
Transcended as Lord Buggy

Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. Clown as the strongest being on One Piece alongside God Usopp. His hate suddenly bring him to his death and even worse, his soul got transferred into Lord Buggy's body. How will Bob live as our Lord and Saviour Buggy? _______________________________________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) _______________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: I am not the writer of One Piece and it's characters. It is fully owned by Oda-sensei. English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. I've tried to improve it after messy early chapters. It might still not good enough, but I hope it's better now. _______________________________________________________________ Follow me on Patreon to read some up to 35+35 chapters ahead. https://www.patreon.com/CaptMermain Fanfics are: "Transcended as Lord Buggy" & "Fairy Tail: Sun Eater"

Capt_mermain1 · 漫画同人
519 Chs

440. Invading The Plaza

Kuroko Buggy doesn't have any choice but to join the war for real now after Whitebeard threw him toward the enemies. However, he chooses to avoid battles for now. He is just moving around evading the Marines' attacks while observing the war.

Pacifistas are coming from the sea and they are shooting the pirates using their beam attacks as they get closer. Some beams are also aimed at Kuroko, but he dodges them all and they hit the marines around him instead. He doesn't need to lift a finger and they get defeated already.

"Ooh, friendly fires, as I thought of Kuroko-san. He uses their own attacks against themselves."

The escapees who are doing his order are hiding on an abandoned marine ship on the outside now. They record the war from a safe place, but these guys are truly idiots. Instead of recording the whole battlefield, they are focusing on Kuroko because they've decided to follow him, so they think it's better to show him what he does.

Luckily, they forget to turn off the other broadcast denden mushi. The puts it on the side while it's still on and it records the entire battlefield clearly. So the audience on Sabaody can see the whole situation in Marineford and Kuroko's battle now.

Then, everyone can see clearly the power of someone who once rivaled the Pirate King. John Giant tries to attack him, but then Whitebeard pulls the air from above as if he is pulling a curtain. The effect of his action is incomparable to curtain pulling.

A very powerful earthquake appears and affects the whole Marineford. It's so powerful that the island tilts to a side and the sea around the island rise. It's like he splits the world around him into circles with him as the center using the earthquake.

Everyone who never saw Whitebeard's full power is shocked by this. But Kuroko Buggy just grins because the old man who became his goal once still has that spark. It makes him want to fight Whitebeard again, but he doesn't want to fight a weakened Whitebeard who almost died. It won't be a good fight, after all.

Whitebeard punches John using an earthquake punch and defeats the giant Vice-Admiral. The quake power of that punch, however, is still moving toward the plaza. It's about to hit the execution platform and the pirates hope it will destroy the platform, but it suddenly stops right before hitting the platform.

It gets stopped by the 3 Admirals who used advanced haki. But Kuroko Buggy can see the Admiral's arms are shaking slightly. He grins because this means that Whitebeard is not as weak as he was in the series. Besides, Squard didn't stab him, so he is still in full health.

Well, he also contributed to this, or to be correct, his crew contributed to Whitebeard's better health. Manba was treating Whitebeard a few times and gave Marco the medicine prescriptions for Whitebeard's condition. Marco might have a kind of healing ability because of his devil fruit, but Manba is a much better doctor than Marco.

Manba could make a perfect cure for Whitebeard, but the old man refused it and only accepted a little treatment. After all, Manba's treatment wasn't free, and the price to get fully cured was very high. Whitebeard would need to pay by giving Clown Pirates some of his territories, and he refused to do that.

Buggy could've just asked Manba to cure Whitebeard for free, but he didn't want to do that. No matter how good their relationship and how big his respect for Whitebeard is, both of them are still rivals and enemies. They can't just give free things to each other, especially something so big such as curing a deadly disease.

Besides, Whitebeard wants to fight his illness alone, just like Roger. He feels as if he would lose to Roger if he relies on people who aren't his men to cure him. Even after Roger's death 22 years ago, Whitebeard still respects the man and feels a strong rivalry toward him.

