
Trying To Have a Fulfilling Life in The Multiverse (New Ver.)

A college student who likes anime, manhwa, novels, etc, went with his friends camping, but an accident happened made him die in a....way he is not really proud of. However, apparently this wasn't the end of his story, but the beginning of his way in finding a fulfilling life in the multiverse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the worlds (maybe other than the 2 final worlds), characters, pictures that will appear in the future, other than my Oc(s) and the worlds will be AU, so sometimes I could put a character from another work in the process. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: I'm not copying 'Trying to have a full filling life in the multiverse' because technically I am the same author, but for some reason I couldn't sign in anymore in that account so I made this one and I will continue writing from it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What to expect from this fanfiction: -A slow paced kind of story. -A weak Mc who becomes stronger bit by bit. -World travel (Obviously) -No pokemon harem, harem will probably be 8 max (maybe it will not even cross 4, I still don't know). -There will be no lemon here. It will only be mentioned, so don't expect any s*× scene. -The system will show a little bit late in the story, and it won't be an OP kind of system. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st world: Hunter X Hunter ( HxH ) Enjoy.

Maghawari_Al_Raiq · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 3


----Three years later----

There was a family of three people sitting on a wooden table in a poor wooden house. The wife Emma, the husband Jack and finally the little kid that was only about 3 years old. They were eating soup for dinner.

"Jack, what will we do about Ethan?" Asked Emma her husband Jack, apparently the kid's name was Ethan and he was sitting drinking his soup in silence.

"What do you want with asking that question again for the third time today?" Asked back Jack with a bit of irritation in his voice, cause probably from how it looks this kind of conversation happens usually between the parents.

Emma stopped eating, she looked at Jack eyes then said, "Ethan is three years old and we should prepare to enroll him in a school!" She was really angry right now. She felt like her husband doesn't care about their child's future at all, well it's not like even she care about it too.

"We don't have enough money to enroll him in any school! He will work with me, i will teach him everything to make him earn money for us!" Said Jack, while pointing his finger at the Ethan that was sitting only drinking his soup, not even surprised a bit from where the conversation is going.

That's what they do all of the time, they begin fighting over a lot of things, and one of them of course is fighting over their child's future.

They are a really poor family that doesn't have any relatives, the wife wants to enroll the kid to the school to make him know how to read and write at least, to make their lives better.

In the other hand, the husband wants the kid to work with him from a young age, to make money fast, because if he enroll him to school, he will wait a long time to let the kid know how to read and write only, and he doesn't have enough money to enroll him, then wait for him to finish his studies.

The two didn't care about their child's interest or future at all, they only cared about making their lives better. If they doesn't have a little bit of morals they would have sold him or something.

After they began their third fight for today, Ethan has already finished his meal. He did a little gesture while saying with a low voice 'Thanks for the meal.' then he excused himself to go to his small room.

The room was so bland, it didn't have any toys or things for kids, only a window in the left of the room, and a wooden bed with tattered mattress and blanket in the corner of the room.

The room didn't have anything else. Well the family was poor in the first place so they can't do anything about it.

Ethan lie down on the bed, while covering himself with the tattered blanket. He thought in his head, 'Why should Papa and Mama start fighting every day. I don't care about my future or money, if they could only stop fighting, i will do anything to make them happy.' The kid cried in silence while thinking, then he fell asleep.

Because of the environment the kid was born in, he was a little bit matured for his age, even though he still think naively sometimes, but he's just a normal three years old kid.

After the husband and wife stopped their fight finally after two hours, the wife went to sleep, while the husband went out to buy some beer.

He was thinking while drinking his beer, it took hours of thinking, then he became drunk. After becoming drunk there was a thought that crossed his mind, 'Isn't it better to have less mouths to feed ?'.

After thinking like this for some time, he had a victorious smile while saying, "Yes, if we...hiccup...have less people to feed...hiccup...we will have more saving...hiccup!"

He then went to his home walking, while stumbling a little bit on the road. After walking for about twenty minutes he arrived to his home while still huccuping from drinking.

Then he went in, after founding his son's room, he opened the door.


With the creaking of the door, Ethan have woken from his sweet dreams. he looked at the shadow that has red stripes around him, from the sunrise and a creepy smile on his face. That was the little Ethan's father who was drunk.

"*Yawn* Is there any thing you want Papa?" Asked Ethan to his father. He was a little bit scared, because sometimes his father becomes drunk and either beat the shit out of him, while saying things like "BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT. IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER IF YOU WEREN'T BORN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!"

This kind of experience left some trauma on little Ethan. Even though he became a little bit used to the beating, it still hurts him so much everytime he remembers it.

"You..hiccup...come with me...hiccup." Said the father who was still huccuping between words.

Then he took Ethan's hand roughly, while walking out of the house. "Where are we going Papa?" Asked Ethan while remembering the times his father took him to an abandoned place to take his rage out on him.

"Don't...hiccup...fucking talk...hiccup...back to me!" Said the father with an angry look on his face.

"!" Ethan was scared to say anything else, he just nodded his head a little, then went with his father.

No one said a word. It was really quite that creaks sound was so high in their ears.

After about two hours walking they stopped. In front of a place that looked like an orphanage. Ethan didn't understand why they are here.

"What are we doing here Papa?" Asked Ethan with a confused looking face. This wasn't the first time he saw an orphanage, so he recognized this as an orphanage immediately.

"DIDN'T I SAY DON'T FUCKING TALK!!" The father slapped Ethan hard enough to make fall on the ground.



Ethan fell on the ground from the power behind the slap, there was a red mark on his face and even some blood in the corner of his mouth.

"What are you doing lying on the ground? STAND UP AND COME WITH ME YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" Shouted the father to Ethan on the ground.

Ethan began to stand on his tiny legs.

After he was standing the father took his hand more roughly, made his way to the orphanage's gate, then left the child while saying "Never even try to come back. You don't have a home, parents or anything, understood?" The child widened his eyes from what he heard from his father, but he could only nod to his words even if he was unwilling to.

The father then made his way to his home, while leaving his son in front of an orphanage gate without even looking back at him, with a tattered clothes in five to six am when the temperature is low already.

The kid was shivering. Not only because of the cold but also because he was crying, crying so much but with silence. It was a 'Silent Cry'.


A/N: -Thanks for everyone who reads and likes this fanfiction, apparently it's slow paced so it will take a bit of time until the action begins. But I will try writing as fast and finishing more chapters.

And I began also uploading it on Wattpad, it's with the same name and cover.

Soooooo see ya later, Enjoy.

-Yaaaay, I finally finished the first hundred episodes of Detective Conan, now 900 more to go and about 25 films. I really wish I can finish them before this term final exams (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

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