

Laelius and terminator travelled around the forest in an attempt to find Pokemon to defeat so that Terminator could level up.

After around ten minutes, they came across a small colony of eight scatterbugs, two spewpa, and a vivillon. While all together they would be too strong for Terminator to defeat them, if Laelius picked them off one at a time and let Terminator defeat them, then it would be safe.

Laelius crept up behind one of the scatterbugs which was alone and grabbed it silently without being noticed. He developed the skills of being silent while moving and grabbing Pokemon quickly and discreetly over the time he was losing weight, this was because he was originally not strong enough to openly take down Pokemon in front of their allies.

The scatterbug was thrashing around and attempting to escape, but Laelius did not budge and brought the prey over to Terminator. As it only knew Take Down, as all Beldum do, Laelius knew that Terminator would receive a small amount of damage as well. However, this would not stop him from allowing Terminator to use this move.

He ordered Terminator to use Take Down on the scatterbug, and it launched forward before smacking directly into the scatterbug's head and caving it in. The damage that Terminator received was minimal and did not seem to bother it at all. However, as the scatterbug was more than likely a higher level than 1, Terminator did seem to grow a bit larger which indicated that it grew to at least level 2.

Laelius then returned to the scatterbug colony and grabbed two this time, this was because it would be more efficient for Terminator to level up. Both scatterbug were easily defeated in the same way, and Terminator grew in size a few more times.

As he assumed that it was strong enough now, Laelius made Terminator follow him to the location of the colony. Once they arrived, Laelius ordered Terminator to take out all of the scatterbugs.

This was done very quickly and relatively efficiently, the only downside was the loss of health from each attack. However, Terminator also levelled up multiple times which counteracted this loss of health.

Once all of the scatterbugs had been defeated, Terminator was quite a bit larger in size and Laelius assumed that it would be able to defeat the spewpa as well, and possibly the vivillon.

The spewpa put up more of a fight, as they shot out lines of sticky string in an attempt to slow down Terminator, but as it floated and did not walk, this did little more than annoy it.

Terminator shot forward quickly at one of the spewpas, and smashed into its face which sent it flying back. This did not defeat it, but this attack was followed up again by Terminator attacking again with Take Down.

This defeated the first spewpa and Terminator grew once again, but it was not paying attention to the other one which was a mistake.

It had used Bug Buzz when it saw the other spewpa being defeated, and this attack made its way towards Terminator before connecting. This attack did quite a bit of damage to Terminator, and also angered it.

Terminator started shaking vigorously, and then did something which should not have been possible. A number of purple circles were sent from Terminator's body towards the spewpa. These circles continually hit into the spewpa, and although no physical damage was caused, it seemed to be in a large amount of pain, and blood was coming out of its eyes.

Somehow, despite Beldum only learning Take Down normally, Terminator had used the Confusion attack. This shocked Laelius, but he assumed it was due to the way shiny Pokemon worked in this world. However, it did not matter what the reason was, Laelius was just happy that his Pokemon was clearly stronger than he had expected it to be.

As its entire colony had been destroyed, the vivillon was incredibly angry at Terminator. It shot a purple and white beam from its antennas, this was the move Psybeam which meant it was at least level 17 which was more than likely higher than Terminator despite the battles it had won.

This did not matter though, as Terminator resisted the attack with his typing resisting Psybeam as well as his stats being higher due to being shiny. It then retaliated with its newly learned Confusion, and this attack caused bleeding from its eyes and mouth.

Despite the level gap, this confusion killed the Vivillon in a single hit which impressed Laelius greatly. However, this celebration was short lived due to an unexpected attack.

A large orange and black Pokemon charged at Laelius and sent him rolling along the ground. He looked up at the attacker, and saw a huge emboar. This was either the real leader of the tepigs and pignites that he had defeated before, or one of the tepigs that he left behind when he killed the rest of them.

The bipedal fire pig sent out a flurry of flames from its mouth in the form of the Flamethrower attack. Upon seeing this, Laelius realised that it was even worse than he had thought, this enemy was at least level 43. That is the level that Emboar learns Flamethrower, and it could be even stronger than that if he was unlucky.

He managed to dodge the Flamethrower, and it was nowhere near Terminator which meant it was safe as well. Laelius sprinted towards the Emboar as he knew it would be faster than him and he would not be able to escape, this meant his only option was to fight it.

Once Laelius reached the emboar, he sent a punch into its stomach with as much force as possible. This did not do a lot to the enemy, but it stumbled slightly which was more than nothing.

Laelius kept dodging the attacks from the emboar, and was returning punches and kicks to try and hold his own. While this was happening, Terminator used Confusion on the emboar in an attempt to defeat it, but due to the huge level difference as well as the fact that emboar was in its final evolution, this only did a little bit of damage.

As Terminator annoyed the emboar, it sprinted towards it and Tackled it which caused it to stop levitating and get knocked to the ground while rolling. This annoyed Laelius and he ran at the emboar and dived at it.

He pushed it to the ground and started pummelling it as fast and hard as he could, but the emboar just pushed him off.

However, both Laelius and the emboar were stopped for a moment when they saw a shining light coming from Terminator's location. Once this light disappeared, Terminator could clearly be seen, except it was now a Metang instead of a Beldum.

Terminator was now a white-silver floating Pokemon with two arms that ended in metal claws which looked like two Beldums, one on either side. Terminator had evolved as it felt that it was in trouble along with its trainer.

Moving incredibly quickly, Terminator flew towards the emboar and smashed its head into it. However, unlike when Terminator used Take Down, a purple-blue light covered its head. Laelius recognised this as Zen Headbutt. This move would be super-effective against the emboar if it landed.

Luckily, Terminator landed its attack, and the emboar's entire body started vibrating harshly. This made it drop to its knees and fall forward onto its face. Laelius was sceptical as to whether or not Terminator had defeated the emboar or not, but when he saw it grow larger once again, he was certain of his win.

Laelius felt in his soul the level of Terminator, and found that after defeating the emboar, it was now level 36.

This was significantly higher than he expected to get his very first Pokemon in a single day, but it was normal considering the Pokemon that it had defeated. Laelius grabbed the dead emboar by one of its feet, and then started to drag it back home with Terminator following behind him.