
Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Well Ryan is in the world of Twilight now, it's time to see what his adventure can bring. /////// Updates when I feel like it. This Fic has characters from different movies and TV shows, it also does not follow canon a lot, you are warned! Not everything follows Canon so do not get on me about something being different. This is what Fan fiction is for. Also random number of words, usually between 1,500 and 3,500 though. /////// Warning!!! Mention of drugs so read at own cost, I am not promoting it, just using it in here. (Really just Weed) I own nothing but my own ideas and OC, image cover not mine.

Flaming_Lines · 电影同人
70 Chs

Chapter 67): Graduation, Finally! (1)

Chapter 67): Graduation, Finally! (1)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ advanced chapters on buy-meacoffee/flaminglines}


"Oh my baby boy!!" His mother squealed as she watched him walk down the steps in his graduation gown. She had a camera in hand as she snapped photo after photo, Ryan just posed allowing her to do it, she had done the same thing the day before with Sue right before and after Leah's graduation.

He was just glad school was finally over, and sure there was college, left but honestly he didn't want to go, instead he wanted to open a shop somewhere and settle down collecting profits. He had the money from his family to do so, but his mother was also refusing to do it as long as he didn't have a college degree in business management or something similar.

So with reluctance he was going to go ahead and get a college degree while thinking about the type of place he wanted to run.

As he was posing the doorbell rang, the graduation wasn't for another two hours but he had to be there early, which is why Leah and her family would be going with his mother. There were also the Cullens who were going because of Rosalie graduating but they weren't riding with them, hell even Rosalie was still refusing to ride with them after what happened.

Ryan sniffed and looked to the door with his head tilted, the smell was familiar but with his new senses he wasn't sure what it was, he did know that the person behind the door wasn't hostile though. His mom was busy admiring the photos so with an eye roll he opened the door, a big grin stretched across his face as he saw who it was.

"Grandma!!" He pulled her into a deep hug hearing her chuckle as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

The sound of his mother's heels clicked as she walked into the foyer to see them, "Mom!? What are you doing here?" She asked surprised as neither had heard she was showing up.

"What, you think I am going to miss my own grandsons graduation? Plus, with this I can fly out with you both for Lily's wedding, you know she is marrying Rufus right?" His grandmother CeCe said with a raised brow.

She was the embodiment of upper class wealth, he was sure that not a single thing in her body was under five hundred dollars, because the shoes she wore were some he got her for Christmas last year that cost him two thousand alone. CeCe Rhoades did not know how to shop cheaply, she was old money so if they thing she wore weren't designer or worth something then she looked at it disdainfully.

Which is why he had caught the look when she mentioned Rufus, he didn't know who the man was but it was clear he didn't come from money, but Ryan wasn't going to touch that. He was spoiled from young by his grandma and she had always been one of his favorite people, he wasn't going to change her beliefs.

"So where is this Leah I heard so much about?" She asked while scanning the room frowning when she didn't see anyone else.

Ryan chuckled leading her in with their arms entwined as he did so, "She will be here soon, her and her family are getting ready first. And you better be nice, you may be one of my favorite people but she is my favorite of them all."

His grandmother looked at him, their eyes stared deeply into on another before she nodded as she set her purse down, "Fine. I won't be mean, but I will still judge her, can't have my favorite grandson being with someone that isn't good enough for him."

"What about Eric?" He asked with a raised brow thinking of his younger cousin.

She waved her hand, "Oh you know me and Eric have never been close. He thinks I don't approve of him being gay and all, even if I don't care."

Ryan nodded, he had seen the signs of his younger cousin being gay but the teen had never came out to talk to him about it, then again that could be because he didn't speak a lot while in New York. Really he didn't at all since he hardly hung out with anyone, and he only left the house when he absolutely needed to, but that was just him being annoyed by his life there.

As they entered the kitchen the doorbell rang again and Ryan rolled his eyes as he walked over to open it, when he did so standing there was Leah and her family but also Rosalie. Like him Rosalie was also wearing her graduation gown, it was open though so he was able to see the green dress that she was wearing to match the cap, because God forbid she didn't match.

"Hey, you guys arrived just behind my grandmother, come on in." Ryan said leaving the door open for them to follow, Seth being the last to walk in.

"Your grandmother is here?!" Leah hissed nervously as she fidgeted in her dress, which was surprising in itself since she hardly ever wore them. He assumed she would come to the graduation in her typical Leah style but apparently that wasn't the case.

Rosalie also looked slightly panicked as she quickly checked her hair in the mirror that was in the hallway. Ryan rolled his eyes as he led them into the kitchen where his mother and grandmother were waiting, his mother was making drinks, "I will take an old fashion if you can swing it." He said with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes but she still began to make him one whole his grandmother threw him a smile, "And who would these lovely people be?" She asked politely but he could already see the judgement in her eyes.

"Grandmother, this is the Clearwater family, this beautiful young woman here is Leah Clearwater or better known as Shortstack," he answered getting an elbow from Leah as he introduced her, "Her parents Sue and Harry, and basically who I consider my little brother Seth."

