
TVD/TO: The Original Husband

What happens when a modern day dude is dropped into the TVD Universe? Will he become a Vampire? Or is he a Werewolf? Or maybe he is a Witch? Read this fanfic to find out more. Male OC X Rebekah Mikaelson Forgive me if the characters are out of character. The story starts from 999 A.D. !!! Caution: I know some people are dissatisfied with the front portion of this fanfic, but please be patient. I assure you it will be worth it. At least read until chapter 20 before deciding to drop this fanfic. !!! (I don't own anything except my MC, and I am new to this so if there's any grammar, spelling or constructive criticism you want to let me know, feel free to leave a comment.)

TheOneAtTheMoon · 电视同人
24 Chs

When The Hunter Becomes The Hunted

"Impossible..." Mikael's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at me, his mouth hanging open in shock. For a millennium, he believed me dead, and yet here I stood, flesh and blood, before him. It was the second time in his life that he had been shaken to his core, the first being when he discovered that Klaus was not his son. He struggled to process what he was seeing as he stuttered.

"You...you're alive."

A chuckle escaped me at his reaction.

"You alright, Mikael? You look like you've seen a ghost," I teased, but his expression remained frozen in shock. His eyes locked on me with an intensity that made me uneasy.

Suddenly, Damon interrupted, breaking the tense moment, asking in his usual brash manner,

"And who the hell are you?" Before I could reply, Damon rushed towards me, but I was prepared. With a flick of my wand, I cast a spell.

"Petrificus Totalus Maximus," a blinding wave of white light radiates out of my wand, freezing everyone in the vicinity except Mikael, whom I intentionally excluded.

Looking around in confusion, Mikael demanded in a low and angry voice.

"What did you do?" 

"Just a little freezing, Mikael," I said, grinning widely. 

"So we can finish what we started a long time ago."

Mikael's expression darkened.

"And what is that?" he asked, his voice barely above a growl.

"Oh, you kno–" I said, my tone casual. But before I could finish, Mikael lunged forward, hurling a jagged shard towards my heart with deadly precision. I barely had time to react, muttering a spell under my breath as I summoned my mana.


The debris froze in midair, suspended by my power.

But Mikael wasn't finished. Sensing his movement behind me, I did a quick cartwheel, and avoided his surprise attack. As he stumbled forward, I retaliated with a burst of telekinetic force, sending him flying through the air.

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief.

"The back, again? Seriously?" I muttered, watching as Mikael struggled to regain his footing.

Mikael rose from the debris, his eyes ablaze with fury as he shifted into a new stance. It was as though he was no longer just Mikael, but a predator hunting his prey.

I couldn't help but taunt him, hoping to gain the upper hand. But instead of replying, he charged at me with lightning-fast movements that left afterimages in his wake.

Seeing his insanely fast speed my composure slipped as I struggled to keep up with his movements.

"Prot-" I began to mutter the defense spell, but it was already too late. His fist came hurtling towards me, growing larger and larger until it filled my vision.


Knowing it's already too late, I could only open my mouth absentmindedly and brace for impact.


My body flew through the air like a broken kite, crashing through trees and leaving me moaning in agony with broken ribs. It took all my strength to stand up, leaning heavily on a tree for support.

But Mikael was enjoying my pain, taunting me with a cruel smile.

"Your tricks are no match for me, boy," he jeered.

"Cough. Cough."

Coughing violently, I doubled over, clutching at my chest as searing pain coursed through my body. Blood trickled from my lips, staining my shirt a sickly red.

With trembling fingers, I wiped the blood away, leaving a smeared trail across my face. Desperate for relief, I stretched out my hand, as a bright cyan potion materialised in my palm, glowing softly. The liquid inside shimmered, almost beckoning me to drink it.

Without hesitation, I lifted the potion to my lips and chugged it down. The taste was bitter and sharp, but as the liquid coursed through my veins, I felt my wounds begin to heal. The pain receded, and my breathing became easier.

