
Chapter 50: Unhappy For Some

Ark and his team were sweating with heavy breaths. They had spent the entire day training, Ark had noticed that while their movements and moves were in sync and powerful, he was often flustered or his judgement would get clouded when he was battling. This was a natural reaction for someone who dwelt on topics unnecessarily, therefore, Ark had decided that he would need to train his concentration and endurance. In order to do this, he allowed himself and Shellder to be attacked by Sylphs concentrated assaults of Disarming Voice whilst they had to remain still. Today, they started with Sylph being a few meters away from them and attacking, this was so that they don't become overwhelmed too early and just break down from being too hurt. Additionally, it was a form of training for Sylph as she was training her endurance when constantly using moves as well as helping her maintain the strength of 'Disarming Voice' across longer distances. While today the training was not too intense, Ark did not want to start off really hard and cause more harm than good, after all, some injuries are irrecoverable even with this worlds strange technology.

"How did you find that Sylph?"

Sylph looked up at Ark after taking a sip of her drink and spoke.

-Nnn good, very tiring though-

He nodded at Sylphs response.

"Ok, keep it up and don't be afraid to ask to stop if it gets too much for you. I would hate to see you get sick over training, besides it will just set us back so don't rush"

Sylph just carried on drinking as she listened to Ark. While Ark and Sylph were conversing, Shellder had finished it's drink and closed it's shell. The fatigue which had been built up all day had finally come back in full swing, claiming Shellder as the first visitor to dreamland.

Although it was not as intense for Shellder, he had been enduring the barrage of Sylphs attacks all day, therefore it's body had hit it's limits.

"Right let's head back, I want to see the results of Ashs battle today. It should clear up a few of my questions"

Ark desperately wanted to know how much impact his presence actually had on the process of events, so far it looked shockingly in-line, however this event was probably the first major event that counted towards Ashs future. Not only would he get a new companion, he would get his first gym badge and start his adventure on the gym challenge path.

-Nnn more training this week?-

Sylphs telepathy portrayed her drowsiness, as her voice was quiet and slow.

Hearing this, Ark smiled gently and stroked her head. He reached for his Pokeballs and recalled the sleeping Shellder.

"Yeah, we will be spending the next few days training until I fulfil all of my promises."

Sylph nodded as Ark returned her into her Pokeball.

Ark turned towards Pewter City and leisurely strolled through the familiar path. The foliage had cleared a small path through Arks constant usage of it for the past week.

After a short while of silent walking, Ark finally made it to the Pokemon Center. As per his usual routine, he went directly to the front desk to heal his team.

"Oh you're back Ark. Were you training again?"

Ark smiled at the gently waving Nurse Joy. He placed his two Pokeballs on the desk and answered.

"Yeah, we decided that if we should focus more on training whilst we are still in town. After all we will be traveling a lot during the day so it limits the amount of training we can do sometimes"

Nurse Joy nodded as she handed over the balls to her trusted partner Chansey. The two were in total sync as they worked so fluidly that it took Ark a while to notice that Chansey had already left.

"Oh by the way Nurse Joy, has a boy named Ash and a girl named Misty returned?"

Nurse Joy held her chin for a bit as she tried to recall.

"Hmmm Ash and Misty? The names are familiar but I can't really remember. There have been quite a lot of visitors the past few days so it's hard to remember them all off of the top of my head"

"Ah sorry, Misty has orange hair and Ash has black hair. Misty is pretty loud, especially when it comes to lecturing Ash, as for the man himself, his is helpless."

Joys face lit up with sudden realisation.

"Oh those two! Indeed that boy seems to be quite the character, as for the girl, she seemed a lot like his older sister. I don't seem to remember seeing them return, all I remember is that they left this morning"

Nodding in understanding, Ark crossed his arms as he thought about where they could be.

Just as he was about to say goodbye, he heard a loud voice.

"I told you that you should have borrowed my water Pokemon!"

A loud voice in a lecturing tone carried across the quiet Pokemon Center. Ark turned around and smiled.

"Ask and you shall receive, I should be a bit more greedy and ask for some other stuff"

Nurse Joy chuckled at Arks comment as she watched a fiery orange haired girl berate a slumped over boy.

"Ash, was it? He seems to be upset over something"

Ark turned to face Nurse Joy before explaining the likely situation to her. By the time he had finished, Misty and Ash were standing behind Ark now silent.

Feeling two sets of eyes on his back, Ark turned around.

"Back are we? How did it go?"

Ark put on a friendly smile as he spoke to the two. The previously yelling Misty was quiet as she waited for Ash to answer.


Ark released a tired sigh as he noticed Ashs depressed state.

"Pass Pikachu to Nurse Joy and get some rest."

His tone was neutral as he spoke to Ash, but his actions were thoughtful. After all, this was a learning experience for Ash as after this, he will have to decide what he wants to do from now on. Thus, Ark suggested he rest so that he had a clearer mind to think it all through.

"I will take good care of Pikachu, don't you worry Ash"

Nurse Joy smiled gently at Ash as she received Pikachu from him. After Pikachu was given to Joy, Ash turned around without a word. Rather than heading to his room, he went towards the main door.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

Misty called out to Ash, his silent attitude was starting to annoy her. Despite her offers to help, Ash had quickly dismissed her, yet when he loses or suffers a setback, he goes even further and starts blanking her. It was truly understandable as to why someone with such a short fuse like Misty would be agitated with the current Ash.

Sensing her rising anger, Ark subtly reached his hand out to Mistys and took hold of it. Her body shook startled over the sudden contact, however it soon calmed down as her expression slowly softened.

"Leave him be. He has to choose his next step"

Misty breathed out slowly with closed eyes before a lively expression returned to her face.

"That's fine, if he doesn't want my help then he doesn't get it. I have more important things going on anyway, so could I speak to you in a bit Ark?"

Ark looked at Joy who just nodded and smiled.

"Sure let's go. Let's go to my room since it's bigger."

In the room, Ark and Misty had sat down with a cup of tea each. They were silent as they took their first few steps. Satisfied with the taste, Ark spoke.

"So what are these important matters you have?"

Misty put down her tea and replied.

"That gift that you owe me, yeah, I am free tomorrow so will that be fine?"

A wide smile spread across Arks face as his hunch was clarified.

"I see so the important matter was me? I am honoured. As for me being free, that is fine. I am free tomorrow afternoon and would be delighted to accompany a beautiful girl out for her gift"

Mistys face grew slightly red as she nodded and restarted sipping on her tea.

Hey Guys,

Should be starting to get back to normal now. Had the whole family thing on Monday and Yesterday I nearly got jumped, but I am not gonna bore you with that. Due to that, my mood was awful and I was super angry all day since I was put in an awkward position.

Therefore, had I tried to write, I knew it would not be worth posting so I just rested for the night.

Sorry for the wait and thank you for the well wishes!

Xrkerrcreators' thoughts