
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · 漫画同人
64 Chs

Chapter 21: Cadmus

The team arrived at Cadmus Labs, the building engulfed in flames and chaos.

"We need to move fast," Aqualad said as they approached the entrance.

Kid Flash zipped ahead, rescuing two scientists who were about to fall from a collapsing structure. "Gotcha!"

"Thanks, kid," one of the scientists said. "What's your name again? Flash boy?"

Kid Flash's face twisted in annoyance. "It's Kid Flash! And don't you forget it."

Another part of the building exploded, sending debris flying. Tōneri stepped forward, forming hand signs. "Suiton: Mizurappa!" (Water Release: Wild Water Wave) A powerful jet of water erupted from his mouth, extinguishing the flames.

"Wow, that's cool," Kid Flash said, impressed, as Robin helped him up the building with his grappling hook.

Tōneri used Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique) to appear beside Kid Flash, startling him. "Your abilities are nice as well," Tōneri said calmly. But internally, he thought, 'This Kid Flash is slow and sloppy compared to the Flash.'

Aqualad used his hydrokinesis to lower the two scientists safely to the ground. The team then made their way inside the lab, following Robin's lead.


Inside, As Robin continued hacking, Tōneri stood to the side, making a clone silently with both of them using the Meisagakure no Jutsu (Hiding with Camouflage Technique) and the original using Mayfly Technique to erase his presence, the original move through the floor silently while the clone stays with the team but hidden. His Byakugan was active, allowing him to sense around. 'There are multiple lifeforms below," he thought.' These beings are distinct from humans and vary greatly in size and shape. What exactly is Cadmus hiding?"

Robin hacked into the computer system, quickly accessing the building's schematics. "There's something suspicious about this elevator," he said, pointing to an unmarked section of the map.

Aqualad pried open the elevator doors, revealing a deep shaft with multiple sub-levels. "This shouldn't exist," he said, looking down into the abyss.

"Hey guys, where's Toneri?" Kid Flash asked, looking around.

Unbeknownst to them, Tōneri had already descended the elevator shaft, using his techniques to remain undetected while leaving his clone behind. His Byakugan scanning the area. "I need to investigate further while keeping an eye on the team. There are too many anomalies here."

Robin used his wrist computer to analyze the elevator. "It's a high-speed elevator, definitely not standard for this building."

Aqualad looked down, seeing how deep it went. "There are multiple sub-levels. We need to check this out."

Robin then fired his grappling line on top of the roof and began to lower himself until he reached the end of his line at sub-level 26. Aqualad and Kid Flash also lowered themselves down as well from Robin's line. Robin the swung himself to the edge of the level, joined by Aqualad and Kid Flash

Tōneri, meanwhile, wandered off from the team, moving through the shadows. His Byakugan allowed him to map out the entire sub-level structure, sensing every lifeform and trap. "These creatures are engineered, not natural. Cadmus is playing with forces they don't fully understand."

He continued exploring, making sure to keep track of the team's movements through his clone.

As he moved deeper into the facility, he thought, "This place is a labyrinth of secrets. I need to find the core of their operations and discover what they're hiding."


CloneTōneri(Ctoneri) observed the team from a distance as he floated down with them, silently moving through the complex. "I need to gather more information while making sure they don't get overwhelmed."

The team continued their descent into Cadmus Labs, encountering a vast underground facility filled with strange, engineered creatures.

As they reached a deeper sub-level, Kid Flash ran ahead. "Let's see what's down here!" He turned a corner and came face-to-face with a massive, elephant-like creature. Startled, he fell backward, scrambling to get back up. "What the—?"

Robin and Aqualad quickly joined him, watching as a group of the creatures lumbered past. "Stay back," Robin warned, assessing the situation.

On one of the mammoth-like creatures, The creatures had to be over 15ft. tall, grey skin, glowing red eyes, elephantine legs and apelike arms. They walk on all fours like a gorilla and had tusk coming from the sides of their heads. On top of them were smaller like creatures crouching down like gnomes. They also had pale green skin, about two feet tall stubby horns, and glowing red eyes. One of the smaller creatures looked at the four of them, eyes glowed then looked away as it being carried away down the hall.

"No, nothing out of order here," he said in a monotone voice.

CTōneri, hidden from sight, observed the scene with his Byakugan. 'Mind control? Interesting... and dangerous,' he thought. He focused on the gnome, noting its influence over Aqualad.

The team moved cautiously, staying out of sight as more creatures and gnomes passed by.

Tōneri, meanwhile, continued his silent exploration, keeping track of the team's progress. "This facility is more than just a lab. It's a testing ground for something far more sinister it would seem."

Deeper in the labs of Project Cadmus, a Caucasian man with brown hair in a ponytail, with glasses and a lab coat was currently working some kind of chemicals in a lab with tubes that was breeding the same creatures down in the halls. He had some kind of blue crystal in a test tube filled with water, then dipped a red liquid in the tube, then the crystal quickly broke down and dissolve into blue liquid.

After it was done the scientist, Dr. Desmond, put the tube into a container labeled Project Blockbuster where it has other tubes of the chemicals in it.

"Dr. Desmond?" Then a man wearing a black combat suit, golden helmet and golden shield on his left arm came into the room. He also had one of those small gnome with horns on his shoulder.

"Tell me, Guardian, what part of 'no interruptions' did you not understand?" Dr. Desmond asked.

"My apologizes, but I came to inform you a G-gnome from sub-level 26 has reported four intruders." Guardian said. Dr. Desmond sighed.

"Did I miss a perimeter breach alert?"

"No…" Guardian said slowly.

"Then the G-gnome is confused." Dr. Desmond said. "What ever occurred in our faux-aboveground lab, the real Cadmus is the most secure facility in D.C."

"My job to keep it that way." Guardian said.

"Fine, take a squad." Dr. Desmond sighed.

Before Guardian left the lab, another person came into the room. He was skinny, had blue/grey skin, wearing a white shirt and pants, red eyes, elfin ears, whisker-like tendrils drooped down like a mustache, and two arched horns on his forehead. This was Dubbilex, the highest-ranking Genomorph and second in command of Project Cadmus.

"May I recommend Guardian to leave his G-Gnome behind?" Dubbilex requested. "If violence should occur…"

"The little guy might get in my way." Guardian finished.

"No!" Dr. Desmond said. "The advantage of instant telepathic communication outweighs other concerns." He rubbed the chin of the G-gnome sitting on the table; afterwards, the horns of both G-gnomes began to glow.

Guardian eyes gazed over as he spoke in an emotionless tone, same as aqualad signifying mind control. "I need my G-Gnome with me at all times." Guardian said. Then he and Dubbilex walked out of the lab.


So it's my birthday today🥳🥳🥳happy plus one to me🙏🏻So an additional chapter will be added as a gift😁