
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · 奇幻
142 Chs


Miss Octavia, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, stared at Raymond for a long time before finally agreeing.

A contract book condensed by mental power was waved into existence by Miss Octavia. Soon after the terms were drafted, it was placed in front of Raymond.

What Raymond needed to do was to use the method taught by Miss Octavia to send her little daughter Dibola in after returning. The remuneration paid to Raymond would be the magic that Miss Octavia mastered.

But according to Miss Octavia, only two kinds of magic could be condensed into memory spheres, and Raymond still needed to reach the corresponding strength to master them.

One was an offensive wood-attribute magic, and the other was the technique of superimposing magic that Miss Octavia was proud of.

"After you reach the level of an official wizard, you should be able to master the offensive magic," Miss Octavia said with a smile, giving Raymond the right to choose. "Not everyone can master the technique of superimposing magic. It requires time precipitation and a large amount of magic knowledge."

Facing this contract book emitting a faint radiant aura, Raymond couldn't help sighing at Miss Octavia's power again.

This kind of contract book that constrained any species, Raymond had only seen related records in the library of the Wizard Academy. The binding effect of this kind of contract book belonged to a powerful constraint on the soul. Therefore, the conclusion of this kind of contract book also meant that both parties were irrevocable.

Frowning, Raymond read through the terms of the contract book. With the help of the chip, he did not find any potential traps in the contract book. But for only being able to choose one kind of knowledge to impart, Raymond expressed his strong dissatisfaction.

But Miss Octavia explained with a smile that any transaction itself would have a scale for both parties to weigh. Miss Octavia longed and hoped for Little Dibola's return as soon as possible. But this did not mean that she would accept blackmail without limits.

"Little Dibola, who has become a spirit, has no natural enemy in the Wizard Academy. If you don't accept such conditions," Miss Octavia said gloomily, somewhat annoyed. "If it weren't for the feelings of the Wizard Academy nurturing me, I would only need to pay you one-third of the remuneration to exchange for the army sent by the Lord of Augustine to pick her up! So don't think about using my daughter to challenge my tolerance limit."

Raymond narrowed his eyes and stared at Miss Octavia's eyes. Her resolute eyes made Raymond hesitate.

After pondering for a while, Raymond smiled and placed his right hand on his chest, bowing to her. "Then as you wish, let's conclude the agreement now."

As if relieved, Miss Octavia's stern expression disappeared. The contract book floating between the two of them slowly flew in front of Raymond.

After re-checking the contents of the contract book, Raymond solemnly signed his name at the back after canceling the content of the offensive magic in the agreement.

With Raymond's confirmation, the contract book instantly turned into countless light spots, quickly forming two obscure energy flows, shooting into Raymond and Miss Octavia respectively. With the disappearance of the unique energy fluctuations of the contract book, Raymond and Miss Octavia would be subject to powerful constraints until the conditions in this agreement were fulfilled.

The conclusion of the contract book was successful. But looking at the activated creatures full of vitality around him, Raymond asked his question again. "What will happen if these activated creatures are taken away from here?"

"Although they can rapidly improve a wizard's strength, unless they are willing to spit out activated essence, their energy will become poisonous to wizards."

Chuckling and shaking her head, Miss Octavia did not use the Lord of Augustine as an excuse this time. She pointed to the pink fruits on the big tree next to her and said, "The activated essence containing negative energy, after being absorbed by wizards, will encounter unpredictable risks in the future, so you might as well give up."

Raymond narrowed his eyes and looked at the pink fruits jumping and playing in the treetops. After a long time, he sighed bitterly, turned around and asked Miss Octavia, "When did the inspection team of the Lord of Augustine come last time?"

"You stubborn child!" Miss Octavia said with a helpless expression on her face. She finally couldn't resist Raymond's persistence. She pondered for a moment before explaining.

Although the inspection team of the Lord of Augustine had left only a year ago, because here was the area that the Lord of Augustine valued most, if a large number of activated creatures disappeared or died, the inspection team might come quickly.

"They can come here in the shortest time of a year. So don't think about taking people in through the entrance of the space artifact for indiscriminate capture, otherwise angering the Lord of Augustine, it will launch a frenzied retaliation!"

Raymond was quite apprehensive about the Lord of Augustine, described by Miss Octavia as extremely powerful.

But giving up this easily obtainable benefit went against Raymond's principle of pursuing maximum profit.

After hesitating for a long time and looking at the activated creatures jumping around, Raymond's face turned bitter. "Do they have to be willing?"

"Yes! This is the fairy world. Everything here has its fixed rules. The consequences of violation are very serious!" Miss Octavia's eyes became sharp. She pondered for a while and sighed helplessly. "Don't have the idea of achieving instant success and getting rich overnight. Forcibly enhancing your strength will hinder your future growth!"

Hearing this, Raymond, narrowing his eyes, could feel the warning and care in Miss Octavia's words. So Raymond, who did not want to continue arguing on this issue, put forward the request to fulfill the contract book.

As if relieved, Miss Octavia immediately waved her hands. A memory sphere quickly formed in front of her. A few minutes later, the technique of superimposing magic stipulated in the contract book was handed over.

Though only the size of a palm, Raymond let the chip check the data after receiving the memory sphere.

Logical analysis, citation of magic explanations, source of knowledge, simulation deduction...