
TVD: Death is inevitable

Born to a father of great strength, human at the core but many agree on one fact he cannot be human. Witches do not dare to cross or betray him, vampires fear him, humans respect and fear him, wolves would rather stay in their mountains then cross him. “What do you know of him?” Someone once asked “Do not hide do not run he will enjoy the chase because at the end of the day when ‘HE’ chases after you. Death is inevitable,” ---- Second world: supernatural I do not own anything from The vampire diaries/ The originals. Nor do I own anything from Supernatural.

Booggie · 电视同人
40 Chs

The blade of darkness

-Bonnie pov -

It's been a couple of rough days for me, last night Elena once again asked for a favor as if my pain means nothing. It hurts so much like I'm falling into an endless abyss, I know my mom is still alive well technically undead but it still hurts so much. I feel as if every time I help Elena I get hurt and my life crashes down on me.

But, here I am helping Elena once more like an idiot. What's even worse is I'm helping them find a way to hurt and potentially kill Taban if he survives I will be killed and that terrify's me. I know he is a cruel and sadistic piece of shit but, something about him makes me feel like I should help him.

I'm going against that feeling as I am currently sifting through all of my books and grimoires trying to find a way to kill the monster.

"Gahhh!" I exclaim frustrated at my constant failure to find something

I started to put up the books, I'm going to take a break and start again later. Just when I was about to put the last book on the shelf an old book catches my eye, I have never seen it before. I reached out slowly and grabbed it, the cover was blank no writing just the greyness of the cover, I opened the book and gasped the writing was written in blood and in a different language, it looked familiar but I couldn't quite place it. The pages seemed torn and brittle, I carefully flipped the page, and I felt like this book was it.

I took I and began to drive to the Salvatore house hopefully they can translate what was written.

It didn't take me long to arrive at the Salvatores, I slowly got out of my car and walked toward the door, I really didn't want to see any of them right now I'm just going to drop off the book and leave.

Right as I got to the door I could actually hear laughter, the laughter of Elena, Damon, Klaus, and Stefan. They laugh while I despair? They laugh when I lose so much.

Anger bubbles inside of me, the pure rage was like nothing I have ever felt but for some reason, I felt calm, eerily calm.

Opening the door I saw them all sitting in the parlor with books all about them, Elena sees me and smiles like nothing happened, "Bonnie! Did you find anything?" she said in a cheery tone

Not replying I took the book out of the bag and dropped it on the table, "this was Grams it might help, don't ever contact me for help again," I said calmly despite my anger

I turned to leave when Damon flashed in front of me, his smirk was insufferable and I could tell he was about to say something that would piss me off even more I simply flicked my hand *crack* his neck broke and he dropped to the ground like a broken puppet.

This time when I continued walking no one tried to stop me, I could hear Elena saying something but I couldn't care enough to listen. She will probably cry about it and gain sympathy from everyone.

I left the house and had no clue what I want to do next.

-Narrator pov -

The Salvatore house was left in an awkward silence after Bonnie left, the originals couldn't care less but the Salvatores kept making sure Elena is okay.

Klaus rolled his eyes and picked up the book, flipping through some pages he said, "it's an old dialect, I can read some of it not all. Kol you should try,"

Klaus threw Kol the book which he easily caught, "careful Klaus, this book is extremely old,"

"Obviously," Klaus answered with a small snicker

Kol began to carefully read the book stopping sometimes when he reached a part that was smeared or hard to read.

Kol spent ten minutes searching through the book when he finally found something, "listen to this, 'The monster known as Taban Khan killed everyone in my home town, I have dedicated the remainder of my life looking for something that can kill him, my exploration was pardoned and aided by many, along the way I found several like-minded individuals. Each of us made a book if you are reading this then I am dead and he is still alive, each book will lead you to a part of the weapon we discovered that can kill him, it is named the blade of darkness, each of us hid a piece of it when we realized we didn't have the strength to move forward," Kol read with interest

"Why would they do that!" Klaus snarled in anger

"Calm down there is more, 'the blade once assembled can only be used once, the magic it leaks draws danger so we decided to break it into sections, once one book is found the others will appear. Find the piece that belonged to me and the others will come to you, I beg you to team up and kill him once and for all! That is my last wish - Cristoforo Colombo" Kol finished with a wide smile

This was history! History he never knew.

"Christopher Columbus spent his entire life searching for a way to kill Taban?" Damon said dumbfounded

"I believe it, you would be surprised at how much is hidden, even my family has been the cause of many historical events," Elijah said

"Like what?" Elena asked with a raised eyebrow

"Like the Boston tea party," Elijah said calmly

"No way," Elena replied ending closer to the end of her seat

"It's true," Kol said simply

"Enough about us, Kol does it say where to find this piece?" Klaus asked irritably

"No, it doesn- Woah! The words are changing into a shape," Kol said causing everyone to come forward and look

The words were changing into a map, it showed exactly where they were and where to find the piece.

"That explains the blood writing", Kol said his eyes were practically twinkling

"Looks like a road trip is due," Klaus said causing everyone to agree

"Who's going?" Elena asked

An argument ensued everyone wanted to look for the treasure.

-Taban pov -

Currently, I'm getting ready for another council meeting usually, they aren't this frequent but, we decided to call another once today before we meet in person later.

Two sorcerers of mine arrived today so Inari and I can both Astral Project, she can on her own but I want another to be watching the house. And I also think having two sorcerers here is better.

"Sir it is time," one of them said

I nodded and held my hand out, he grasped it and began the spell. I could hear Inari doing her own.

Suddenly I am in the meeting room, everyone is already here, figures I would be the late one.

"Hello everyone," I said with a wide smile

They all greeted me back, and after pleasantries, we got down to business. Han was the first to speak, "Esther is providing to be a wealth of knowledge, we even managed to dig out the spell she used to create vampires," he said with an almost kid-like happiness

"How did you manage that?" Father asked with a raised brow

"It was easy once we were able to destroy all of the mental walls she placed, the woman was paranoid," Han said with a weary expression

"What do you plan for after she outlives her usefulness?" I asked

"Death then the prison spell," Han replied simply

Ah yes, the prison spell it was actually the spell I used to threaten the Bennett spirits with, the spell prevents the spirit from passing on to the other side instead it locks the spirit inside a prison with no escape, it's not really torture because the spirit usually falls into a state of hibernation.

"Smart, we don't want her coming back she is rather annoying," I replied

"Agreed," Han said with a slight scowl

Poor Han, he probably had to deal with her disgusting opinions.

"So Ban how are the steps going?" Elaine asked with a radiant smile

"All pieces are in play, waiting for the others to collect," I replied calmly

"After this business, you should visit me all of you should, I haven't hosted a council meeting in a while," Father said

"I'm fine with that," I replied with a soft smile

"I'm in!" Elaine said ecstatically

"Same," Han said

"I'm dealing with some issues but, I should be able to finish shortly," Ezra added

"Everything fine?" I asked

"Eh, some packs are fighting for land it's no big deal," he replied

We continued to talk for hours, Sora and I talked for a couple more about my empire and how it's doing right now.

Eventually, we had to call the meeting to an end so we all stopped Astral projecting.

Once back I looked out into the night sky, it is raining once more and the moon was almost full, I took a bottle of my finest Sake and went to the roof.

The rain pelted my body as I drank my Sake in peace, the soft pitter-patter of the rain soothed my emotions.

I could feel Inari behind me, I took out the extra cup I brought and sat it beside me, filling it up I left it there.




The sound of her soft footsteps sounded as she joined my side gazing into the moon. Neither of us spoke as we enjoyed the silence.