His grandmother greeted them politely while nodding her head, she was surprised though when Sue took her into a big hug, but he could see the shock pass and Sue was basically taken in as a daughter. She might not say it out loud but his grandmother was a softy and she had to stop at four but she always wanted a fifth daughter, with Sue's personality they would get along great.

"You missed one dear, who is this lovely lady here?" His grandmother asked when she saw Rosalie shooting him looks while also trying to look her best, but there was also something else on her face that he couldn't place.

"Grandma, this is Rosalie Hale, she is....my other girlfriend." He chokes out not because he wasn't willing to admit it, but because like he expected the moment the words fell the loud room went quiet.

His mother slid him his drink with a laugh as she already knew right as Seth was there to break the silence, "Dude! I bow down, I am not worthy!!! How the hell did you get Leah to agree to you dating someone else without taking your balls!"

"Seth!" She chided shooting an apologetic look to his grandmother who just gave her a fond smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard that clearly son?" Harry said with a 'kind' smile, it was one that made Ryan freeze despite being a wolf.

Ryan coughed, "Well why don't we go in the next room Har--"

"That's Mr. Clearwater to you son." He said with a stern expression.

Ryan gulped and nodded but still led him off to the living room, Seth snuck behind them with a goofy smile, none of the women tried to stop him as he did so either.

"Did my grandson say Hale, dear? Like the Hale's from Rochester, New York?" CeCe asked as she turned to Rosalie letting Ryan deal with his own mess.

Rosalie nodded but she was nervous as she answered, "Yeah, that would be them."

"Oh, I think I knew some of them when I was younger, sadly the family all passed. It is good to see that you were adopted dear and that the Hale line is still going. I'm glad you are with my grandson." CeCe said her smile wide as she patted Rosalie's hand.

"*Cough* Mom, remember what Ryan said." Rachel said with a smirk as she looked at her.

CeCe rolled her eyes, "I wasn't ignoring the girl dear, I was nearly learning something real quick. So Leah, why don't you tell me all about yourself."

Leah nodded nervous shooting her mom a look who nodded, "Well as you know I'm eighteen like Ryan and..."


(With the Boys)

The room was tense with silence as they sat in the living room, Ryan could see the fierce look in Harry's eyes, while Seth stood behind him playing 'protective' brother but he was laughing where his dad couldn't see. Ryan rolled his eyes seeing that, he looked to Harry who was in Papa Bear mode and knew this wasn't going to be like their other conversations, but he had a trick up his sleeve.

"So Mr. Clearwater, I---" 

"So is my daughters feelings a joke to you?! What you sleep with her then string her along as you hold on to the new girl!? Is it because you think that Rosalie is more beautiful then my daughter?!" Harry cut him off throwing questions at him.

"Hell no!" Ryan basically shouted before calming down, "I mean Mr. Clearwater you have to realize where I am coming from with this," he looked to Seth who still didn't know about the whole supernatural side but he would be getting some small information here, "Rosalie has imprinted on me."

Harry whatever he was about to counter with cut off, "They..They can do that?" He asked a little shocked.

"Well, basically yes. They feel all the same things and just like the yours they may never find theirs in their entire life. So when she found me well..." Ryan shrugged, "Just imagine if it was Seth who found his but he had to watch daily as she loved someone else. What would you think he would be willing to do?"

Harry nodded more but he could see that Seth was completely lost by the conversation, "Umm, can someone tell me what is happening since my name is being brought up, please."

Harry looked into Ryan's eyes and the two stared at one another for a good five minutes much to Seth's annoyance before he spoke again, "Fine, but there are bullets with your name on them if you hurt her. I don't care if I need to empty my bank account to empty that many to kill you. Seth we will talk later."

Ryan nodded, "Yeah, I wouldn't expect anything less either."

"What the hell is going on!!" Seth said looking between them with bewildered.

"Later, we should go join your mother and the women." Harry said standing, "And you are free to call me Harry again Ryan, as long as you don't screw this up."

Ryan nodded standing to follow, Seth grabbed his arm though stopping him, "Ryan, seriously man. What is going on?" He asked looking panicked.

Ryan smiled handing him his old fashioned which Seth took a drink of with a smile, "Seriously, it is really nothing to worry about. And this is more of a father and son conversation, but afterwards we can talk about it all you need to, okay?"

"Yeah, I understand." Seth nodding seeing how serious Ryan was being, "Now, why don't you give me another drink of that please."

Ryan chuckled and gave him some more right before they entered he took it back after Seth got a big gulp, he didn't need the kid tipsy and getting blamed for it, even if it was his fault. When he walked into the kitchen he let out a breath of relief, he could see his grandmother ethusatically talking to both Leah and Rosalie, which was good as he needed them to get along with one another.

"So Ryan, what's this I hear about you not being valedictorian because you missed to many first period days?" His grandmother asked with a raised perfectly manicured eyebrow.

Ryan smiled, "Haha, we should get to the school." He said awkwardly walking away noticing her look.