
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · 奇幻
142 Chs

The Ancient Castle (Part 1)

The enthusiastic and straightforward Hai Wentian accompanied Raymond to finish the dessert after the meal and sincerely expressed that the old city owner Armisa also wanted to see him.

Raymond readily agreed and was soon led to the old city owner's bedroom under Hai Wentian's guidance.

The city owner Armisa, thin as a bag of bones, even struggled to greet Raymond to show his respect when he saw Raymond.

For such a playful formality, Raymond also cooperated and pretended to be surprisingly favored. He rushed forward to help the old city owner Armisa and comforted him to rest assured in cultivating.

On the surface, although the city owner Armisa's body was not conducive to walking, his spirit seemed not bad. But according to the doctor, he was now purely relying on his strong body to support himself.

Although it was acting, the city owner Armisa's attention to Raymond was not false. After finding that Raymond was easygoing, he pulled Raymond to tell the glorious deeds of the Tolly family endlessly.

Similar to what Hai Wentian said, but in the old city owner Armisa's account, Raymond got some good information.

One was that Heihe Valley, located more than 100 kilometers northeast of Port Kaidun, had a traditional wizard academy. It was said that the ancestors of the Tolly family had once taught and received disciples there.

Second, under the generosity of the city owner Armisa, Raymond obtained the right to borrow books from the Tolly family library because every wizard was a scholar and needed extensive knowledge.

Although the city owner Armisa's body was in such a state, he still extended an invitation to Raymond at the last. Because the descendants of the Tolly family were sparse now, although external enemies had not yet appeared, in order for the family bloodline to be passed on for a long time, he hoped that Raymond could become a friend of the Tolly family and give the ancient family a little help when appropriate.

Hai Wentian, who stood by the bed with a sad smile, could not help turning his head when he heard his father make such a request, and his shoulders shook slightly.

Raymond, who had been trying to keep smiling, was also a little sad. Under the pleading gaze of the city owner Armisa, he could only nod to agree.

For the continuation of the family bloodline and the safety of his children, the city owner Armisa's fondness for Raymond moved him.

Therefore, the city owner Armisa ordered Hai Wentian to do his best to make Port Kaidun like Raymond's second home.

After taking Raymond out of the old city owner Armisa's room, Hai Wentian, whose eyes were red and swollen, asked for Raymond's opinion.

Because Raymond was still unfamiliar with this world, he thought about it for a while and sought Hai Wentian's help in the name of wanting to live in the city for a while.

The overjoyed Hai Wentian immediately called Sir Heige, who Raymond knew well, to find him a suitable place to live.

Hai Wentian, whose chest thumped loudly, laughed heartily: "Sir Raymond, it seems you and I are destined to meet like this! Enjoy yourself in Port Kaidun. What I have, you have too!"

The bright smile and seemingly honest eyes, but the chivalrous air around this sturdy Hai Wentian was too strong, which made Raymond unsure.

After polite farewells, Raymond got on the carriage prepared by Heige again and entered Port Kaidun.

The wide streets and leisurely pedestrians, the whole city of Port Kaidun was built of cobblestones, looking very refreshing and clean.

Heige, who drove the carriage in person, became Raymond's competent guide. The new open carriage allowed Raymond to see everything clearly in Port Kaidun.

Heige, who had always been very respectful to Raymond, became even more cautious, perhaps because Raymond gained Hai Wentian's friendship or because of Hai Wentian's order. Anyway, when Heige took him to his residence, Raymond was still surprised.

On a small hill northeast of Port Kaidun, hidden among the trees, there was a small square castle built of white rocks.

Heige proudly introduced that standing on the terrace of this castle, you could overlook the whole Port Kaidun, the Tolly family castle and the view was very open. On fine days, you could even see the ships at the harbor in the distance.

Walking up the stone steps one by one, Heige in front also told Raymond that this was the Tolly family's summer resort. Because of the favorable terrain and away from the bustle of the city, it was only used in the hot summer.

The generous Hai Wentian offered several villas and manors belonging to the family in and outside the city as options for residence. Because Heige considered that Raymond was a wizard, he chose to come here first. If this ancient castle suited Raymond's mind, it would immediately belong to him.

At the end of the hundreds of stone steps, there were more than a dozen people dressed in servant costumes or armor standing respectfully bent over at the gate of the castle, waiting for Raymond's arrival.

There were six young maids, a humble butler, a burly middle-aged coachman, two sturdy reserve knights, and three miscellaneous workers.

Raymond was a little unsure of Hai Wentian's purpose, but he had witnessed Hai Wentian's generosity.

Standing with Raymond on the terrace of the ancient castle, you could see the whole picture of Port Kaidun in the distance, even the Tolly family castle that Raymond had just left. With the help of the chip, Raymond could see it clearly.

For Hai Wentian's generosity, Raymond asked Heige to convey his thanks. This ancient castle was almost tailor-made for Raymond.

Moreover, the thoughtful Hai Wentian even brought hundreds of gold coins for Raymond's daily expenses.

With such enthusiasm, Raymond had no reason to refuse Hai Wentian's kindness. After sending Heige away, Raymond called the butler of the castle over.

The butler with white hair and wrinkle-free clothes had been in charge of managing the ancient castle for many years. He seemed a little nervous when facing Raymond.

"Respected Sir Raymond, your room is ready. What else do you order?"

Led by the butler to the third floor of the ancient castle, Raymond let the butler briefly introduce the situation of the ancient castle after sitting in the wicker chair.

This ancient castle was built more than two hundred years ago by a person from the Tolly family who reached the strength of a second-level wizard apprentice at the cost of a great price.

But because the descendants of the Tolly family had no potential to become wizards, the ancient castle became a summer resort for the children of the Tolly family.

Although there were rumors that the second-level wizard apprentice named Heilim did not really die, the butler who had worked in the ancient castle for forty years could ensure that everything in the ancient castle was normal...