"What's that, your juice box, boy?" Mikael sneered, still grinning as if victory was his.

"Laugh all you want, Mikael," I retorted, my tone now deadly serious.

"That was just a warm-up. It's time to get serious."

As I spoke, the air around me seemed to shift. Even Mikael looked wary as he rushed at me before I could finish what I wanted to do.

But it didn't matter.

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment settle on my shoulders. With all of my willpower and concentration focused on the task at hand, I chanted the words of the spell that I had been perfecting for months.

"Corporalis amplificationem."

As the incantation left my lips, a brilliant green light engulfed me, illuminating every inch of my body. I felt a surge of power coursing through my veins, my muscles rippling with newfound strength and my bones crackling with energy. It was as if the spell had unlocked a part of me that I never knew existed, shattering the very limits of what I thought was possible for a human being.

The rush of power was exhilarating, and I basked in the feeling of my body becoming stronger by the second. I knew I was more than ready for whatever Mikael could throw my way.

Just as I opened my eyes, I saw Mikael approaching me, his fist moving as slow as a sloth. As if time had stretched out, I sidestepped his attack, feeling the surge of power building within me like a wave ready to crash onto the shore. I pulled my arm back, and with lightning speed, I threw a punch at Mikael. It was slow motion, yet my body moved with incredible speed and power. The impact was bone-shattering, like two boulders colliding.


I heard the sound of breaking bones as Mikael's body flew back, slamming into a nearby tree. The sound was deafening, and for a moment, I thought I had knocked him out.

As I approached him, I could see that he was still conscious. His body was bent at an unnatural angle, and his face was twisted in agony.

As Mikael struggled to stand up, I could see the pain etched on his face. He clutched his broken jaw, his fingers shaking as he tried to stop the bleeding. His eyes were wide with shock and pain, and his breathing was ragged and uneven. It was clear that he was in immense agony, and I could almost feel his pain.

Slowly, his wounds healed in front of my very eyes, but he still looked at me in disbelief.

"You...you can't be human," he muttered, his voice barely audible from the wheeze of pain.

I grin triumphantly, feeling the power coursing through my veins.

"I'm not just human," I replied, my voice laced with confidence.

"I'm something more."

Getting up, his body was battered and bruised from the impact. He looked up at me, his eyes burning with anger and hatred.

"You'll pay for this," he growled, his voice low and menacing.

I raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Is that a threat?"

He lunged at me with fury in his eyes, his fists clenched as he threw a barrage of wild punches. But to my eyes, his movements were slow and predictable. With ease, I dodged each attack, slipping and weaving around them like a matador evading a bull. Mikael grew increasingly frustrated, his breath coming in short gasps as he struggled to land a solid blow.

"Stop dodging, you coward! Fight me!" he shouted in anger. He attacked a feint before swinging his leg towards my head in an attempt to catch me off guard. At that moment, time seemed to slow down as he swung his leg towards me. As I crouched, dodging his attack, I felt energy building up within me. With my fist crackling with vibrant shades of green, pulsating with a life of its own. I thrust my fist forward, and the energy surrounding it amplified its force, hitting him squarely in the stomach.


It was a devastating impact, and he flew across the courtyard toward Lockwood's Mansion.

But I wasn't done yet. I turned into a black-colored shadow, disappearing and reappearing behind him in a flash. With a roar, I punched out, borrowing the force from my half-rotated body as my fist smashed towards his back with terrifying force. An ear-piercing explosion of energy rang inside the room as a flash of green illuminated the area.


Time resumed with a deafening scream that echoed through the deserted area as Mikael collapsed to the ground, clutching his back. I stood over him, my smirk spreading wide as I circled around him. His teeth chattered as he attempted to stand, but failed each time, his spine broken by my hands. His complexion was pale, as if he were on the verge of collapse.

"How does it feel to be beaten by a lesser man?" I taunted, revelling in my victory.

Mikael groaned and moaned as he struggled to support himself up. 

