
Trying To Have a Fulfilling Life in The Multiverse (New Ver.)

A college student who likes anime, manhwa, novels, etc, went with his friends camping, but an accident happened made him die in a....way he is not really proud of. However, apparently this wasn't the end of his story, but the beginning of his way in finding a fulfilling life in the multiverse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the worlds (maybe other than the 2 final worlds), characters, pictures that will appear in the future, other than my Oc(s) and the worlds will be AU, so sometimes I could put a character from another work in the process. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: I'm not copying 'Trying to have a full filling life in the multiverse' because technically I am the same author, but for some reason I couldn't sign in anymore in that account so I made this one and I will continue writing from it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What to expect from this fanfiction: -A slow paced kind of story. -A weak Mc who becomes stronger bit by bit. -World travel (Obviously) -No pokemon harem, harem will probably be 8 max (maybe it will not even cross 4, I still don't know). -There will be no lemon here. It will only be mentioned, so don't expect any s*× scene. -The system will show a little bit late in the story, and it won't be an OP kind of system. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st world: Hunter X Hunter ( HxH ) Enjoy.

Maghawari_Al_Raiq · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 4


After about two hours from the father leaving his son in front of the orphanage, a caretaker opened the orphanage front door, to do her job, when she saw a boy with a tattered clothes standing in front of the gate while shivering from the cold.

She went to see if the boy lost his parents or something.


After a creak from the metal gate, making the boy come back to his senses. He turned his face and saw a beautiful woman with a light brown hair and amber eyes.

He looked at her eyes, while she was looking at his sapphire blue eyes that was red of crying, feeling helpless and sad.

She asked the kid with a little smile "What are you doing here little boy?" She had a really beautiful smile.

"I don't know." Said the kid with a sad face.

"Where's your parents?" When she asked that question confused, she saw the kid on the verge of crying.

He looked to the ground while saying "They abandoned me. They doesn't want me any more." He said while some tears escaped from his eyes.

The woman frowned a bit from what she just heard. Even though sometimes parents abandon their children to let the orphanage take them, because they are not responsible enough. But who will leave their child with a tattered clothes in front of an orphanage when the weather is this cold.

"I'm sorry to hear that. How about you come in, you'll catch a cold if you kept standing here." Asked the caretaker while feeling sorry to the kid.

The boy only nodded to her.

She then took his hand with a gentle smile on her face. That smile felt like a light that brightend the world of darkness the boy lived in, and brought his soul back to him. He would have cried if it weren't because his eyes was dried from crying all this time.

"What's your name kid?" Asked the caretaker while looking to the kid's eyes, the same goes for him.

"My name..?" he was about to say his name, but then a weird feeling came to him, this feeling felt like it wasn't his own but it was more like 'His' own will. 'NO, i don't need that name any more, i don't need anything to do with them again.'

'My name is...'

"Noah" he said "You can call me, Noah."

One year have passed from the time Noah came to the orphanage.

Noah was a good kid. He's helping in irrigating the garden, helping the caretakers and taking care of the kids younger than him.

Everybody loved Noah, because he didn't fight with anyone, on the contrary, if kids start fighting he will try to stop them.

He sometimes go to get some groceries with the caretakers, preciously Rina.

Rina is the caretaker that took him in the orphanage, and she is the one the kids loves the most, even Noah. She's like a big sister to him, she took care of him, make him meet other kids and have friends.

Because of Noah parents, poor and harsh environment, he didn't make any friends. But because of Rina he now have good friends and a good big sister.

He wished if his life could continue like this forever.

But as a wise man once said before...








...Beggars can't be choosers, right?


A/N: Yeah I know the chapter is too short but I have school and am still editing and writing chapters, and to be honest I am actually thinking of doing a danmachi fanfiction in the near future. So see ya later


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