(Hi please vote and comment what you think. If I need to improve on something, I would like to hear it from you. Without you this would not be possible. Enjoy the rest of your day/evening.)
Meadow pov
While my siblings slept I snuck out and walked around. Sleep didn't come naturally to me during missions. I turn the corner bumping into my father well a much younger version of him. "I'm sorry didn't mean to bump into you. I didn't hurt you did I?" I asked only to be pinned to the wall. "Who are you and why do you look like my girlfriend?" Ok this is a standard pin taking a breath. I stomp my heel on to his foot making him wince witch makes him loosen his grip. Turning around I jab him in the center of his throat. He stumbled back coughing and gasping for air. "Not....bad....for.....a....girl." he said as he straightened up. I take a defensive stance. "Relax I think I have an idea of who you are." He said holding up his hands. His eyes were full of love and care not the usual regret I'm used to. This confirms my theory on he didn't want to leave her. He was forced to by something. "My name is Meadow Tanooki. I take it you are Captain Rex?" I said making him nod ."I take it you don't call me dad in the future." I shook my head. "You and I are starting to get on friendly terms. I am still upset about a lot of things. I believe you didn't want to leave. You and I kinda have the do anything for family mentality. You won't tell me why so I don't know what happened. Mom also won't say anything so I take it she is on the same page as you. I don't think she even loves Obi-Wan. She only stayed with him for my brother's and my safty. " I said sitting down against the wall. He sat next to me we were quiet for a while. "Meadow I apologize for anything that happened. I am sure your mother and I have our reasons why we won't say anything. I will tell you this never for a second doubt our love for you or your brother. If its ok with you I want to be on friendly terms with you and your brother. I hear one of them is a Sith." He said now looking at me. "I would appreciate that as for my older brother yeah he is. He told me before that it was because he felt mom die. JD and I were always evenly matched in combat. That was till I saw him after he turned. If it was not for mom jumping in, I wouldn't be here. Once I healed up I trained harder. I didn't like feeling so weak and powerless. *chuckles* Mom said I got that from you." I smirk looking at him. "I can only imagine what else you got from me. I like talking with you kiddo but you need to get some sleep." He said helping me up. "I don't really sleep on missions." I said making him shake his head. "You get that from me too. But you need it so I will walk you back." He said leading the way. I like this version of him he is a little more relaxed. Its only been a day but I miss home. I hope the one I go back to won't be so fucked.
*no one's pov*
The next morning Obi-Wan found Meadow in the living room meditating. "Mind if I join you?" This made the young female jump and open her eyes. "Sorry didn't mean to frighten you." The male Jedi chuckled warmly. "Its ok I didn't think anyone would be up. " the young female said blushing from embarrassment. "So is this a morning routine for you?" Obi-Wan asked slightly curious. Meadow nods answering his question. The two meditate in silence across from one another. It was peaceful until.