

Meadow gasped opening her eyes. "He's here in the building." She said slightly scared. "Yes I feel it too but never fear you are safe." Obi-Wan tried to calm her but it didn't do much. "Obi-Wan whats wrong?" Iris asked feeling her daughter's uneasiness. "She feels someone is here that shouldn't be." He said making Iris worried. "Is it your brother? If so we need to alert the council." Iris was about to leave till Meadow stopped her. "By the time anyone dose something,He will already be gone. This was just him showing that my siblings and I are never safe. " Meadow said taking a deep breath to steady herself. "He wants to stop us from completing our mission. I have been given orders to stride him down if necessary. I just hope it never comes to that." Meadow said standing up leaving the room.

JD pov

"JD how are things going? Did you capture the queen yet?" My mast said over my comlinc. "No lord Vader I am just wonding the temple. I am trying to locate her. I had a fix on the location but then it was cut. She concealed herself she does that when I am near. " I said leaning against a piller.

Meadow pov

"Meadow we told you not to contact us. The enemy has the same technology." My father said a bit annoyed. "Dad I'm sorry but I think JD is after me. I think they know about what mom did before leaving Yatoosa." He looked at me shock in his eyes. "Meadow you may have to dispatch him. I know he is your brother but at times like this, you need to realize JD as you knew him is gone. I'm sorry little one I wish I could be there to help but this is your mission. Your mother and I are fine Obi-Wan however sacrificed himself so we could get away. Please be careful and finish up quickly." He said cutting transmission. "Oh man I looked old in that holo call." I shot up facing my father. "Come on the council meeting is about to start." He said leading me to the masters. I pray this mission is over quickly.

no ones Pov

The masters watched as Meadow and her siblings made it to the center of the room. "Good morning younglings sleep well hope you have." Yoda said making the three bow to him. "Good morning master." The children said in unison. "Meadow the council and I would like a full explanation of your mission. Before we give you our verdict this is important information." Windu said resting his chin on his hands. He eyed us like a Mongul dirt Leppard. His eyes were very intimidating but I have no reason to fear. "In the time my siblings and I come from the galaxy is ruled by the Empire. This Empire is controlled by a sith named Darth Sidious or as you all know him as Chansler Palpatine. Our mission is to dispatch him before he destroys the Republic and the galaxy. So many have died getting us here. Please I beg of you let us carry out our mission." Meadow said before looking at Anakin. "Let us correct a mistake that came with a heavy price." Anakin marched over to Meadow and Grabbed her by the throat making her face him. "Your lying he could never do such a thing. I think you are a sith wanting to unravel everything the republic stands for." He growled getting in her face. "Anakin stop you'll kill her. " Windu said watching the girls reaction. She though wanted to nock Anakin out but what would that prove. Anakin started gasping letting go of Meadow now on the floor coughing. "Satine *Cough* stop *Cough.Cough.*" she said getting to her feet walking to her sister. Meadow held the girl who is in tears of anger. "Satine let him go he doesn't know any better." Meadow said calmly Satine gasped letting Anakin go. Anakin glares at the thrio. "I don't trust any of you. I don't care who your parents are. " He said leaving the council room. "Meadow our deepest apologies to you and Satine. Anakin is close to the Chansler." Windu said "and you need to get him away from him. Anakin turns to the dark side. I know you all feel it happening. " Meadow said now in the center. "Feel this we do but nothing can be done. Skywalker gone he is." Meadow knew that wasn't true but had to respect the council. "Till your mission is over you will be granted Jedi status. May the force be with you." Windu said Meadow bows to him. "as well as you masters." she said happy that part is out of the way.

In the chansler's office

"so they have new Jedi. I take it they are your siblings JD." Palpatine said looking at the boy sitting in meditation. "Yes master my sister and brother as well as my half sister. I fear they may strike soon." He said oddly calm. "nothing to worry about my boy. I have plans in place for matters like this. I wonder is the daughter a clone lover like her mother." He laughed making the young boy shutter.