
Chapter 49: Surprise Knocking

After a satisfying meal, Ark said his goodbyes and left for his room. An unsettling feeling had remained with since he had started eating, he had noticed that someone was watching him. However, whenever he tried to look for where the gaze was coming from, it would instantly look away making it rather annoying to pinpoint since there were many people in groups eating.

"Honestly, food is tasteless when someones burning a hole in the back of your head"

Complaining as he closed his door, Ark locked it and laid down on his bed. Thoughts of his mysterious peeper plaguing his thoughts, causing him to restlessly twist on his bed. While he could not be certain, he did not remember making enemies yet. As far as he knew he had not disrespected any trainers, caused any crime or ruined any marriages yet, thus he had no idea why someone would be watching him like this.

As Ark was thinking about his current mystery, a small knocking was heard on his door.

Sensing that there was only one person behind the door, Ark got up and unlocked the door. His movements unhurried as he wondered about the identity of his knocker. His thoughts instantly went to Jenny but he immediately shook his head. Although Jenny was very proactive about their relationship, she was diligent about her work and would not neglect it when she had already said she would finish it. With jenny crossed out, his last thought was maybe Nurse Joy, after all she is the manager of this Pokemon Center.

With his guesses in place, Ark opened the door and was immediately met by a familiar figure. One that he was expecting to see eventually but not so soon.

He smiled brightly as he saw the familiar orange hair. Currently only one person Ark was familiar with sported such a distinguishable hair colour.

"Good Evening Dear Guest"

Ark politely smiled at the guest as he welcomed them in. The girl accepted his gesture and walked straight in, immediately sitting on the chair in the corner.

He chuckled slightly at her forward actions, although he was familiar with her behaviour from the anime, he never truly appreciated how blunt her personality was.

After shutting the door behind him and seating himself on the bed opposite her, Ark spoke up.

"I never knew I would have such a beautiful visitor tonight, if I had, I would have prepared beverages earlier."

Saying this, Ark put on the kettle and started to make tea. A kettle and teabags were two of the main purchases Ark had made when he went to buy books too. After all, he had started to suffer withdrawal symptoms from the severe lack of tea during his days spent training.

"beautiful visitor... Erhem it is fine, I am thankful you are even making me a drink after I turned up unannounced"

He smiled at the growing blush on the girls face.

"I have missed you Misty"

Mistys blush grew deeper as she stared at Ark making tea. Truthfully, she had spent the entire dinner staring at Ark but had only just gotten the courage to approach him. Before she knew it, she was outside a mans room at night, it was definitely not something she thought she would do when she woke up that morning.

"Well, what have you been up to?"

Questioning Ark, Misty avoided answering his prior statement out of fear her face may overheat.

"Me? Well nothing much, I caught a new Pokemon and beat Brock. If anything, I am more interested in what you have been up to."

"Hold on! Hold on! You said you already beat Brock the Pewter City Gym leader?"

Mistys previous blush filled face was now filled with shock. Most trainers took over a month of travelling and training to be able to take on the Pewter City Gym since despite him being one of the weaker gym leaders due to his tendencies towards Pokemon breeding, he was still a rock-type gym leader.

"Hmm? Yeah I beat him today, take a look"

Ark pulled out his Badge case he got from Nurse Joy after his victory and handed it to Misty. Her hands trembling slightly, she received the case and opened it. Immediately, her eyes widened as she saw the lone badge shining under the artificial light of the room.

"Its... r-really it"

Her voice quivering as she stared at the badge. While she understood that it was the truth, Misty could not help comparing Ark to Ash, who she had accompanied through Viridian Forest. The difference was like night and day, making the impact of Arks victory much larger than it would have been normally.

"Of course it is, I wouldn't fake my own victory, especially since you will probably be meeting Brock soon"

Startled by his words, Misty remembered that she originally came with Ash.

"Maybe, Ash seems to want to battle Brock first thing tomorrow morning, but he is not even close to being ready"

Irritation was evident in her tone as she spoke about Ash. Standing up and walking forward, Ark took hold of one of Mistys hands and spoke gently.

"He's a pain, I know. But I am really thankful that you're watching over him, as a thank you gift so far, how about I take you out in a few days time?"

Mistys face instantly lit up, the irritation from before vanished like smoke as she allowed Ark to continue holding her hand.

"That sounds like a suitable gift, I will come by tomorrow and tell you when I am free"

With this, Misty stood up and walked towards the door, her hand still being held by Ark.

Just before she reached the door, Ark pulled her back gently using the hand he held and brought her into a gentle hug. The hug lasted no more than a few seconds, but Mistys heart thumped at a rapid pace as her face reclaimed it's prior rosy red.

"Good night Misty, good luck tomorrow"

Only those who knew the struggles of handling Ash would be able to determine the meaning behind Arks last words. Misty nodded her head and left as quietly as she came. Silence returned to Arks room, making it seem much lonelier than before.

The next day, Ark got up and dressed, went down to the canteen and had some food. Whilst there, he noticed a familiar boy was energetically bouncing around the Pokemon Center proclaiming his victory over Brock. Ark shook his head but decided to greet Ash and Misty before their gym battle.

While he could not leave the city yet since he had plans with Jenny and Misty now, he intended to do the same as before and return to his training area. Therefore, he could not attend Ashs battle. On the other hand, he was very curious as to the result of this battle, his knowledge of the anime says that Ash will lose, but there is still a slight chance that Arks presence could have altered the events in some way.

"Hey Ash, you ready for your battle?"

Ark called out naturally to Ash causing the energetic boy to spin around searching for the owner of the voice.

"Ark! You're here too! Yeah I am going to challenge Brock in a little bit!"

Maintaining his friendly smile, Ark continued speaking.

"I see, good luck then. Make sure to tell me the result tonight"

Ark then turned his head from Ash to Misty, giving her a quick wink before leaving.

Oblivious to the proceedings, Ash continued raving about his to-be victory.