
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 20: The Day

Three months had passed since the battle with Typhan. The world had returned to a semblance of normalcy, but the memory of that day remained vivid in the minds of many. The Justice League and their young protégés had been busy, recently dealing with coordinated attacks by ice-themed villains in various cities.

Gotham City

Mr. Freeze Terrorizing the city and blasting his cold gun, " Enjoying family time?" He said preparing while sliding down a froze path before being interrupted by Robin landing deftly on the icy ground. "Oh, the Boy Wonder. The Bat sent you to drag me off to prison? Frankly, I'm underwhelmed," Mr. Freeze taunted, aiming his ice gun at Robin.

"Great, I'm kind of in a hurry here," Robin retorted, flinging a Batarang towards Freeze.

Mr. Freeze deflected it with a blast of ice. "Kids. Always in such a rush."

Robin replied, "Not talking to you," as Batman appeared from behind and delivered a powerful punch, cracking Mr. Freeze's helmet.

Star City

Green Arrow and Speedy faced off against Icicle Jr. at the docks.

"Give it up, Icicle Jr.," Green Arrow shouted, drawing an arrow from his quiver. "You can't win."

Icicle Jr. grinned. "Finally I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here" He blasted a wave of ice toward the two archers.

Speedy shot an explosive arrow, intercepting the ice blast mid-air and causing a small explosion that showered them with ice crystals. "This little distraction better not interfere!"

Speedy fired an arrow, hitting Icicle Jr. and knocking him to the ground. "Hehehe kid had a glass jaw," green arrow said as they secured the villain.

" Hilarious can we go, Todays the day." Said speedy impatiently.

Central City

The Flash and Kid Flash sped through the city streets, chasing after Captain Cold.

"Don't get cocky, Wally," Flash replied, grinning. "Just stay focused."

Captain Cold fired his cold gun, creating slippery ice patches and freezing cars in his path. "Think you can catch me, Scarlet Speedster?"

"More like, freeze you in your tracks!" Kid Flash retorted, circling around to create a vortex that lifted Captain Cold off the ground.

Flash followed up, disarming Cold with a rapid punch and then tying him up. "Cool it, Captain," Flash said with a smirk.

Today's the day," Kid Flash said with excitement

Pearl Harbor

Aqualad and Aquaman confronted Killer Frost. "Don't tell me you're not excited?" Aquaman asked.

"Right now my king I am more focused on the matter at hand," Aqualad said while rushing to meet frost.

Killer Frost sending a wave of ice toward them. Aqualad summoned water whips, countering the ice attack. "Not today," he said, moving swiftly to hit Frost on her chin immobilizing her.

" But yes I'm excited, today's the day."

Hall of Justice

With the ice villains apprehended, the young heroes and their mentors convened at the Hall of Justice. As Flash and Kid Flash were the last to arrive, seeing the rest already there kid flash looked at the Flash, " I knew we'd get here last!"

As they entered, they saw a white-haired, pale-skinned boy meditating in the corner of the room."Hey, isn't that the guy who fought against that monster with the League a few months back?" Kid Flash asked, nudging Robin.

"Yeah, that's Tōneri," Robin confirmed.

Aqualad stepped forward, a small smile on his face. "It's good to see you again, Tōneri."

Tōneri opened his eyes, revealing his milky white Byakugan. "Likewise, Aqualad."

Kid Flash stared at Tōneri's eyes. "Whoa, freaky eyes."

Tōneri's expression remained blank, causing Kid Flash to quickly apologize. "Sorry, man."

Introductions followed, with each young hero introducing themselves. Speedy, however, stood apart, observing Tōneri with a critical eye.

The Flash told them, "Make yourselves at home."The Flash told the young heroes to make themselves at home as the senior members of the League began their debriefing on the ice villains.

"Batman 02, Aquaman 06, Flash 04, Green Arrow 08, Martian Manhunter 07, and Red Tornado 16," the computer's scanner announced as each leaguer presented themselves.

The debriefing was interrupted by Speedy's outburst.Speedy stepped forward, fists clenched. "That's it? You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass!"

The mentors tried to calm him down, but Speedy continued his outburst. "We deserve better! If you can't treat us like equals, we'll find someone who will."

Looking back at the rest who were confused, "you're joking right."

"They've got a satellite in orbit called the watchtower and yet we are here because they think we aren't ready," speedy said in frustration before Aquaman stepped forward telling him to calm down.

Speedy stormed out, leaving the rest in stunned silence.

Tōneri watched impassively, pondering the League's secrecy. He couldn't help but think Speedy was acting like a child but also understood his frustration. The League had not trusted their own protégés.

Superman's face appeared on the screen. "There's a fire at Project Cadmus."

Batman nodded. "I've had my suspicions."

Zatara then popped up. "Wotan is blotting out the sun over Metropolis."

Tōneri perked up at this information, finding it intriguing. The League quickly decided on their next moves, instructing the young heroes to stay put.

As the League departed, Green Arrow told Martian Manhunter, "Glad you didn't bring you-know-who."

As they left Tornado looked back at the team and glanced at toneri who was looking back at him before turning to follow the league out.

Tōneri, now sitting properly with one arm resting on his knee and the other leg outstretched, watched the League leave. Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Robin stood in disbelief.

"How are we ever going to be ready when they treat us like sidekicks!" Kid Flash exclaimed.

Aqualad nodded. "My mentor, my king I thought he trusted me."

"They don't even trust us with the basics they've got a secret HQ in space." Said kid flash.Feeling confused aqualad askes what else could they be keeping from them.

"Better question why didn't we leave with speedy?" Robin asked feeling betrayed.

Toneri looked at them impassively while wondering what they would do next. 'Are they going to just obey and sit still or will they grow out from their mentors shadow I wonder.'

"Project Cadmus," Aqualad mused. "What is that?"

"Don't know but I can find out," Robin said, hacking into the League's computer system. He discovered the fire at Cadmus Labs and suggested they leave to investigate.

'Well it would seem they have made their choice' Toneri thought in amusement.

The trio was about to leave when they turned to Tōneri, who had his eyes closed again.

"Why didn't you follow the League on their mission?" Robin asked.

Tōneri opened his eyes, looking at them calmly. "I'm here to see what this is all about. I'm not interested in always following the League. Though, I am curious about how Wotan is blotting the sun."

Aqualad stepped forward, speaking politely. "Then are you interested in accompanying us to Project Cadmus?"

Tōneri thought for a moment before nodding. "This could prove interesting after all."

With their group now including Tōneri, the young heroes sneaked out of the Hall of Justice and made their way to Project Cadmus. They entered through a series of underground tunnels, navigating their way with Robin's guidance. The journey was tense, each step bringing them closer to uncovering the secrets hidden within Cadmus.