexpected hug from Emmett. I was surprised and they just chuckled at our interaction. And lastly, Edward. I'm honestly about to laugh remembering his interaction with Bella today and looking at his face.

Of course, I did not forget to put my surface thoughts. You might be wondering why I didn't just put up a full barrier and not let him read my mind at all. I could totally do that... but here's the thing, I don't want to blow up my cover as a 'Special Individual.' At least for now, because I want to enjoy these moments as much as possible. Of course, I'm aware that I'll have to let everything out soon because the plot is starting to kick in.

Anyway, after greeting each other, I said goodbye to them and I noticed a sad expression coming from Alice. I couldn't help but chuckle at that, then I went to my parking spot where I park my bike but... where the FUCK is it?

I know that my bike looked silly and I'm expecting people to make fun of it. But not this far... well, shit, I guess some brats just took it and dumped it somewhere. I looked towards the Cullens and I saw their confused expressions.

I waved at them and smiled bitterly, then decided to just walk my way home. It's pretty far, to be honest. I could search for a blind spot and choose to fly, but no, and I'll be enjoying it, that's for sure. I know the sky is grey and cloudy, but it's bright nonetheless.

-The Cullens Pov-

"Why is he just standing there?" Emmett said in confusion while looking at Mikael, and the others looked towards Mikael too.

"Did he forget something?" Thea said.

"No, he... he lost his bike," Edward suddenly replied, eliciting surprised faces from the others.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked in confusion.

"I read his mind, and he looked confused as to why his bike was gone," Edward replied to Alice and just drove off.

"Look, he waved at us," Emmett said, and he waved back while smiling.

"But wait, is he going to just walk until he reaches his house?" Emmett said again in confusion.

"I'll go after him!" Alice said in a complicated tone.

"Wait, Alice, we'll take my car and go after him together," Rosalie stopped Alice.

"Yeah, me and Jasper will take the Jeep," Thea said.

"Alright," Alice said, and so Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett went after Mikael.

-Third Pov-



"Hey, Kael! Need a ride?" Emmett asked in the driver's seat while Rosalie just stayed silent beside him.

"You sure?" Mikael said, surprised because he didn't expect them to suddenly offer him a ride.

"Yeah, why not," Alice replied in excitement and giggling from the backseat.

So Mikael immediately hopped in the car and sat beside Alice with a wide smile across her face.

-MC Pov-

Well, I didn't expect that at all. I was just walking while humming a lovely song inside my head when I heard a car horn beside me. And I was surprised to see Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett. They offered me a ride, so of course, I accepted it because I still can't get enough of Alice with her lovely personality.

Anyway, I showed them the way to my house. But when we were about to pass the Police Department, I saw my bike. So I asked Emmett to pull over at the PD.

"Wait, can you pull over there for a minute?" I asked Emmett, and he immediately stopped the car across the PD.

"Where is he going?" Rosalie said, getting a shrug from Emmett.

(At The PD)

I opened the door and went in to ask the receptionist at the front desk.

"Good afternoon, ma'am," I greeted her.

"Good afternoon, and how may I help you?" she greeted back and asked.

"I'm here to take my bike, ma'am," I replied.

"Alright, do you have any proof?" she asked.

"Is Chief Swan here? He can be my witness," I replied.

"Alright, I'll get him in a minute," she said and called the chief with the office phone. And before long, the chief showed up.

"Oh, it's you, Kael," Charlie said.

"Yes, Mr. Swan, I'm here to take my bike back," I said.

"Sure, I was about to ask your school because I found the bike near the abandoned factory, and I was worried that something might have happened to you. I'm glad everything's fine," he said and sent me off with my bike.

After that, I went back to Rosalie's car, and I could see a surprised face from them. I shrugged it off, and then we continued to drive.

"Hahahaha, what a silly bike," Emmett said and immediately got elbowed by Rosalie and received a death glare from Alice.

"I'm sorry, please just ignore him," Alice said in a sad yet angry tone. It's quite cute, to be honest.

Hmm... the Cullens are supposed to be loaded, right? I mean, they're rich-rich, right? I'll try something, and I hope this works... hehe.

"No problem, I get that a lot since I came here," I said as we continued driving in silence, but Emmett broke the silence and asked a question again.

"Where did you even get that silly bike anyway?" Emmett asked again while chuckling but immediately received a glare from Rosalie and Alice.

Before Alice could apologize to him again, I said, "Well... this is the last gift from my parents when I was having my 15th birthday before they died," of course, it was a made-up story.

"Since they couldn't afford to buy a car for me, they decided to just buy me a bike," I said again.

"I'm sorry, Kael, I didn't mean to," Emmett said apologetically, and I just smiled and said, "It's fine."

"So what are you going to do after graduation?" Rosalie suddenly asked. I looked at the distant trees and answered.

"Well... I got a house here from the inheritance that my parents left for me... but I can't pay the bills, so maybe I'll sell the house, move from here, and search for a decent-paying job," I cast the bait.

"N-nooooo...." Alice said in a dejected small tone, but I could hear her, as did Emmett and Rosalie. Hehehe, they took the bait.

The rest of the journey was spent in silence until we reached my house. When we arrived, I could see a bright smile on their faces, especially Alice.

"Well, would you look at that, our houses are not far from each other," Emmett said as I got off the car and put down my bike.

"I have a feeling that you'll be part of the family soon, hahaha," Emmett said again, and Rosalie just slapped him on the back of his head.

"Hahaha..." I laughed while walking over to Alice and said, "Well, see you tomorrow?"

"OF COURSE!" she replied excitedly and suddenly hugged me tightly, and I pretended to be in pain, "Ouch* Ouch*"

"Sorry..." she looked down, and I patted her head while smiling, "Haha, I'm okay." She was grinning widely, and I chuckled at her cuteness.

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow," I said goodbye and watched them leave as I entered the house while thinking about the pixie.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

tikuskecetitcreators' thoughts