Other than that, Buggy also has another reason. He values his men a lot, so he knows that giving Manba's service to someone who isn't one of them free of charge is the same as showing he doesn't value Manba's ability as a doctor that much. Manba is his crew doctor, so the only ones who should get his free service are their people.

This world is his reality now, so he can't help Whitebeard just because the old man was one of his favorite characters. They are enemies and rivals now. Even though they seem to be on good terms, actually both of their groups often have clashes regarding territories & business.

"Well, it will still give me a bad taste if that old man dies here and Teach gets his power."

Kuroko Buggy watches as Sengoku gets furious that the broadcast hasn't stopped yet because 2 denden mushis were stolen. But then he makes a decision to continue the plan. Their enemies are getting closer, so they can't hesitate just because they're worried about ruining their image.

"Do it, Issho!"


Fujitora lowers his stance and unsheaths his sword. He swings his sword to the side, but he creates a spiral of purple energy that shoots to the sky. After a while, holes suddenly appear in the clouds as a lot of meteors are falling from the sky. The meteors burn as they descend and they are falling toward the ice ground where the pirates are.

The Marine soldiers have retreated to the plaza when Sengoku gave his order. They are now stopping the pirates who try to enter the plaza to avoid the meteors. As for Kuroko Buggy, he just stands in his original spot while grinning without any worry.

"Well then, let's play a little."

Kuroko Buggy takes his metal pipe and just stands there while the other pirates are going back to their ships to avoid the falling meteors. There is a big meteor coming toward him, but he just looks at it while grinning. Then when it reaches him, Buggy swings his metal pipe and hits it as if he is playing baseball.

The burning meteor flies toward the execution platform. When it still flies, Kuroko Buggy runs very fast using his Soru-like technique to hit the other burning meteors too. He is treating them like balls and hit them using his metal pipe that has been coated with haki.

Of course, the Marines are surprised by this and now it's their turn to save themselves. They run to safety, but luckily their high-ranking officers are powerful enough to destroy the meteors that Kuroko Buggy hit. The one that flew toward the execution platform is stopped by Fujitora's gravity power before it hits the platform.

Still, Kuroko Buggy can only hit a few burning meteors. There are still many that fall and hit the ice ground. The impacts destroy the ice and the heat melts it. Kuroko Buggy starts losing his footing now because the ice gets destroyed.

He is still calm though and when the ice below him breaks, he simply jumps into the air. Then, the Marines are surprised to see him keeps jumping in the air without any foothold. A lot of them know this technique, after all, and this is none other than Geppo.

Kuroko Buggy learned it from Cricket who copied it from a Marine officer he fought in the past. Cricket is a genius martial artist who can copy every martial art move since he reached a very high-level years ago. Rokushiki is one of many martial arts that he copied and many crew members have learned it too, including Buggy.

He keeps jumping in the air and lands on the wall that protects the plaza. The Marines are looking at him warily because he has shown much greater power than they thought. But then their attention shifts to a water pillar that shoots up from the sea and falls right in front of the Admirals.

Kuroko Buggy avoided that place because of it. He doesn't want to get wet, after all. Besides, he wants to see how it will go. He wonders about it as he sees Luffy appear on where the water falls while holding a big ship mast.

Luffy throws it to the Admirals, but Aokiji freezes the mast. Then Luffy kicks it multiple times, breaking it, and sends the broken frozen mast to the Admirals. Of course, such an attack is not a problem for the Admirals.

But Luffy just wants to distract them for a while. He uses his Gear 2 and jumps toward Ace at a high speed. But it's still slow for Kizaru who catches up to him easily and kicks him away from the execution platform.

Sengoku suddenly gives an order to the executioners to execute Ace. Luffy tries to move and stop it, but he can't get closer at all. Luckily, Crocodile who has reached the plaza uses his sand to stop the execution. He doesn't want the Marine to succeed, so he stops the execution.

Doflamingo confronts him and they get into a fight. Marco also suddenly appears to attack Aokiji and saves Luffy. Right after that, the Whitebeard Pirates enter the plaza on their ship with the help of Oars.

The war is entering a new stage, so Kuroko Buggy is very excited. "Soon, let's start my plan after a while."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 477. Booming Battle (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)