"Don't... be... arrogant... boy," he gritted out through his clenched teeth. Though fear was in his eyes, his spirit remained unbroken.

Without warning, he launched one last desperate attack, attempting to punch me. But I easily evaded him, pulling his ear and slamming his face into my leg, blood spraying everywhere. As I pummelled him with punches, my words spilled out in a torrent.

"Do you know how much I've suffered because of you?" I raged. 

"All this could have been avoided if you had just let me marry her!"

As I beat Mikael senseless, my anger grew, fuelling the darkness within me like a virus. Shadowy tentacles emanated from my shadow, wrapping around my arm and granting me unimaginable strength.

The blows I dealt him were relentless, his face caving in under the force of my fury. Even though his wounds were healing slower than my punches, I continued punching, lost in a haze of rage and desperation. My iris turned completely black, and the darkness within me threatened to consume me whole.

As Mikael's blood splattered all over my face and clothes, I licked it away with a madman's grin. But just as I continued punching him, a glowing light suddenly burst from the tattoo on my neck, casting a brilliant golden-white glow around me. It was like something holy had taken hold of me, infusing me with a surge of energy that flowed through my entire being. My eyes sparked with a bright golden hue, and I was jolted out of my violent trance.


Brushing my hair back, I exhaled, trying to regain my composure. Slowly, the darkness within me receded, the shadowy tentacles retreating back into my shadow. Mikael lay defeated at my feet, his body broken and battered.

"It's time to end this once and for all," I said, knowing what I had to do.

"Like all good things, they must come to an end. This is the end for you, Mikael." I grasped Mikael by the hair, forcing him to meet my gaze. His once fierce and arrogant eyes now hold only emptiness and hollowness.

"Accio white oak stake." The stake soared towards me from its hidden location, and I caught it in my hand, holding it before his heart.

"By the power vested in me and me alone, I hereby sentence you, Mikael the Destroyer, to death. Any last words?"

"G...Go–" Saying between breathes, he slowly spoke out his last words but I interrupted.

"On second thought, I don't give a shit."

Before he could finish, I plunged the stake into his heart sealing his fate once and for all.

As the white oak stake plunged into Mikael's heart, a web of cracks appeared on his skin, spreading like spider webs across his body. His flesh turned ashen and dry, with veins bulging beneath the surface like tangled roots.

Flames erupted from the wound, consuming him in a burst of searing heat and agonizing pain. Mikael screamed, a sound that was both terrible and pitiful, as he clawed at his chest, holding on to the hope that if he could remove the stake, he might be saved, but it was too late.

The fire spread like a living thing, consuming him from the inside out. It burned away everything in its path, leaving only ashes and dust in its wake. Mikael writhed in agony as the flames consumed him, his screams growing louder and more desperate by the second.

"ARGHHHHH!" he howled, the sound raw and guttural. The fire ate away at him, leaving nothing behind but grey dust and ash in a matter of minutes.

Staring at the flames dancing over his remains, I murmured to myself,

"It was fun while it lasted." Scooping up a handful of Mikael's ashes, letting them trickle into a small vial. I turned to face the crowd of onlookers, who had been frozen for the whole duration for our fight.


With a snap of my fingers, I released them from my hold, and they blinked in disbelief as they regained control of their bodies. I could see a mixture of awe and fear in their eyes, and it gave me a sense of satisfaction.

"Enjoy the show?" I said, my voice laced with amusement.

I gave them a mocking bow, relishing in the attention.

"Enjoy the funeral, my friends. And who knows?" I added with a wink.

"Perhaps our paths will cross again."

With a sly grin, I lifted my hand in a playful two-fingered salute, and in the blink of an eye, I vanished into the ethereal void, leaving the bewildered onlookers to contemplate the extraordinary events that had just unfolded before their very eyes.

A/N: Btw Avada Kedavra won't kill vampires/hybrids or anything immortal, it will only temporarily kill them. It's akin to snapping the neck of a vampire.