
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · 奇幻
41 Chs

The Start?

Khush: "Father, may I ask you something?"

Father: "Sure, go ahead."

Khush: "You used up all of the 16.2k coins I gave you, right?"

Father: "Yes, I did."

Khush: "So shouldn't you have 76 mana instead of 60?"

Father: "I suppose so."

Khush: "Then why don't you have it?"

Father: "I had to use 3200 coins to improve my mana recovery rate. It said it would have taken days to fill the 60 mana capacity because as my skills get upgraded, the houses demand more mana. That's why I feel better than ever now."

Khush: "Oh, okay, I understand."

After returning home without encountering any monsters, we spent the evening re-explaining the plan, enjoying a hearty dinner, and retiring early to ensure we were well-rested for the upcoming challenges.

*At the monster camp*

Grommash: "How are the preparations going, Throug?"

Throug: "They are going great, eldest brother. They should be finished by the moon of tomorrow. After that, everyone will go to sleep early and wake up around 1 hour before midnight."

Grommash: "Good. Now, let's talk about our plan. What's going to be the battle formation?"

Mogor: "The green orcs will be at the front, followed by two rows of hobgoblins, then eight rows of goblins, followed by two mages, who will be commanded by Throug."

Throug: "Yes, brother, this pattern will be followed for all of our troops."

Grommash: "Shouldn't goblins be at the front?"

Throug: "Ideally, yes, but not on these cramped roads. The orcs will act as a shield, allowing the nimble goblins to vault over them and launch their surprise attacks."

Grommash: "And where do we position ourselves?"

Durotan: "You'll be at the rear, and I'll hold the middle."

Grommash: "Sounds like a solid plan, brother. Let's reconvene tomorrow morning."

Throug: "Agreed. Rest well, brother."

*The following morning*

*Inside the family's dwelling*

Khush: "See, father, I told you they wouldn't strike."

Father: "You were right. Now, what's our next move?"

Khush, feeling a mix of frustration and anticipation, shared his concerns with his father. "Now, we just eat, sleep, and repeat. There's nothing we can do about it. I've already instructed Christine to spy on them."

Father, taken aback, inquired, "Really? You are not joking, right?"

"Father, please, just take a chill pill. I'll talk to you later. I have to go to the washroom fast," Khush replied hurriedly.

"OMG, Khush, are you serious?" exclaimed father.

*At the monster camp*

Grommash: "How are the preparations going?"

Throug: "Brother, for the millionth time, it's going great. It will be finished by evening, and then the troops will sleep and wake up 1 hour before the attack."

Grommash: "Okay, but where's Mogor?"

Throug: "He's just training."

Grommash: "Okay."

* A while later*

Thraug: "Brother, wake up, wake up!"

Grommash: "Huh, what happened?"

Thraug: "Brother, it's time to leave for the attack."

Grommash: "Oh, sorry. Is everyone ready?"

Thraug: "Yes, brother, you just need to give the speech before the attack."

Grommash: "Okay, let's make our way to the stage."

Thraug: "Here, brother, I have written the speech for you."

Grommash: "Thanks, Thraug. By the way, where are Durotan and Mogor?"

Thraug: "They are already outside, brother."

Grommash: "Okay."

* 5 minutes later, Grommash begins his speech *

Grommash: "Warriors of the Horde! Today, we stand on the brink of a great battle, a struggle that will test our might and our resolve. But fear not, for we are the orcish horde, and our strength knows no bounds. We are the sons and daughters of the great ancestors, and we carry their legacy with us into battle. As we march forth to face our enemies, let us remember our purpose. We fight not only for conquest, but for the preservation of our people and our way of life. Our clans stand united, and together we will crush our foes with the ferocity of a raging storm. Our enemies will tremble at the sound of our battle cries, and they will know the might of the orcish horde. So, ready your weapons, steel your resolve, and let the thunder of our approaching footsteps shake the very earth. Today, we ride forth to victory! For the Horde! For glory! For Grommash Hellscream! Now, let us march forth and make history!"

Thraug: "Brother, that was powerful. The warriors are ready to follow you into battle."

Grommash: "Then let us lead them to victory, where our names will be etched in the annals of orcish history."

Background noise: Every monster is screaming "For The Horde!"

* The army then departs from their base and starts heading north.*

* 15 minutes later*

Durotan: "Gorefang."

Gorefang: "You called, sire?"

Durotan: "Gorefang, don't you think it's too quiet from the softskins' side? We have already reached their territory and will reach the end of our supposed territory in due time."

Gorefang: "I also think that, sire, but worry not, I have my eyes an-"

Khush: "Bang."

Gorefang: "and ear ope-" *A mana bullet passing through Gorefang's head*